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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. (the devs were quakers)



    *for those of you who don't know, among Russian alien-hunters, 'quaker' is a term given to Unidentified Underwater Objects (basically, alleged alien submarines or submersible alien space-ships that are said to make a quaking sound when picked up by naval ship radars/ radios), which, given the sci-fi context of Star Wars, is kind of funny.

    **also, 'Quakers', another term for the 'Friends Church', a protestant Christian sect.

  2. I have to say, there are reasons I'd think of giving it up. For instance: to me it's been implied throughout the saga that the Rebellion was more tolerant of non-humans than the Empire. Well and good, but look at the films. All of the main protagonists are human.


    Though I've yet to finish KotOR I'm intrigued by the Star Forge. I wonder, "What would the Republic do with it?" But naturally, so long as the majority of movie-goers are invested in the Rebellion-vs.-Empire arc, it's highly unlikely we'll hear more on this topic.


    Is anyone else nonplussed by Phasma? It seems like the Powers that Be decided, "We need a female stormtrooper!" and so, here she is. She's the opposite of the emotional woman, seeming to feel nothing but hatred for Finn, but hey, we have a female stormtrooper!

    Well, there's Chewie, Admiral Akbar and his posse, that Sullustan co-pilot to Lando, the Bothans... plus the alien characters from Rebels and Rogue One. But i see your point. Well, considering SW history, it't understandable why ep4 didn't have many aliens. Ep5 didn't feature much of the Rebellion (save for Hoth and the ending scene), and ep6 is the main culprit, but it featured the Sullustan, the Mon Calamari, the Ewoks, and mentions the Bothans, so it _kind of_ balances out?


    Not sure how the Star Forge plays into this, but i don't think they'd have done much with it.


    They were gonna destroy it anyway, and even if they didn't, the Jedi would probably protest against using it since it subsides on solar matter and living individuals. One is environmentally hazardous, the other is morally wrong, so to speak. The Republic had humanitarian laws that would have probably conflicted with using the Star Forge to its full extent even against the Sith or the Yuuzhan Vong



    As to Phasma, i never much cared for the character. Yeah, sure, a female stormtrooper, this was long in the coming, so this wasn't a big surprise for fans (except that Lucasfilms finally did it), but the whole idea of stormtroopers is depersonalization: same armor, same gear, voice modulators, no skin shown; no matter who or what you are under the armor, all people are gonna see is a stormtrooper, of which there are billions. Why they needed to accent Phasma's womanhood? Because fucking Disney. They even gave her personalized chrome armour, a cape, and altered the voice modulator so she sounds like a woman. I'm a bit upset (and suprised on the other hand) they didn't make her armour more womanly. Also, it feels like a waste to just have her killed after a total of some 10 minutes in two movies and supposedly establishing her as an important character. Even the Emperor,who appeared for some 20 minutes had a larger impact in every sense. And yes, Phasma is a flat character.

    If i were you, i'd just ignore the new trilogy and everything associated with it.

    You'll have better sleep at night, trust me!

    Droidy365 and GamerRedNeck like this
  3. Yeah, man, Reborn Masters have Desann lightsaber hilts (I think it's called Retribution? :huh:). I'm just not sure if the blade and saber styles are the same, because there seem to be two entries for Desann's hilt in the game files - one using the regular saber blade, the other using Desann's (wider, longer, more powerful).


    As a side note: I never really got to experience the saber drop/ pick-up commands. :(

    Killjoy likes this
  4. Have they forgotten Jedi Academy and its combat system?

    Meh, they're just catering to the lowest common denominator - who needs a badass but complex (to make and master) fighting system when one can go with a simple but flashy one?

    A bunch of stuck-up JK fans on one of the last big JK community-sites are just a minority, they need to get with the times and stoop to everyone's low level! Besides, they'll buy and play the game anyway, so who cares what they think? Fuck those guys!

    Also, we don't yet know what it'll be like, maybe they'll actually improve TFU's fighting system? (yeah, right) As long as it's not as big a turd as Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands was, it should be fine.
    Smoo likes this
  5. Wow! I was expecting it to be in the vein of modern anime, but the visuals are so old-school (well, mostly, there are bits of modern style as well), I love it!

    Funny, the guy who made it is Russian. :D


    EDIT: It seems that it can't be watched on this site, as it says "Video unavailable". However, it is possible to watch it on YouTube.

    Ugh, why does this keep happening? What's strange is that it's happening only to some videos.

    At the same time, it's almost impossible to watch youtube videos through my ipad's browser, only via the app that doesn't technically work on my "outdated" device (unless you hack it). Darn capitalist swine! :angry:

    Smoo likes this
  6. Sounds interesting, but why trilogies? Are you gonna,for instance, divide Kotor 1 into Revan's story during the Mando Wars, then during the Jedi Civil War, and then again, after he's been captured by the Jedi (effectively, the plot of K1), or how?

    What about K2? The Exile's story during the Mando Wars and later, during the Dark Wars?

    And JA? Will you be doing the JKA spin-offs (the novels about Jaden) or the original 'Jedi Academy' material (about Corran Horn or the Sun Crusher)?

    DarthValeria likes this
  7. I thought a SwampTrooper was an underwater/water-tight type... not a standard uniform open to water intrusion.

    Star Wars - defying logic since 1977 :lol:

    Actually a bunch of people were annoyed with this, because these guys are underequipped and covered in mud, but they're supposed to be elite units that outrank the regular Stormtroopers, who are already a head above the regular Imperial military.

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