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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. @Noodle

    I remember a discussion on this matter. With the old EU the words of Yoda could still be true - some old Jedi Masters left the path (fell to the DS like Jerec), left the Force or weren't fully skilled, thus unable to teach.


    When I watched Episode VI years ago, being unaware of many other stories, I believed Yoda to be the only Jedi at all. Even though I knew the Jedi of old were gone, I never thought they'd been so many of them to form an Order. It was actually very sad. I do believe that ROTJ is perhaps the sadest of all.


    The Followers of the Force were introduced in TFA, in order to explain the Force presence without making new Jedi in the films. So Rogue One is the first major project in this regard.

    how many jedi survived Order 66 in the new canon anyway? Obi-Wan, Yoda, Kanan, the Head Inquisitor (though turned to the Dark Side), Ahsoka (though left the order before that) and who else?

  2. since neither Ezra nor Kanan qualify as Jedi masters. 

    why not Kanan? in the show, he was made Knight by the jedi-ghosts (though it wasn't exactly official, but then again, neither was Luke since there was no official Order left anyway), and he taught Ezra, which kinda makes him a master. only way this could be retconned is if Kanan died or leaves the light side.

  3. Oh, I was just talking about the fan service stuff in Force Awakens. The shot of Finn picking up the little training ball droid in the Falcon, when he accidentally turns on the chess board (also in the Falcon), when they throw Phasma into a trash compactor, when they referenced Han's line from the original Star Wars about the Falcon making the Kessel run in 12 parsecs, etc. Basically the scenes or lines that reference the original movies in a way that lacks any subtlety. That and the fact that the basic outline of the plot of Force Awakens closely mirrors the plot of the original Star Wars, with a dash of RotJ thrown in. A young, technically minded kid living on a desert planet, who has dreams of seeing the rest of the galaxy, gets swept up into a plot to thwart the big scary Empire with a droid that contains some vital information of great interest to Leia and the Rebels, and there's also a Death Star. I can't tell you how annoyed I was when I saw they were making yet another Death Star. If any of their other movies revolve around a Death Star after these two, I might be out for good. That's just creative bankruptcy.


    And I'm concerned about it just because that stuff annoys me. I don't mind references if they're subtle, and if there aren't too many of them. But Force Awakens had a lot of them and they weren't really subtle at all. It just feels to me like some cynical Hollywood producer is shoving in all these lines because they think it'll give the movie some added value by piggybacking it onto my nostalgia for the originals. But I'm hopeful Rogue One will be different. Lucas has said he liked it apparently, and I know he didn't like the fan service in Force Awakens, so I'm taking that as a good sign.


    EDIT: I'm not seeing this supposed cameo among the ships, can someone just tell me who it's supposed to be?

    Oh, that's what you meant. You're right, in fact.

    So you're saying Jar Jar is preferable to rip-offs? :D

    I think that's the Ghost from Star Wars: Rebels he's referring to. Here's hoping they all get killed so that Yoda's last words are canonized :P

    what last words? the 'there is another' line? :huh:

  4. Hello,

    I'm making a JKA movie and I was wondering if you guys have a green cultist png. if u dont then its ok i get it myself thex!

    Love, Michalek 

    What are you asking for exactly? The green cultist's skin? If yes, then you can find it in assets1.pk3 - models - cultist, though you'll probably have to convert it to .png since it's in .jpg format.

    I don't understand why you might need something that's already in-game, or are you making a movie in a different game?

  5. @@the_raven The clones literally put on the Jedi outfits and tried to fool Yoda and Obi Wan into thinking they were the Jedi who fought off the clones taking part in order 66. Obi Wan and Yoda at this point are pretty familiar with Clones .. y'know with the whole Clone Wars thing. Also since their clones you'd think Yoda or hell, even Obi Wan would kinda sense that in the force? Like "How come I can't feel the force in these people, also why do they all look like Clone Troopers in Jedi Robes". Also I am pretty sure the clonetroopers themselves would realize this. Anyway its a very bizarre scene, you'd think the clones would ... I dunno .. maybe hide somewhere in the temple and then when Jedi showed up, ambush them from all angles sorta in the same manner the droids surrounded the Jedi in the Geonosis arena? Again this makes no sense at all and I stand by my point. Thank god this was deleted/scrapped. 

    The way I see it, their goal was to just lure the jedi close enough to kill them, not to permanently have them believe they were survivors. Also, we're not sure who those clones were, I mean, whether or not they were of the 501st, or of Coruscant. If they were of the later, they didn't have as much experience with the Jedi as their brothers who fought on the frontlines.

    @@the_raven I actually like the disguised clones and have plans to do them. I just have a few requests to finish before that.

    great! :)

  6. The clones in Jedi robes seems so weird and out of place  :lol:. After the clones murdered all the Jedi, they put on their robes and pretended to be Jedi, I know thats not the case but it's just odd. Glad they deleted it. 

    but if you watched the deleted scene, you know why they did it (though you don't really need to, to understand it)

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