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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Now I don't know if you've seen this nifty little project, but if you haven't, prepare to kick ass and drink blue milk! (or what was it that Kyle drank?)

    Duke Forces

    A Dark Forces mod for Duke Nukem 3D. The guys say they're gonna release a sequel soon. I asked them if it's gonna be Dark Forces 2 brought to DN3D, or if it's gonna be a standalone Duke Forces sequel, but they haven't yet answered. We'll see how it goes.

    And no, I'm not advertising on their behalf, I just figured you guys would like this.

  2. Well, first of, as far as I remember, rancors do have a bite attack, but they kinda charge at you (or was it when you hurt them bad enough? can't remember for certain). Second, in order to do this, you'll need two things, I think - coding and animation. These can be difficult to do (and tedious, I'd imagine), but if you know what you're doing, you should be fine. Likewise, if you, or anyone downloading your mod, have no other mods that effect these particular npcs' (rancor, howler, whathaveyou) scripts and/ or animations, there shouldn't be any conflicts. Since there aren't many mods that deal with these particular npcs, I think you should be pretty safe. Installing them should also be easy, I think, since animations and scripts use the same .pk3 archive as most mods.

    About MP npcs - are you talking about bots, or actual npcs? Bots are computer-controlled and the game treats them like players. Npcs are also computer controlled, but depending on how you program them, they can do a variety of things such as talk to you (opens a conversation menu once you 'activate' them - this I've seen on some RP mods for MP), walk around the map, loop an animation (I.E. working at a computer), etc. (by comparison bots will only run around, fight, and collect weapons), and the game treats them as environmental objects, so if an npc somehow kills you in MP, your death will count as environment-induced (fell into a pit, burned by lava, etc., but with some appropriate commentary). Making bots is easy (that is, it should be easy, but lately I've been having some trouble - glitches - but I'll try doing it manually); making npcs for MP you'll need coding. Npcs in SP are easy to make.

    At least, that's all I can tell you from the top of my head.

  3. That is, when the old canon was declared null legends, and everything you loved about it didn't matter anymore.

    I was where I still am - in university (not at university, mind you). At first, I didn't even understand the whole bit, was browsing through Wookieepedia and noticed the 'Legends' and 'Canon' labels. I didn't pay much attention, but once I noticed two Leia articles, and asked why there were two of them, I was laid out the news.

    So, wkat's your story? :shifty:

  4. Um, I think so, but I don't remember...I actually did do it once or twice, but I really don't remember how...either I cheated my way to Taspir, killed Rosh, and proceeded with Korriban, or there's some command, but alas. You can try devmap-ing to Korriban and setting playerteam to free, and then entering Ragnos' tomb, but I'm not sure if it'll work.

  5. Recently I've had a bit of an epiphany and felt compelled to take part in the community

    Let me guess - Maul's death, was it?


    Somehow I feel as though I should know you...did you release some maps or models on FileFront or Lucasfiles?

    Still - welcome! Always nice to see oldtimers returning :)

    AngelModder likes this
  6. I know most of you's don't like bots, to play with bots, or anything else having to do with bots (other than removing them), but still, if you know how to help me, it'll be appreciated.


    So, I got Botmaker, and made some bots with it in the past. Everything worked well. Recently, one of my uploaded characters (npc and bot) went missing from the server (some glitch or something), so I had to recreate it, because I removed the original from my computer the last time I deleted JA. So I created the bot with Botmaker, added the textures, sounds, and all that good stuff. But once I got to test it, I ran into a bunch of issues, namely:

    1) I gave the bot a 'kyle' saber, with an orange blade, but for some reason, he wields the saber without a blade (or with an 'invisible' blade, if you will). Same happens with other colors, though I haven't checked it this happens with blue. The saber could be hardwired to be blue, but I doubt it, since the previous rendition of this bot worked with an orange blade, and I think there were at least two more bots that also used a 'kyle' saber (I could be wrong though).

    2) I gave him a lightside alignment, and an aggressive behavior, but when I test the guy out, he uses Lightning and Rage, and always runs away when I approach him. Not to mention he's weaker than most other bots (even the vanilla ones). Last time I tested him, he would only use the blaster pistol and force push.

    3) I gave him several lines of dialogue, and set his chatability to 3, but he doesn't talk at all - AT ALL(!!!).


    Anyone have any ideas? :mellow:

  7. I think it's quite possible. You'll need the JO .npc files for the characters you want, copy the behavior information (reflex, speed, force powers, saber styles) into the same .npc files in JA, and you should be good to go. At least, if I understood your question correctly. If not, then I guess coding and animations are involved. Those, I don't know how to edit.

    GamingPrince83 likes this
  8. Just watched it (finally!). What can I say? It was...ok.

    The lead characters and the dialogues turned out better than I expected. Didn't like Vader's costume, didn't like the CGI'd Tarkin, but Leia was better, perhaps it's because she didn't move. The movie had some pretty cool scenes, like when the Death Star's laser-dish is set into place - just shows how bit it is compared to the already giant Star Destroyers, or the Death Star's "weak" shots - literally nuclear explosions. The scenery was also nice. The blind guy I didn't really like, in some scenes he felt too much like a ham. Also - CGI'd Mon Calamari ( <_<); and they weren't entirely consistent with the OT because, it seems, all the Death Troopers, KX-droids, Delta-class and Zeta-class shuttles, Tie-Reapers and /sk x1's, UT-60D's, TX-225 GAVw's (as well as their commanders) were whipped out when Scarif got attacked. Oh yeah, and I really could do without the damned R2 and 3-PO. -_-

  9. In the Temple of Sacrifice Operation Revan wielded two red bladed lightsabers and two additional ones telekinetically, that being his purple one and Malak's old blue lightsaber respectively.

    oh, well the floating sabers' detail is interesting. by the way, was it ever revealed what he meant by saying he finally understood what Malak was trying to tell him, at the end of the first Revan operation in TOR (you know, before disappearing)?

  10. Hey, so the first one is an academy\ temple-type map, I think it's a clan map at that. On the inside it's Asian-styled (at least partly, if I remember correctly), there's a duel\ training room where you can spawn several Reborns, each next one stronger than the previous (Desann being the strongest), and there's also an 'exit', which looks like the entrance to the Coruscant temple, it leads to a small terrace with an invisible wall (a skybox, obviously), mountain walls on the sides, some snow falling.


    The second one is a Yavin-type map, it's also an academy-style map, but not quite. You start in a garden of a sort, there are holograms of Jadens (character created ones) with nameplates - it's a clan map. On the side there's a door that leads to another section, there's a fence, some running water, some more doors that lead to a cantina and whatnot. Another door in the main garden (if I'm not mistaking) leads 'outside' of the 'compound' to a plain-type area, there's a dolmen on the far side, with an elevator underneath that takes you to a series of underground corridors. These are styled like an imperial base, with a medlab and a storage area (also an engine room of a sort, if I'm not mistaking). There' also vents in the ceiling that you can crawl through.


    Thanks in advance!

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