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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Now that you've mentioned it, it's kinda strange that a robot in a galaxy far far away has a Chinese name...

    Anyway, I'm not a big fan of robots that act more human than the humans (not humane), have personal names, and so forth. The model looks like it's long overdue for scrap (the robot's design is fairly old, I think), but it doesn't mean the robot has to act like an old geezer - it's a machine, people!!

    But yeah, I can dig the model.

  2. When Malachor was featured in Rebels, a lot of people figured that it's sure proof KOTOR wouldn't be included into new canon, however, personally, I don't believe it's true. Here's why:

    1. Malachor =/= Malachor V. It's in the name. In the old canon (though admittedly introduced by TOR), Malachor V is the fifth planet in the Malachor system, as such, the Malachor featured in Rebels may have just been Malachor I. Both were Sith worlds in both canons. Besides, the planets' appearances differ quite drastically.
    2. In TCW, on Mandalore, there are murals showing Mandalorians fighting Jedi. If the event wasn't big, it wouldn't have been depicted as part of Palace art. The Mandalorian Wars have been included into the new canon.
    3. Revan was supposed to appear in TCW, though he was cut.
    4. The Hammerhead-Class Cruisers were brought into new canon by Rebels. We can see that the design is somewhat different from the ones in KOTOR. Obviously the ships should have been obsolete considering the time between KOTOR and the Rise of the Empire Era (~2000 years, iirc), but: a) the universe was supposed to be 'lived in', b) Rebels didn't necessarily have access to new tech, so they'd take whatever they could get, c) the designs are different, so perhaps the Hammerheads survived throughout the years, with improvements and slight changes (if it works, why repair it?).
    5. Moraband (damn, I hate that name! >.<) was featured in TCW, and its appearance was heavily influenced by the KOTOR (TOR?) one.

    Your thoughts? Shall we launch some kind of petition to Disney? :rolleyes:

  3. Currently, there is no direct and confirmed info, that Luke established his academy on Yavin IV (in New Canon). But when playing JO I also thought, it was strange to create an Academy there, on Yavin IV, 

    The fall of Desann in JO also indicates it wasn't a very good idea. In comics many more dark stories took place there after Battle of Endor.


    Not Coruscant – well, maybe because the Temple there wasn't just a ruin, but a structure uglified by the Emperor and the Dark Side, which would always remind, how the last Jedi failed and were destroyed by the Empire (as seen in The Force Unleashed). Yavin IV on the other hand had a dark aura from a long past, not directly connected to Vader and Luke's dark past. In new Canon the Jedi Temple is a former Emperor's palace, so it no longer can serve as a traditional Jedi temple, but rather as an archive and a place of search for various Imperial secrets. (However the other reason could be, that there wasn't too much information on Coruscant in 1990s, when the first ideas about the new Jedi Academy flourished).


    Not Dantooine – seemed to be a much better place for an academy. I can't name any reasons from within Star Wars universe, why there is no academy there... But the reasons are probably the same as for Coruscant, almost nothing known about this location in 1990s. Also, the planets those years looked quite simple and alike, so Dantooine didn't have any specific traits to be interesting for the appearance of the planet with Jedi Academy. A distinctive look for various worlds became possible with video games and TV series, which happened much later. Unfortunately the new canon only makes a Rebel base true.


    There were other planets, which could serve as HQ for the new Jedi. Currently, we have Ilum, Ossus, Tython, as well Dagobah (quite dark) and Endor (not that bad, no direct Force affiliation).


    In general, the concept wasn't thought through enough, I think (just like with Clone Wars, which until Episode II, was shown as a conflict between the Cloners and other parties, which some links to the Republic). Ralph McQuarrie made a concept with the Temple and Rebels seeing something terrible in there. But perhaps in general, it was believed, that the ruins are just "some old temples", used now by the Rebels. No indication on Sith at the time. Later on the nature of the Massassi became more detailed, revealing all the stuff with the Dark Side, which in turn was justified as a way for the new Jedi always feel the temptation of the evil, but learn to resist it.


    The new Canon stories reveal, that some people even made home on Yavin IV.

    Hmm, good point. But still, the temptation would be a bit extreme, don't you think?

    Also, when you're talking about Ilum, Ossus, Tython, Dagobah, and Endor you're talking about old canon, right? Because:

    • In the old canon there isn't any info past the Imperial Era about Ilum. In the new canon, it was severely damaged by the Empire's mining operations and they 'corrupted' it with their presence;
    • Ossus had a new academy established by Luke's Order in the old canon after the Yuuzhan Vong War because the one on Yavin 4 was destroyed, and because they didn't want Coruscant (for some negative associations). In the new canon, the Ossus academy (or library) had been abandoned long before the Imperial Era, and never seen again;
    • Tython had an academy re-established after Darth Zannah (Darth Bane's apprentice) rediscovered it, and the Jedi kicked the Sith out, but after the Imperial Era, there's no info. In the new canon the planet is really obscure - it was added into canon through a tabletop rpg, and only thing in-universe about it is that it's believed as one of the places of origin of the Jedi Order;
    • Dagobah was never used as a place for an academy, I don't know why. Maybe it's too dangerous? You know, all the beasts...The cave however, was used several times by Luke and other Jedi, and some of the students were sent there during the Kilik crisis. The cave's dark side aura came from the death of a Dark Jedi some long time in the past. At least, that's the old canon story. In the new canon, there's nothing at all (that is, except for Yoda's episodes).
    • Endor indeed doesn't have a Force connection. In the old canon there was no academy, but some Jedi students from the new Ossus academy did hide there from Darth Caedus, before Luke evacuated them. In the new canon, there's likewise nothing other than what is shown in the movie.

    So I guess Yavin 4 was either the first planet to be chosen by authors, or the whole 'temples' idea seemed appealing and made sense for the Jedi.

    NumberWan and General Howard like this
  4. Note: Before anything, it's not a complaint about the removal of old canon, it's just a fan discussion.


    One thing that's always bothered me with Luke's academy on Yavin 4 was the fact that Yavin 4 used to be a Sith world. Yes, it's got a strong Force 'field' (aura, if you will), but it's a dark sided field, therefore isn't it counter intuitive to be training Jedi there? - He's exposing untrained (undertrained) students to the dark side! Luke himself said it in JKA that the Massassi temple had a 'residual dark side aura'!

    Now, some of you might remind me that the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was also built atop a Sith shrine, which in turn was built atop a Coruscant mountain (not that the latter is all that important in this case, but it is a place of natural Force power), but the old Jedi were way more informed and powerful than Luke is and ever will be, so obviously they had those 'cleansing' rituals that would counter the dark side influence of a place - most religions have those in some form after all. Does Luke know those rituals? It's not mentioned anywhere. Luke just moved in and established an academy on Yavin 4. What was his reasoning exactly? Because it was the former base of the good guys? (if I'm not mistaking, it was the same temple as the rebel base featured in Ep4) The Rebels were just random people, people that have a wide range of emotions, including negative ones - they hated the Empire, wanted to destroy it, went to war against it. Sure, their reasons were pure (mostly), but those were still strong and negative emotions and actions. Not to mention that not all rebels were actually nice people, there were cutthroats among them too! (an example of this were the rebels featured in Rogue One at that).

    So, what do you guys think? Why did Luke establish a Jedi academy on a Sith world? Why not return to Coruscant? Or why not establish one on Dantooine (since in the old canon, there had already been a Jedi Enclave there) since it is a canon world.

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