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Everything posted by Onysfx

  1. Remember watching this many years ago. Thanks for releasing your hard work.
  2. DGS Maps had plenty of stuff but their gone now . If I had the hard drive space back then I would have archived as much of it as I could. ::JEDI:: has maps you won't find anywhere else though.
  3. @Linken Well, might as well add this one to kotf XD
  4. Galaxies definitely has the best gunplay in JKA so far (in my opinion of course)
  5. @@Fire Phoenix Thanks for reviewing them, appreciate it. Will dig through some more maps I may have missed later tonight and this weekend, may have another short list coming.
  6. Yep. And nobody would believe that it could possibly be worse in that parallel reality lol.
  7. GL's version would have been way better than what we got with Disney. Although people would still probably be pissed off if we went in that timeline, blissfully unaware of the horrors Disney has inflicted.
  8. Never met you, but seen those maps so...welcome back.
  9. No need for GLDirect then, that graphics card is fine for regular drivers. Windows is stupid, sometimes it will say your drivers are up to date even if they aren't. https://support.amd.com/en-us/download Update em, and MAKE SURE that your Radeon HD 6770M is the default display device.
  10. I second this, but only because it's the only raven game I've played besides JO and JA. Definitely need to play Hexen and Heretic though.
  11. Didn't know it always said pentium 4, I assumed he was on a toaster like I was years ago and gave him the best advice I knew would work. The laptop I was running it on was an old ATI mobility card with 16MB vram.
  12. Classic issue. He's using a pentium 4 it seems. @@Who is watching? What is your graphics card? If updating drivers don't help, I recommend this: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gldirect/ It's what I used to fix that issue on my old laptop long ago. Download and install it, then fiddle with the config and try launching Jedi Academy. Should work eventually.
  13. Loved this map back in the day. Sad to hear its crashing on openJK .
  14. First one I saw was phantom menace on VHS. Only star wars I've seen in theatres is episode 3 and 7.
  15. Heh, heard people saying "Oh, the damage is fixed, micro transactions removed". Well guess what, the damage was already done, BFII is terrible and now BFII's transformation to the darkside is complete (in a bad way of course).
  16. Everyone, I've been rethinking my position on episode 7 and 8, and I realize now, they are great movies.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Onysfx


      Didn't they destroy lukes character in that film? Even Mark hamill wasn't happy with it.

    3. Ramikad


      Pretty much what I read too. Luke senses the Dark Side in Kylo? Well, how about, you know, TALKING about it?

  17. Just got Jedi Academy working on Arch Linux via openJK. UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Onysfx


      I installed linux mint (based on ubuntu) and despite people saying it's more stable than arch, I've had more problems with it. If you ever plan to reinstall arch, I recommend antergos, it's what im using, lightweight, gfx drivers installed for you, works out of the box.

    3. Syko


      Drivers pre-installed for you? That sounds convenient. Are these the crappy open-source drivers or the vendor drivers?

    4. Onysfx


      Open source, AMD's open source has gotten ALOT better recently, apparently AMD is actually helping work on them. Nvidia is still best on vendor though.

  18. What I mean is, you can actually walk around while the next map is loading. A loading area type of place. Instead of having to have a vid_restart type of scenario. A more seamless experience. Problem is, I'm not sure if this is even possible.
  19. *Smashes lightsaber* "Not so distinct now, is it? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAAH!"
  20. You're forgetting one important thing: That requires time. And time is lacking these days.
  21. What I mean is, you can't have too much stuff loaded at once or the game will crash. So instead when you go to another map, it somehow clears all the current stuff out of memory and loads the next map without disconnecting from the server.
  22. Would be cool if a server could host multiple maps at once, instead of having to switch to another server to load another map.
  23. Onysfx

    Taris RP

    One of the best JKA maps of all time.
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