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Posts posted by the_raven



    Phewh, now that that's out of the way, I really need help with this - there' just so many files, I can't figure out which ones of them I need, and which I don't need. Basically, I want to extract two versions - robed and un-robed (tunic), with appropriate team colors (basically a total of four skin sets). Which ones do I need to extract from where?


    Thanks for the help! :)

  2. As this is kind of about bots,i was wondering has anyone managed to stop the silly team colour saber restriction.What i mean is,if you are on red team you have to have a red saber and if you are on blue team you have to have a blue saber.is there any way of removing that crappy restriction ? for team player colours ive replaced every blue and red model to a default model (standard colour). This would be a huge help if someone could tell me how to get rid of this.


    I am on mac so this is always more of a ballache

    JA+ and JA++ have an option for letting bots keep their original saber color(s) in TFFA, and these mods come available for mac (or linux, there's certainly a difference, I'm just not sure what it is)

    other than that, I'd suggest digging around the shaders or something

    J450N likes this
  3. Hello there :)


    i had the same problem!


    open your . bot file in text edit and check that you have told the personality to point at the correct JKB file, Even the slightest spelling mistake can ruin it. Im sure you probably already knew this but i had the same issue as you and just by correcting a slight spelling mistake solved this issue for me. i hope this helped you

    aye, thank you :)

    ooeJack and AngelModder like this
  4. cGGEOm9.jpg

    Well, now I know what a dickhead looks like. Thanks for that :D

    2 is good, shows off some emotion. 4 is pretty nice and detailed. 5 and 10 I like, they remind me of something from the 80-90's. 6 and 7 I just don't get. the colors are a nice touch in 11, feels like a comic. the last one is pretty cool.

    overall, I'd say you should work on details, but I like.

    Bek likes this
  5. Ah, funny how you began with cyberpunk as I'm going to see a cyberpunk play at my friend's theatre college tomorrow :D

    As to books, I'm not sure what to suggest. I remember I once came across one called The Cyberpunk Factbook 2.0, or something along those lines. You might find it interesting, though I'm not sure if it's artistic literature or indeed a fact-book.

    Bek likes this
  6. I  agree whith you, i'm waiting for a Scarif map,other Star Wars games like the two battlefronts from Pandemic are very active in mapping. If I knew how to make maps i would make a lot of interesting maps, for example a port of the tatooine dune sea map for Battlefront (2004) wich i trying make it but is so difficult, and a dagobah map too( i don't know why isn't a dagobah map),or maps based in the new battlefront  would be a good idea, i know mapping  is difficult and would take a lot of time but the maps you mentioned would be a great addition for this game

    If only there were better\ easier mapping tools for JK :(

  7. Oye, oye!

    Rebels S04 confirmed!


    As to my impressions on the last two episodes of S03, here goes: (spoilers(!!!), obviously)

    I'm glad they finally got the Rebels off that lame planet. Maybe it's those spiders, but I really hated it.

    Have no strong opinion on Thrawn not dying, never cared for the character, no matter how well-written he is (yeah, yeah, I missed the pre-Ep1 time when he basically held Star Wars lore continuity all by himself), but his moment of weakness, when Bendu mocked him with that prediction, I considered it uncalled for. Speaking of Bendu, I was really glad when the Imps shot the arrogant asshole out of the sky, but was likewise disappointed when he survived (though it's unclear if he Obi-Wan'd on Thrawn, or escaped). The Rebels loosing the battle was good. Really good - we finally see the Empire as it should be - a professional, totalitarian war-machine!

    The music was well chosen, the bombardment scene was just beautiful! I actually still can't believe Sato died, I mean, I thought he lived at least to the end of A new hope? Eh, anyway.

    What else to say? Um, oh yeah - Interdictors, Mandalorians, Death Troopers, Konstantine dying (finally!).

    And I really hope S04 will deal with the Mandalorians' civil war, and will have more Rogue One related content.

  8. Eh, that's a vague title.

    I've been browsing though the mods section and noticed that there aren't many mods that deal with Rebels, Rogue One, or TFA. The ones available are mostly sabers, player models, reskins, and only a few maps. Now these are indeed all good and welcome, and I know there aren't many mappers left among us, and that the three aforementioned um...products(?) are not very popular with most people, but then, why is there so little content on TCW, which everyone likes a lot better?

    I'm probably gonna get bashed for saying this, but let's stop making skins, player models, and sabers, and actually get to making more maps, especially ones from TCW, Rebels, TFA, and Rogue One, because there many places there that'd make great Duel or FFA maps.

    What do you all think?

    Jeff, Teancum and Kuhe like this
  9. I think the main issue however is that the .NPC files are different, the outcast NPCS have no Force Powers listed in their files cos it's hard coded (?) into them, so you'd have to manually readd all the powers you want them to use, plus all the outcast NPC's are listed in the same file called npcs.cfg. I'll post an example.


    Jedi Outcast:

        fullName    "Katarn, Kyle"
        playerModel    kyle
        saberColor    blue
        reactions    4
        aim        5
        move        3
        aggression    5
        evasion        5
        intelligence    5
        playerTeam    player
    //    race        human
        class        kyle
        snd            kyle
        sndcombat    kyle
        sndjedi        kyle
        dismemberProbHead    1
        dismemberProbArms    1
        dismemberProbHands    20
        dismemberProbLegs    1
        dismemberProbWaist    1

    Jedi Academy:

        playerModel    kyle
        saber        kyle
        rank        commander
        health        1000
        weapon    WP_BRYAR_PISTOL
        weapon    WP_SABER
        saberStyle    1
        saberStyle    3
        saberStyle    2
        FP_HEAL            3
        FP_LEVITATION    3
        FP_SPEED        3
        FP_PUSH            3
        FP_PULL            3
        FP_TELEPATHY    3
        FP_GRIP            3
        FP_LIGHTNING    2
        FP_SABERTHROW    3
        FP_RAGE            0
        FP_PROTECT        3
        FP_ABSORB        3
        FP_DRAIN        0
        FP_SEE            3
        forcePowerMax    200
        reactions    4
        aim        5
        move        3
        aggression    5
        evasion        5
        intelligence    5
        playerTeam    TEAM_PLAYER
        class        CLASS_KYLE
        snd            kyle
        sndcombat    kyle
        sndjedi        kyle
        dismemberProbHead    0
        dismemberProbArms    0
        dismemberProbHands    0
        dismemberProbLegs    0
        dismemberProbWaist    0

    The way they are coded is different so you can't just simply copy and paste, you'd have to add in what's missing otherwise they'll not work as intended.


    As I said originally, Outcast uses .cfg for it's npcs where as the Academy version is .npc.

    I suppose, but then, if you figured it out, there shouldn't be a problem, no?

    Also, Kyle isn't the best example to use in this regard because he's the player character, and his force power gain is indeed coded. It's the same for the player.npc in JKA, though that one has even less info on the character. Eh, doesn't matter, I guess.

  10. Yeah true, it came up as mandalorian ideas on google. The helmet definitely looks like the sith stalker though. I just didn't know what else to call it lol

    aye, the helmet is Ubese, at least according to the Sith Stalker Armor description on Wookieepedia

  11. I get how memorable the EU is with fans, but I don't understand the outright hatred to anything new. Disney simply pushed aside the EU to make new interesting content. Moving the Eu to legends is ≠ destroying the EU. The content is still there, you're just not gonna get movies based on it in the future.


    Mickey Mouse isn't the new emperor, and Kyle Katarn isn't his new b!tch.

    Me, I don't hate the new canon, I just feel like it's really bland and hardly original by comparison, not to mention that some of the things were done better in the old canon.

    But how is it not =/= to destroying the EU? They just take bits from it to add to the new lore - Malachor is a planet covered in glass that has a giant Sith city underneath? Wot? All the Jedi there used cross-guard lightsabers (according to issue #2 of the new Maul comic) - again, wot? The Kotor stories were just so much more interesting in this little regard. Or the Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Vizsla? They just gave all the fanboys and girls what they've been wanting all this time. But a Mandalorian can't be a Jedi, there' just too big a difference between the two groups' ideologies, not to mention that the Mandos are now a human sub-race rather than a multi-race culture.

    Sure, the old EU content is still there, but what's the point if it's not really a part of the universe anymore? Just 'legalized' fan-fiction, is what it is.

    But at least you're right about two things: MM isn't the new Emperor - thank the Force for that! And KK isn't a b!@tch - he's not even there anymore.

    Cerez and Ramikad like this
  12. It's not just the new star wars that is broken. It's all of hollywood and much of video games.


    With video games it's a copycat industry along with creating a hype machine to get preorders. Then they usually don't release the whole game so they can release the second half in DLC's. Also with video games they are also trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. That's why a lot of these games seem like remakes of the last few games. Any innovation is risky so the cookie cutter is the better strategy.


    With Hollywood it's even worse. They are currently making a remake the Matrix series (probably repackaged with lots of SJW stuff.) How many spider man and lame comic book movies have we seen? 99% of the stuff at the movie theatre is really bad stuff now.

    You're absolutely right, my good sir! But you didn't answer the question :rolleyes:

    Actually, I didn't know about the Matrix remake. Wonder what SJW crap they can stick into it - I really can't think of anything...but I guess they'll find a way <_<

    I wish they'd remake the Matrix with the original script, the one that doesn't have the cheap happy ending -_-

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