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Everything posted by swegmaster

  1. gud this finally out
  2. thats been done and is here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2818-starkiller-galen-marek-outfit-pack-for-jka/
  3. esb han icon stormie han icon full stormie icon tfa han icon
  4. @@Seven new icons for han, cant do esb one because odd shit on it in modview: default a new hope
  5. ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy now thats perfect realism, wonder if theres a yellow core version too
  6. omg battlefront 2 mods
  7. Salvoo, do you have any plans on porting the battlefront 3 boba fett model?
  8. dank map m8, 10/10, like all ur shit
  9. kotor lightsabers are done
  10. request, after many months, is finally complete: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3017-starkiller-clone-lightsaber/
  11. eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, my request was done
  12. @@Seven has made a battlefront saber soundpack
  13. still no permission to view attachment
  14. i myself made a little mod that replaces the beeps of jka with kotor menu sounds, of course when clicking some things theres still a beep, but its not nearly as annoying as base
  15. how the shit? looked like a port first glance
  16. as long as you can try and find out who made it, or if it was ported, who ported it or if you ported it, what game O.o o.O :O
  17. thank god you made it smaller
  18. ty for fixing the adfly situation, was it intentional to make money off links? also, where did you get anh 3p0 in the image?
  19. can you make texture updates for tfu ben to look exactly like tfu ben?
  20. because base jka npc limits and string limits fuck it, thus why you can only have 30 new npcs in base kotf with too much character biography text making the game run out of memory for text and fucks everything over
  21. as he said, only some of the ports are his, not every model in the zip is ported by him, in fact, thank @@DarthStiv for alot of them
  22. with my mapping skills, and probably @@MagSul's if he has the time, i could try level 21, and he could try something like level 8/level 9
  23. if you count placeholders, then most characters are done, just need gorc and pic, grave tuskens, water cyc, drugon, kell dragon, and df2 no goggles imp commando
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