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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Had to have been, they look just like the show's art style.

    Theoretically yes, but there are plenty of pics in the show's style on the internet, not to mention content that was made for the show but didn't make it into the final cut for whatever reason. I'm just curious because i haven't seen them featured anywhere outside of mods.


    Edit: Ah, apparently, they were first featured in the RotS game, and later in the RotS comic and also in RC: True Colors. Turns out, they're not canon anymore.

  2. What's that supposed to mean?


    if it's something good it's always supposed to be exclusive or ported, or otherwise unavailable to the general public. Now i'm not saying the available content is bad, just that there's no real freedom when it comes to these things.

    With good reason.

    How's that?
  3. I would have liked Luke to be more involved in a level like Korriban though, just as Kyle is by your side on Vjunn. :)

    I wanted to post that old PotD from JkFiles where Jaden comes out of Ragnos' tomb with Luke and Kyle only going up the stairs to enter, but instead of the original 'It's over, Ragnos will not be risen', Jaden says 'You were useless!'. Sadly, I couldn't find it anywhere :

  4. Did you know Jaden Korr is 14 in Jedi Academy?

    wtf? :D

    No waay. :P

    Are you serious? I mean... Rosh I could imagine as like, 16, but...

    Wookieepedia corroborates that. I guess 14 year olds are full adult height, lol. Jedi Academy, you fooled me!

    Yeah...I'm still in bafflement about that myself, to be honest. Growth spurts must've been working overtime when Jaden hit puberty.

    Yeah, it's in Riptide, apparently.

    And that's another bad thing that happens when you let your franchise go inter-media and you hire authors who don't know/ care about the details from previous installments <_<


    And just like the Prequels rendered the Anh fight between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader lame, so did the JA spin-offs reduce the great Marka Ragnos from the wise and powerful Dark Lord of the Sith that he was in the KOTOR sub-franchise into an arrogant pussy-ghost who got beaten by a teenage Jedi from several millennia into the future.

    Jeff likes this
  5. But would it even make sense to make a JKA MMO? Considering how many active users there are on here, and about the same amount of unregistered lurkers, I think it'd be a pretty empty multiplayer game, unless everyone'll go into the PvP zone in an orderly fashion, which isn't something I think possible, since not everyone likes PvP, or can successfully play it (for whatever reason).

    Besides, it'd be way too much work. You'd need to make:

    1) an overall plot and side-quests (possible cutscenes and voiceover?);

    2) some kind of script to change maps;

    3) the actual maps (a workaround for this would be to take the already existing maps and merge them, but even that isn't a walk in the park, if I'm not mistaking; and as we know, this is illegal without the authors' permissions - and good luck getting those!)

    4) grinding (because while killing bounty-hunters and stormtroopers is fun, you'd still need to add more enemy types, like animals, monsters, and robots (yes, some were already made, both by the JO/ JA devs, and by modders, but we're talking about numbers and variety, plus you'd need to make new mechanics (skeletons? animations?) for them), and make some kind of balancing - like in regular MMO's, so as to avoid one-hit-kills - although that could too be a fun thing, if done right);

    5) scripts for player appearance changing (not the 'call character creation menu', but one that keeps the player's selected race, and only allows changing clothes and possibly hair), quests, dialogues, shops, XP, rewards, and loot (though the 'gun drop' and 'power crystal drop' scripts could be used as base in the latter case);

    6) potentially green-lighting from LucasArts/ Disney, since they're known for shutting down big mods and similar projects.

    All in all, it is possible, sure, but personally, I just don't see the point.


    Someone on here's working on a Unreal-engine game that takes the JK mechanics, I think it'd be easier to start an MMO (or even a singleplayer sandbox) with that. But that's just my two-coins. -_-

  6. Since i was 14 years old. I have been thinking about my own Star Wars side story compatible with canon star wars timeline. Me and my friends in SWTOR have a small guild and a discord group of named the Lotus Alliance

    We have been RPing for more than 3 years. Then, at 2017 November. I putted an idea about making our own Star Wars Lotus Movie in times of Revenge of the Sith. And this is the teaser of our biggest project ladies and gentlemen


    The Lotus will do what now? :huh:

  7. I don't get why everyone's so obsessed with 4k video when the originals work well enough. But fan devotion is fan devotion, I suppose.

    I actually found the original ending of RotJ on youtube (maybe it's from the de-specialized edition?), and people there are fighting over which ending is better. Personally, I'm for the original ending, save for the music - the music in the '97(?) re-edition was far better. Sure, Wub-nub (or whatever) fits the scene, but it's a terrible choice for ending an iconic trilogy.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  8. orginal trilogy is just as silly and as badly written as the prequels, the recent hate to prequels comes from a certain nitpicking movie critic *cough*Plinkett*cough*. Prequels saw a giant success world wide when they were released(especially revenge of the sith) .

    Can you be more specific? Other than the man-eating teddy bears, i can't think of many silly things in the OT. That is, if you ignore the physics and other such things.

    As to my dislike of the prequels, i haven't heard of Plinkett, so i'm not exactly on the bandwagon. Thing is, the prequels are: 1) too polished design wise, 2) too cgi, 3) too much talk about things nobody really cares about - we watch sci-fi and fantasy to escape all the economics, law, and politics of the real world.

    TPM was arguably the weakest PT movie, but it had its moments: it was a new chapter in SW film, the cgi were bearable, and there were practical effects too. The whole premise was boring, but at least it was diluted by action, and new content.

    TCW was - in my own opinion - the worst. The movie is supposed to be about the Clone Wars, but we see the clones for only some 5-15 minutes total, and the clone Wars only start at the end of the movie and get some 5 minutes of screentime. The rest is a really badly written love pre-story for Anakin and Padme and Obi-Wan's investigation that's equally as uninteresting. The cgi were cartoony and the actors sometimes couldn't act in their environment because of it. Only really good thing about it, save for the Battle of Geonosis and the duel with Dooku was the part when Anakin was saving his mother.

    RotS was the best of the three, but still had its weaknesses and inconsistencies.

    And i don't even wanna touch the sequel trilogy, especially since it's not a trilogy just yet.

  9. I disagree with you, because I actually like the prequels, New Hope might have been a one-shot thing, but Lucas had a pretty good idea of how the story would continue for 2 more films (even 5 more films supposedly). While he was writing those stories, he was already doing early scripts for what would later turn out to be the prequels. Lucas is an excellent writer, he as imagination, but he's not the best director. The story from episode 1 to 6 is amazing, but a lot of the ''bad stuff'' in prequels was the result of bad directing. Take Anakin for example, Hayden Christensen is not that bad of an actor, but he got his share of dirt when fans overreacted to Anakins whiny, emo, needy personality in AOTC & ROTS. He did what Lucas told him to do.


    "Disney is working closely with Lucas" sounds good on paper, but in reality he has very little to say. He didn't write Episode 7, or Episode 8.

    Well, note that i said that there was good outside of the OT, just that it looked somewhat out of place.

    And to be fair, while i didn't much like Anakin, i have no problem with Hayden. But i get where you're coming from.

  10. Just a tip, work on your spacing. If you'd rather separate your ideas with spaces between your paragraphs it'd be much easier to read what you've shared. As it is, it's an eyesore and I'm 100% sure most people won't read it for that reason. 


    Don't waste a whole paragraph on what can be said on a single sentence. Be brief and straight to the point and you'll see a better reception to your ideas.


    Yeah, sorry, i'm writing from a tablet and can't yet figure out the formatting, haven't been using tablets very long, you see. Still, i tried separating the main ideas.
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