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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. You're being awfully vague...You seem to remember? You sure it wasn't just a dream? :rolleyes:

    Again, "changing something" - what exactly?

    Every character (and object? :huh:) has a model_default file, and each has a different amount of information, depending on the model and it's bits and pieces.

    If you're just looking for model_default.skin, it's located in "assets1.pk3 (or assets0.pk3, depending on your game copy) -> models -> players -> (character name folder, i.e. Reborn)". From here, you choose what you want to edit. Do you want to remove his flaps? His hood? That's what you can edit, at least, as far as I know. Some models are more complex though, having more bits that can be added, removed, changed.

    That's all I can think of at this rate.

    SuperJoule likes this
  2. Zefilus, do some also play CS:CZ (Condition Zero)? I remember playing the SP campaign (Deleted Scenes) and I thought "Wow, they had something going here with this."

    Oooh, yes, yes, yes! Loved the SP campaign for CZ! Was really hoping they'd stick to this kind of stuff, but alas, CS is supposed to be an arena-type shooter. <_<

    From what I read, many people didn't like CZ's multiplayer because the weapons were overpowered or whatnot - right, as if you could just walk away from having a frag grenade explode in your face like you can in all the other CS games. -_-

    Eh, what can you do?

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  3. In my childhood I once called that game "Battle for The Earth". XD But I loved it. It's just a shame they never had a secret X-Wing ship or something as an unlockable secret cause it was based on the Rouge Squadron 1 engine.

    Ah, check this out!

    Battle for Naboo includes a number of unlockable secrets. The player can unlock three bonus levels: "Trade Federation Secrets", "Coruscant Encounter" and "Dark Side". These levels are made available when the player obtains all bronze, silver or gold medals, respectively, on every level. Alternatively, they can be unlocked via password. Several craft are also available when unlocked. The Sith Infiltrator, a Swamp Speeder and an AAT may be selected when the player enters the correct passwords or achieves all gold or platinum medals, respectively, on all levels. A TIE fighter and a playable model of a 1969 Buick Electra 225 based on a car owned by the game's sound designer, Rudolph Stember, can be unlocked via password only

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  4. Ironically enough, there's so much reskins of Hapslash's Anakin but not NEARLY as many reskins for Hapslash's Gweth when they're almost word for word both easy to reskin. May I ask: WHY?

    wasn't some variety of this model used many times, even in that 'imperial women' mod? I think the female faleen mod also used this model

  5. Haha. My film group took a Jedi Academy model into outcast once... It was an Anakin variant of some kind, but he ended up bent around like a pretzel in the most horrifying shapes.

    lol i use to do that too, looking like aboinations lmfao, love that jk2mv fixed that

    hah! have to try that too sometime! :D

    Smoo likes this
  6. When I first played JA, I think I selected Firebrand, don't know why, must have been the huge red button on the top and the strange design. Later I went with Praetor and tried Sentinel (though I didn't like it). With Rooxon's HD saber-pack I came to love the Consul and have been using it ever since. That being said, I mostly play with staff-saber, so Champion (and minilogoguy18's 'broken' Champion) are my two ultimate favourites (though the 'broken' staves are mostly all good :rolleyes: - a 'broken' Vindicator kinda reminds me of Stinger (the Reborn saber) :lol:). Oh yeah, also selected Katarn, because apparently, everyone's favourite character had to get the coolest single hilt (and ditch his Arbiter, for whatever reason). <_< Luke's saber looked too 'squished' somehow - in the movie it was thinner and longer.

    I think part of the problem with the single hilts is not their size or impractical design (come on, as if anyone's supposed to successfully hold half of those hilts!) but their positioning in the wielder's hand - for some reason they're held by their lower end. Someone actually addressed this and re-positioned them to be held 'properly', and I only wish someone would combine that mod with Rooxon's HD sabers (hey, a man can wish -_-). The size bit, I just pretend that since Luke's New Jedi Order used standardized hilts, the wonky sizes and designs were to accommodate the non-human species as well. :D


    Also: Yay! We got a new poll! Thank you admins! :winkthumb:

    Smoo likes this
  7. The TFU games were great from the technology point of view. TFU1's story wasn't brilliant, but it was good. Some say it wasn't original, but what story is original anymore? Not even A New Hope was. Some say the protagonist was overpowered, but what if the Force really is supposed to be that way, and all the other media simply couldn't make it thus? Or what if Galen was just that special? It really didn't bother me. TFU2 was bad, the writing was pathetic, the game was too repetitive, and I personally didn't like the Jar'Kai bit.

    Fun fact: When I installed TFU1, it was very demanding on graphics, even on minimal setting, and there was a lot of glitching and lagging. TFU2 wouldn't even run, I'd get a "Your computer isn't strong enough to run this game" message. Then, after I reinstalled Windows, TFU2 would run even better than TFU1 even on high settings! Talk about BS!


    Of the Jedi Knight games, JA really pales when compared to JO - the story is way better, the scripting, the cutscenes - only thing JA does indeed better is the variety when it comes to skins, models, sabers, and force powers.


    Of the KotOR games, K2 is the superior one, it's just so much deeper! In K1 the "big" revelation wasn't all that big - it was predictable, and the game felt kinda superficial. Still, I liked K1 too, and wouldn't call it bad.
    TOR, as much as I hate it, was technologically great. But much like TFU2, it was ruined by bad writing and stupid decisions.


    Didn't play Kinekt, have no consoles, though I really want to. I really can't judge how bad the Han Solo song was, but honestly, since I don't like club music, I probably wouldn't like most songs there anyway :D


    I think we can all agree that most of the aforementioned sequels are really bad not because of the devs themselves, but because of LucasArts rushing development.

    TheWhitePhoenix and Penekowski like this
  8. Since I haven't read the Dark Forces novel, and haven't played every game with Kyle, I can't be the one to judge. Nor do I know how hard it was for Kyle and Jan to steal the Death Star plans (especially since you're saying that in the game it was a walk in the park). So I guess I'll go with Rogue One. Sure, the movie had its flaws, but Cassian was more 'real' than Kyle, I think, and not because he's got his own movie. Jyn and Jan, I really don't know who's better...maybe it's because Jyn didn't get as much development as Jan had, I don't know.

    OobidoobBenubi likes this
  9. JK2 models in JKA don't have the left hand tag. Just try using dual sabers with a JK2 model in JKA, and you'll see. Especially if you do that obnoxious kata.

    Actually I have. Remember the infamous Lady Jedi? Back in the day, I took some of the models from there and brought them into JA, and they worked no problem, so I kinda have to agree with Ramikad on this one.

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