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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Fish? Not frog? Well, one thing's certain, they didn't go very far from the early concept with Jar-Jar, so they must have gotten the idea bhind him fairly quick. Interesting enough though, is that from the face pic, he mght have well been a she
  2. Didn't know of this. Interesting, thanks.Personally, not much of a fan of pilot dogfights and stuff, but i remember that fan made anime about the rebel alliance fighting imperials and it was cool as phuck!
  3. Empire, hands down The Phantom Menace, had it on video cassette Edit: Paddon, thought it was a 'favourite movie' poll
  4. Now they'll be paying me once in three months? Wtf?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the_raven


      I work at a sociology lab, and since they're currently reforming the ministries, we have to wait until the process is over, so all the appropriate papers can get signed, and we can get our pay. Either that, or they're actually only gonna pay us once in three months, presumably per three months. With our authorities, nothing is impossible >.>

    3. Syko


      I feel like that's illegal...

    4. the_raven


      Yeah, well that's life in eastern europe to ya

  5. Once Rebels ended, i googled to find out if there was any other show in the works. While i didn't find any particular info, i did find that they _are_ planning a new animated series, no details though. Didn't look for any updates since then, however. Since we don't seem to have such a topic yet, i figured i'd start one. So... What i think is, they will go with a follow-up to Rebels, where Sabine and Ahsoka go to search for Ezra after the Empire is defeated, as implied from the Rebels finale (maybe Thrawn and Ezra will even team up to survive some new enemy in wherever the whale-squids took 'em). Another route would be to go with new, different characters, maybe set during the new trilogy's events, maybe even as some outside-the-movies adventures to the new protagonists. Then again, maybe they'll go with the live action series after all. If so, i hope it'll be better than those lame marvel/ whatever series they keep airing on tv these days. Anywho, opinions, suggestions, news? Discuss.
  6. True, but even with the internet those manuals were great, they provided background and other nifty info in ways the internet never could, not even in the 90's. Or maybe i'm just nostalgic?
  7. I'll just leave this right here. And since I like Chinese culture better, there's also this
  8. Oh-kay, so here's the original story Dadasopher. Read 'em and weep. Note: the text is supposed to be wonky, however, some of the expressions didn't transition properly into English (since it's a translation), and therefore part of the humor may be lost. You have been warned.
  9. Not that i have a problem, but you guys know Poe Dameron is gay (or bi), right?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. the_raven


      Like i said, there's this new tendency nowadays to call spouces 'partners' in order to avoid offending sexual minorities. But what's interesting, is that straight couples don't colloquilally use the term 'partner' when referring to each other, but in the media the term is used quite heavily, so in a way, it's becoming representative of same-sex couples

    3. Circa


      I've never seen that to be the case. Partner is used in any orientation quite regularly. Especially for non-marital relationships.

    4. the_raven


      Strange. Maybe it's different between countries. I actually was once talking to a girl, and spoke about my partner, that is dance partner, but she thought i was refering to an ex and even found it rude on my behalf. Eh, moving on then.

  10. Not that i have a problem, but you guys know Poe is gay, right?

  11. I saw it in kotf 2.1 in at least two maps, one was the outskirts where Q-Gon and Maul fought briefly (or at least, it was supposed to be that - by the way, Luke's speeder in that map is unexitable and the handling isn't exactly accurate, at least, not if you think physically); the other map was, i think, either tattooine or geonosis, it was like a big canyon, with Padme's ship (or the like) hovering above the center of the map
  12. I'm surprised it only got requested just now. I mean, I found out about the Bud Knight a couple of months ago, but a) I'm not in America, b) I don't drink beer, c) I don't keep track of trends of any kind, so obviously there should have been people requesting it prior to now. Surprising
  13. Personally, i can't stand Emily Browning. She may be attractive, she may be a talented actress, maybe even a great person, but whenever i see her, i just hate her guts, don't even know why. They've totally overused her in American Gods.
  14. A month to go, still? Yawn! Tis too early for me. Didn't see any trailers, don't know the synopsis, but as i've said before, the actors look nothing like Han and Lando. I just hope it'll be worth it.
  15. I can't think of a good enough conflict. Basically, i'm currently trying to write two stories. The first one is very psychedelic, a sort of follow-up to a short-story i once wrote in high school. Problem here is that unlike the original story, which i felt strongly inspired about, and wrote in one sitting, the follow-up has only a basic outline of the setting, characters and main factions (as well as a few details here and there) but i can't think of a good enough sequence of events/ encounters/ adventures for the protagonist. The original - called 'Dadasopher' - followed a mysterious man as he travelled the world in search of enlightenment, and how he finally succeeded in his search, and become a god-like figure. The follow-up is supposed to explore more of the world, and to show how the man's influence fell upon it (directly or indirectly) through the eyes of a new protagonist and his followers. My idea here is to provide a kind of allegory of our own world but without using actual names and locations. The second is more of an adventure story set on a faraway moon in the relatively-far future when humanity mastered interstellar travel and outworld colonization. I'm thinking of writing the first installment (prologue, if you will) as a kind of planetary romance, and the follow-ups to be through the eyes of a local, or locals (if i decide, for some reason, to divide it into several stories, each describing the various societies present), set even farther into the future - the reason for this is because the guy from the prologue changes the world completely, so society starts from scratch in his own image. This story i want to be a "simple" fantasy-adventure on a faraway world, no allegories or anything, just a story with rule-of-cool incroppings, but obviously not a SW rip-off But again, the problem is that i have an outline of the world, but no idea on the actual events and adventures. It's kinda silly, i know 'How can you write an adventure story, if you can't think of any adventures? You should quit while you're ahead!', but that's why i'm asking for here, some advice on such writer's block from peops who also write, even if only as a hobby. You'll probably want some more info on the settings before suggesting anything, and if so, tell me about it. Any help is appreciated
  16. Seriously though, it's a pretty good request, i wish you luck with it!
  17. Can't watch the video off the ipad, but i'm getting a feeling it's one of those demolition derby games set in SW? If so, i can't exactly imagine how an at-st could match up to any kind of speeder. On the other hand, it'd be funny to football-kick boba fett
  18. Yes indeed, i love the traditionally animated Clone Wars But it's barely enough, if you think about it
  19. I wonder if anyone bothered shipping Holdo with Leia or Poe...

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