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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. This might help you out a little: https://www.bestlittlebaby.com/name/unisex/jaden

    Yeah, i found the name is indeed relatively rare, the first instance in the States being in the mid-to-late 1800's, and still not being very popular, with only about 5 kids being registered with this name in 1970. Also found that its original form is the Hebrew 'Jadon', and that there are other versions, such as 'Jayden', 'Jaydon', and a few others, and the name is male (at least among the Hebrews). An interesting fact: after Will Smith named his son Jaden, the name actually became somewhat popular among non-whites, mainly the African-Americans and to a lesser degree, the Asian-Americans.

  2. Note: This isn't exactly the sub-forum for this topic, but since we don't have the Nonsense sub-forum, what can you do?


    I'm not trying to be bashful or anything, but i do wonder - how common is the name Jaden anyway? It doesn't seem very common based on the movies, cartoons, and video-games that i've seen, nor have i seen many famous people named Jaden. In fact, i only know of two Jadens, one's the video-game character Jaden Korr, and the other's actor Jaden Smith.

    Also, is it a unisex name? Both Korr and Smith are men (well, Korr's male in canon), but JKA allows Jaden to be female as well, and imho, Jaden actually has a better ring as a female name.


    Mizore and Smoo like this
  3. Soon, the heir will claim his throne...




    Damn, it's lookin' good! One small suggestion, if i may - perhaps someone could make a more cinematically appropriate idle animation for blaster rifles, specifically for machinimas and screens? It'd improve the overal image, i think.
  4. Can't remember really. I did like it when the show became darker (later seasons) but never really liked Cad Bane (him being so different from the Duros in KOTOR never worked for me). That brain worms episode was kinda cool, and i loved most clone-centered episodes, even though the clones were so melodramatic. And of course, there's the entire Maul arch that brought back one of my fav characters and gave more lore on the darksiders. Oh yeah, and i kinda felt sorry for Barriss Offee because she was right, wasn't she?

  5. That...just makes me want to use the Dark Side ending cause I want it to be serious. And I played the ending of Wild Force ONCE. I couldn't understand a thing but from the actions that were shown to me, the main character's sacrifice was supposed to mean something.

    Well, the Dark Side ending isn't too different in Lady Jedi. If you choose to attack Luke and run toward him, the screen fades to black, then we see Mariel lying on the floor, bleeding out, and as she dies, she narrates a similar text, except it's from a regretful point of view; in a nutshell: "The Emperor was wrong, Luke is indeed the greatest Jedi, and I'm gonna die now, and no one will remember me"

    As to Wild Force, yes, it's supposed to mean something. My point is that it was kind of lazy to have the same ending regardless of choice. Kinda like it happened with Mass Effect 3, you know?

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  6. Both JO and JA have several skins for several characters - JO Reborn, JA Cultist, Stormtrooper (Officer), Jedi (j2, Jedi Master), not to mention the team skins.

    How do I apply the said skins to standalone bots?

    Say, I want to make a Jedi2 bot. I create a jedi2.bot file, add it to Shaders folder, copy the Jedi bot info and apply the desired modifications, try assigning the skin, but it just doesn't work - in game, the new bot appears either as a kyle or as the default skin ((bearded) jedi, for example).

    An obvious workaround would be to extract the models and skins in question, and give them standalone folders that the .bot file could use, but wouldn't that mess the game up by creating a conflict in SP npc placement?

  7. And I kinda saw the light sided ending of Lady Jedi. 


    :spoilers: She...calls Luke his buddy and that's it...? Wha...?

    Well, considering that she also breaks the fourth wall, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    She actually says the following:

    The Emperor was wrong. Luke is truly the greatest Jedi. I was weak and foolish to give into the Dark Side of the Force. But now I came back to the Light Side of the Force. Now, we will change this world for the better. Praise Lucas, people will know of our deeds. Even if no one will remember me, I've made the right choice.

    Yeah, yeah, it's a pretty silly ending. Nothing to be done about it now. In Wild Force it's just as silly:


    you either join the Empire and attack the Rebel base, dying in the process, or you join the Rebellion, and defend the Rebel base, dying in the process. Only good thing is that you get to go down fighting this time, and that there's a bonus level, though I'm not sure how the game decides who gets to see it.


  8. It's good if you like a challenge, but the assemblage nature of the mod (it's a mish-mash of npcs that don't always feel in their place) and the mature themes might not be for everyone. The plot is kinda meh, but it's at least more-or-less well executed. The voice-over is better than in Communication Force, and it has some interesting ideas, but overall, the plot is kinda forgettable. Also, at least one of the levels (brothel level) requires the completion of the goals in a particular sequence, otherwise you'll get stuck. Also, some of the music will not work for more hardcore SW fans. Players' biggest complaint was the npc's - Mara Jade standing next to Padme Amidala. :D


    Communication Force is more vanilla, npc-wise. The voice-overs are pathetic, but it's entertaining in its own way, and likewise, has challenges. What most people didn't like about it was the anticlimactic ending, though personally, I was satisfied. If you can find the 'patch' for it, you should grab that too. It doesn't patch anything in particular, just gives the protagonist the red team-skin as default, the lightsaber blade is orange by default, and there's a modified animation, maybe some of the strings are corrected, I don't remember - just for the sake of a full experience (right).


    Wild Force (also a NDG mod, but for JKA) is somewhat better executed, but the plot is terrible, some of the levels are directly torn out of JKA, the ending is lame, and some mission goals are just confusing. If the Yuuzhang Vong are not your cup of tea, it might also be a turn-off, though they're not actually featured in the mod, just mentioned.

    I'm actually translating it into English right now.


    Anyway, all three have been uploaded onto here, unless I'm mistaking.

  9. And the pictures









    Accuracy is off here and there on the textures... but in the right hands this thing could look nice. I got all the bumps and stuff for it...








    So maybe we rend2 or something as well. I personally dont have the setup to test it out




    Looks like plastic

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