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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Maybe people need to rotate? (is that the proper word?) You know, like when the first group of people get tired or bored, they're replaced by a second group, permanently or temporarily, and then back. In the end, the project gets finished with the people who are indeed into the project, be they from the first or the second group. Of course, everyone'll have to be given credit (long as they actually did work on the project).

  2. Probably luck of the draw. Cause there are multiple factors. Timezones, knowing someone, wanting to be private, etc.

    Well yeah, but 'Timezones' aren't really a factor - you're 6 hours later than me? Not a problem, answer when you're online. 'Knowing someone' isn't either, after all, if you're telling your e-mail to anyone who can freely download your mod, you shouldn't be afraid of getting random people writing to you. 'Wanting to be private' also sounds like some sort of hoowey, after all, why release a mod, and provide a means of contacting you, if you want to be private? Sure, people change, and if previously you were fine with people writing to you, and now you're not, that's one thing, but how many people are like that really?

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  3. Since when is supporting a charity a publicity stunt? It's Force For Change which is a Star Wars/Lucasfilm charity. He does this stuff all the time, even when not on camera.

    According to wikipedia (at least), a Publicity Stunt is...

    a planned event designed to attract the public's attention to the event's organizers or their cause. Publicity stunts can be professionally organized, or set up by amateurs. Such events are frequently utilized by advertisers, celebrities, athletes, and politicians.

    and since Force For Change\ charity is a cause, technically, I didn't write anything wrong.


    Oh, and pardon my ignorance of FFC, we don't get much info on such stuff here in Moldova.

  4. I don't think we know each other. Hi!
    Me? I'm not much into MP because I always get tons of lag and there are very few RP communities anymore (or I don't like the ones that are still active).

    Whenever I do try to enter a duel\ ffa server, they're usually either empty, have bots (basically everyone's offline), or the players aren't very welcoming to outsiders (at best they just ignore you in chat and treat you like any opponent) - at least, that's the situation on the servers I tried entering. Then there' the German, Ukrainian, Russian, etc. servers, but if you don't speak the language, all you can do is run around chopping\ shooting people with little-to-unintelligible feedback.

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