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    Moviebattles 2
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    Windows 10

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Community Answers

  1. Did anyone ever make an Ahch-To map? I seem to remember seeing one in WIP somewhere but I might be mistaken.
  2. Thrawn's office in Rebels would be cool, or at least some approximation of it.
  3. Lt Claim over on the MB2 forums did Imperial Supercommandos. The download link for the pack should be in this thread. There are Nite Owls and Bo Katan somewhere on the Hub I think, but they're the TCW variants not the Rebels ones. https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/claims-new-wip-thread.7063/
  4. Thought it'd be worth mentioning that Lt. Claim over on the Movie Battles forums released a new model pack the other day. Given that his R1 and Rebels models are featured already, I thought I'd be worth mentioning it here. Link to the forum: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/claims-new-wip-thread.7063/ There's some real good ones in there like an old Rex, Rebels Ahsoka, Imperial Supercommandos, Scarif rebels, Resistance troopers, and a few more.
  5. I think someone over on the Movie Battles forums was working on porting them from Force Arena a while ago, not sure if anything came of it though.
  6. Now that you've opened the flood gates a tad, any chance of Highsinger, the Aquadroid, the Felucian, the A-Wing pilot, or the Nightsister spirit?
  7. I've got to ask the question, who's even left to steal ports anymore? And more importantly, why would anyone still have an issue with people making them in the first place? Let's be honest, the modding scene for JKJA is tiny these days. Only Movie Battles and Movie Duels are getting updated anywhere near semi-regularly, with KoTF 2.1 probably ticking away somewhere. It's a testimony to the modding community that this game still has as much interest as it does, but even in the brief few years since I've been playing there's no hiding the fact that people just aren't making stuff for it anymore. The last new file uploaded to the hub was over a month ago, compare that to the almost daily uploads that were seen only 2-3 years ago. It's the people in these forums that are offering the last trickles of content using ports and the like, and even these too have dried up in the last few months. So what if they didn't originally make the model? The porting and rigging takes time and effort that most people wouldn't or couldn't give. I came very late to this game and it's people like Jeff, Kualan, Scerendo, Plasma, Lt. Claim, and others that drew me in and kept me checking everyday just to see if anyone had something new. I don't give a damn if someone ports, I'm sure most people don't, and I'm grateful for the people who do for contributing to hundreds of hours of enjoyment I've been able to have in this game. If Jeff, The Punisher, or anyone else wants to post ports they've worked on, I'll applaud it and welcome it with open arms. If they don't, they can step aside knowing they've already done much more than their fair share to keep this community alive far longer than most modding communities can hope to be. Yeah, that got off track a bit, but there we are. TL;DR - This modding scene is old and dwindling, mad respect to the people who've kept it alive this long regardless of whether they use ports to do it.
  8. That's a real shame you guys
  9. Is there a mod or tool that allows for a free camera at all? Sort of like a spectator mode to just look around a map or a scene for things like screenshots. I'm aware of the camera commands that let you 'detach' the camera from the player but all it does is leave the camera in one place while you move the player and that's not really what I'm looking for. Thanks
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