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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. ...meh, if they wade out too far, just have them eaten by saltwater crocodiles or sharks-- that'll teach `em to go venturing out to the edges.

    ...or they would fall over the edge of the map, as any flat-earth theorist would tell you :winkthumb:


    I think it'd be great, to make a duel map on some Scarif island (like the one Clan FJA posted, obviously improved), or on the tower's dish platform, or around Rogue One (the shuttle that is), one could even go so far as to make a duel-map of the Imperial archive room, to boot! :rolleyes:

    Now all those FFA and CTF maps would obviously have to be larger (mid-to-large, in Q3 engine terms, of course), and could include the main points of interest of the archipelago. Then again, ya'll know this better than me :shifty:

  2. Well i just ;.... saw the model in the modview and i must say... it looks bad... i know it is old and for old game but for jk3 standards it is awful... the hands are funny too 8 tris plane with the texture .. Some one should make or upload the skeleton model for everyone that would be use as the character model and also obj file to be later use as the md3 model - prop on the map

    I don't know, it always looked pretty well for me, then again, I never much paid attention to such details :D

    What skeleton do you want uploaded? This one, or a freshly-made\ ported one? Because I can upload this one (I have Lady Jedi too :D), and it even came with a black robe! - Basically, in the mod, you'd encounter the skeletons in the very first level as enemies in the protagonist's nightmare. Methinks the robed version was supposed to be a 'scary' Palpatine.

  3. Despite the godly things others may believe of us, at the end we're all people, at times naive, and prone to mistakes, that's all I can say.


    We may never know the whole truth about George's sale, but I think it pays to give him, and anyone, really, the benefit of the doubt. I did the same with Disney, except they proved me wrong... on more than one occasion... <_<

    like I said


    I mean, it's one thing when you're looking at a company's reputation from our "perspective" (for current lack of a better word on my part), and another when you're actually involved in the industry, have advisors, analysts, and so on. <_<

  4. He was hoping that someone like Disney, with their established good reputation, will be able to do so much more and build upon what he started, faithfully. Disney has changed, however. They're not what they once used to be...




    And it's no crime to want to profit on your product/creation. How you go about it is the question in terms of morals.

    It's a bit naive to believe that an adult multi-millionaire didn't know to whom he was selling the product that made him rich and famous in the first place. Methinks he knew exactly what he was doing and is pulling a publicity gig complaining, or he's a genuine idiot. I mean, it's one thing when you're looking at a company's reputation from our "perspective" (for current lack of a better word on my part), and another when you're actually involved in the industry, have advisors, analysts, and so on. <_<

    And you're right, it's no crime to want to profit on your product, but when your product grows literally larger than life and starts living on its own, you can't just up and cancel everything, is all I'm saying. -_-

    Cerez likes this
  5. I could understand your point of view but that is so 2013, and we're already looking forward to the next episode in the saga. Sure, it was a surprise for millions back in 2011 when the first rumors began to spread about Lucas planning to sell the franchise, and an even bigger kick in the groin when it was announced that he sold it all to Disney, but to still be whining about it in 2017 ?? :mellow:


    how time flies...

    z3filus likes this
  6. I believe this is the main reason George Lucas referred to the Disney executives as "white slavers" as well (once again, a frustration induced illustrative exaggeration) -- what he meant to say is that they took what was precious to him, his creation, his unique child, and treated it with cruelty, enslaving it to their will, and not allowing it to continue to grow free and natural with the fandom.

    Well, then he should have sold it in the first place -_-<_<


    I honestly think that Star Wars is and has always been about the movies, the rest is just there to please our hunger for more. (...) But now we have Rogue One to fill in the gap between episodes 3 and 4 ,and we just have to deal with it. And Disney is continuing the story after the events of ROTJ. That all is canon now. How many more years can you or anyone else linger on the past?


    We can all still enjoy the Expanded Universe, but it's not canon. And turning your back on Star Wars as a franchise simply because of Disney is finally making movies set in those timelines, is just stubborn behavior. Can anyone of you seriously imagine a film about Kyle Katarn? lol.

    You're right, the EU was there for the hunger, but it was a bit more than that - it gave context.

    We are dealing with it, but we don't like it (dealing with it, that is). Me, I never much cared for the post RotJ stories, so I'm ok with the new stuff (mostly, though it doesn't excuse the fact that the new stuff is sub-par compared to some of the old stuff). All I'm saying is that Lucas, or Disney, or whoever spat in the fans' faces when they cancelled everything EU. And why did they do it? Because the LucasArts department of canon were too lazy to keep to canon in order! <_<

    You're saying we can still enjoy the old canon? Sure, we can. But then we can enjoy fanfiction just as much, and you know what that tends to end with. -_-

    Me, I'm not turning my back on the franchise, though I might, if I don't like where it's ultimately going (I'll just stick to the OT in that case) - and its a perfectly normal reaction. Not like I gave a solemn vow to be with the franchise no matter what, or anything :lol:

    And yes, I could imagine a film about Kyle Katarn, though maybe not as crazy as what the old EU had him put through :rolleyes:

    Cerez likes this
  7. hey guys thanks for the replies ! i was wondering what is JA+ ? I know that may be a obvious question haha.Ive done so much modding to my current JKA game it would be a shame to start over. Ive almost finished making the New battle front HUD which i will upload soon.

    Um, I can't find JA+ anywhere on the forum anymore (not even in discontinued mods for some reason :huh:), but to put it simply, it was a MP-oriented mod that added a whole bunch of cool features like rgb saber-blades, better camera, smarter(?) bots, and a lot of other things I don't know or remember. It's been discontinued in favor of JA++, which has a sub-forum here.

  8. I'd love to see epic dogfights, 16 vs 16, even with bots. It would be something different than the typical 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 dogfights I've always seen.

    Yeah, I would too, but I really hate it when you play a match in some arena-type game and the last enemy is pointlessly running around the map, avoiding a fight, and you can't win until you kill them >.<

  9. I need to know if there are some lightsaber combat style mod of tavion and desann to use in the multiplayer, or something like that, I know that in single player there is something like this but I can not even find the mod or something similar for multiplayer :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes: I'm sorry if I understand a little, I do not speak much English, thank you

    Is you Russian or somewhere close?

    From what I understood, you're looking for a mod that would activate Tavion and Desann saber styles in MP? If so, I personally don't know of any, and I don't think there are any because they're kinda overpowered in SP, but someone might have made 'em. Now, who should I refer to this thread?...Perhaps @@Langerd might know?

    Darth Jesus christ likes this
  10. Only time I've ever got this kind of issue was when I saved out a bad GLM. Is this happening as soon as you load Modview, or as soon as you load a particular GLM?

    once I try opening a model


    As DT says, I've only experienced this very occasionally with bad GLMs. Have you tried it opening a vanilla model? Running as administrator?

    I only tried vanilla models so far - jedi_zf, kyle, alora2; haven't tried running as Admin though.


    The screen is white or grey ? had that problem too. You must open it as the administrator

    the render window is glitchy - no white or gray. will try opening as admin.



    update: nope, still the same result :(

  11. _humanoid doesn't go in the characters folder. The file directory must match what is in the assets pk3


    So it should go Base -> models -> players -> _humanoid


    With all individual character folders in 'players' too.

    But it was already in its appropriate folder, I just copied it to a character folder because I thought it would open them thus (it didn't, nor did it open it without copying :()

    hmm, let me try extracting the assets to the base folder directly...


    update: ok, so now there' no errors, but Modview freezes <_<

  12. I use Modview (available for download here on the Hub) to post the characters how I like them then use 'greenscreen' techniques to move them over the scene in Photoshop.as @@Cerez said. I keep meaning to make a full tutorial for it one day, but for now you can see a brief overview of the process in my Hub interview here: https://jkhub.org/topic/7215-interview-with-kualan/

    By the way, I remember a long time ago, someone posted somewhere on the forums how you can add lightsabers\ guns to the character in Modview. Can you remind me? Also, is it possible to add the swoop bike\ Tauntaun to the character (as mount) in Modview?


    Damn it, Modview doesn't want to open character, says

    R_LoadMDXM: missing animation file

    models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid for mesh model.glm

    despite me extracting the whole assets1.pk3, and copying _humanoid.gla into the character's folder. What gives??! :mad:

  13. Bots can be selected for the Blue Team, but the "HUMAN" word is stuck atop their names. While in itself it doesn't affect gameplay in any way, it's a bit annoying because you can't always tell what bot you're selecting. Some of the Red Team's selections in list one (player 1 to 8) also change the names in list two (player 9 to 16). Again, this doesn't affect gameplay, but is annoying. Is there any way to fix this? :huh:

    Oh yeah, and since I'm complaining about a glitch (and since I didn't get a solution in my previous thread), again I ask - how do I get RGB sabers to work? I checked the files, reinstalled them, activated rgb effect in the setup menu, set all the shortcuts and links properly, but nothing seems to solve the issue. What gives? :

  14. my favourite SW Character was, is, and will always be Kyle Katarn.



    You realize that with Rogue One, they'll have to either skip the Death Star plans' part from his biography, or remake his story outright, if they do decide to make him canon, right?

    I wanted them to keep KOTOR, but set it some 200 years before the prequels, that'd make sense in what concerns technology, but then they had to go and make a different Malachor and remake the Mandalorians (though I suppose the latter wasn't such a serious change, Mandalorian society could just as well have become humanocentric at some point -_-)

    Cerez likes this
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