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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. If you want to leave the internet, just change all your passwords to something randomly generated, don't write them down and then stop paying for your internet service and get rid of your phone/other devices with wifi.  Deleting your account is overkill and only necessary if you're trying to reduce your internet footprint and hide from the NSA, and even then it's probably all still archived (citation machine etc).

    I actually already delete most of my website accounts. I now only have one here, on moddb, on facebook (because I need it for university <_< ), and that's about it. I still have an e-mail and skype though. Randomly generated passwords sounds like a good idea. I can't stop paying for internet service though, since I currently live with my parents, and they need the internet for work, etc. Also, I don't use devices that use wifi (other than my computer) - I have an old Nokia cellphone :P

    But yeah, deleting my internet accounts won't protect me from the NSA, though they can bite me - they have not right to track me anyway, since I'm not an American citizen (since they might have the right to spy on Americans out of supposed security concerns).

    Deleting an account will render all the threads you posted in awkwardly incomplete, as it will delete your posts too. I can ban you if you'd like. You could always email me when you want to return.

    But why? It actually makes me wonder why some forums only delete ones account but not their messages, and others don't.

    I might consider your offer though :lol:

    Just install internet blocker

    I thought about that, but I'm not at all tech-savvy :shrug:

  2. I think I saw that one, but I'm looking for a full ported model of the trandoshans from the 1st and second kotor or a model with the head ported on. Don't know why but I think the trandos from the 1st and second kotor look the best to me...

    Yeah, their proportions seem more or less 'real'.

    By the way, is that Vossk?

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