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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. The Verkaal works great, but I've had a couple mods over the years to make minemonsters work in Jedi Academy but one side effect has always been random sounds... It's just me having that, right? It makes swoop and saber noises when it's attacking...

    Maybe the game just lacks the right sounds for mine monster

  2. Oh, also, I've noticed a peculiar chance pattern: every time Disney "revives" a particular Star Wars content, it's the beginning of its end.The Force Awakens and the sequel trilogy was to "revive" the OT era and characters -- instead it killed it/them off, quite literally, bringing things to a(n unsatisfactory) close.Rogue One was to revive the flame for A New Hope and the OT -- instead it messed with its opening, killing some of its magic, and providing nothing lasting to make new stories from.Solo was to bring back Han Solo's character and story into the spotlight -- instead it made him look insignificant and sink.Now The Clone Wars...Is really no-one else getting a bad feeling about this? :huh:

    I actually liked Rogue One. It felt close to both the OT and the PT, and also added new content, and was just dark, not in the traditional SW-mysticism sense, but from a human perspective. True, it looked a bit too futuristic even for the Prequels (if not actually out of place), but that's what you get when your film franchise spans decades and is filmed in retrospect (just look at James Bond, or Scooby-Doo, or the Simpsons - they should all be old or dead by now, but no, they're forever the same age, despite recognizing the passage of time in the world). And did they really mess up by removing the text crawl? I think not. As iconic as it is, personally, after seeing it in every SW movie, cartoon, game, comic, book, etc., I'm rather sick of it. As to the lack of any follow-up-able content, I don't worry about that - the whole film was one big retcon.

    The Sequels and Solo were bad, I agree. And it wasn't just those questionable decisions (killing Luke), the writing and character development were just pathetic, and - this is just my opinion - Finn's the only character in the Sequels who feels like a real person, Kylo Ren being second (as whinny as he is). Everyone else is either dead (as a character - Luke, Leia, Chewie), generic (Han, Poe, Maz, Hux), or both (Rey). The Solo movie is like that too, but the real problem there was the pacing and the perspective, because it's an origin story and Han's supposed to be a wannabe-baddass-but-really-a-twat, but yeah, you'd think they'd make him a more important character than actually shown in the film.


    Will Disney ruin TCW? I don't know, and if it does, I won't cry over it (feed me to the Sarlacc!). I never was a big fan of the show. Will it be a shame? Most certainly, but if it happens, it happens. As a discerning viewer, I'll just ignore that the revival happened (just as I now choose to ignore everything outside the OT, no matter how much I may like some of the stuff), and will return to treating the show like it ended at season 6. (Fun fact: Every season has 23 episodes, except for s05 (20 episodes) and s06 (13 episodes). The new 'season' is supposed to have 12 episodes, so in truth, it will be a continuation of s06 rather than a new season of its own, although no one will call it that).

    Pickles256 likes this
  3. Then why are they bringing back prequel stuff lately instead of pushing the sequel era?

    Retcons and backstories of stuff they recognize is canon (the six movies, TCW, and a few more) are one thing, throwing out the stuff that they don't recognize as canon (KOTOR, post-RotJ events, etc.) is another.

    Sure, they're bringing back some of the old stuff (Malachor, Thrawn, etc.), but it's mostly fan-service, so the old fans don't leave. But they're changing it so much, that it's no longer what the old fans loved (or is only barely that). And they're using this changed content to make way for their new canon. After all, making new canon requires some backstory, so the transition feels more natural.

    AnonMC likes this
  4. - About controlling the droid, it's something that I could do, but I'm not sure if it'd make sense in the Star Wars universe. Have we ever seen in canon that droid characters can be hacked and controlled by a third person? They're sentient beings after all. 


    - I've thought a lot about the store system. It's definitely something above my skills, but maybe a good coder will be willing to help after I release the first demo. I've thought about it conceptually though, and one of the things that concerns me is that if the player is free to create his own character (choose sex/species/etc), then it'd be way harder to implement different sets of armors/items (basically, it wouldn't make sense for a rodian/human/ithorian to have the same helmet). If I created a specific model for the player, though, that would be a different story (but it'd limit your choice to create your own thing for the game). 


    As it is, the creature is indeed flying, so the rockettrooper/howler class would be irrelevant. The only thing that I'd need now is a class that approaches you and attacks you at close range with a different range of attack animations. Maybe more recent versions of OpenJK have fixed this bug though!

    Well, I was just thinking of what you've shown in the video - droid hacking to make it walk or blow up - though, I guess I forgot if the player actually controlled the droid, or just had it walk by itself. But I do remember RC droids, in JKA (mouse droids), in Battlefront 2 classic (recon droid), and, if I'm not mistaking, in one of the KOTOR games too. Of course, these aren't canon anymore, but it did happen.


    Yeah, the different races make it difficult, but of course, it would depend on what races you'll have available. Obviously, Ithorians would have to have standalone items, but the Twi'leks/ Humans/ Zabrak, possibly the Kel'Dor and Rodians as well should, in theory, be able to use the same items. The biggest problem here is the gloves and headwear.

    You could go with making races like Ithorians into npcs-only, so it'd be a kind of a compromise - richer world, but less work content-wise. Likewise, you could go with the approach many other games use - humanoids all have the same helmet mesh regardless of head shape. Not very realistic, true, but it's a workaround.


    Well, the Howler does have different attacks - jump attack, sonic attack, tongue attack. But it's your choice, of course.

  5. People have way too high hopes for this. I'm expecting the exact same situation with what we got with the Samurai Jack return, in which we got a bunch of sorta good episodes unfortunately with a really rushed and poorly fleshed out story due to the very limited amount of episodes and length per episode. Expect a rushed ending, expect to see basically a bunch of old episode ideas mixed together into single episodes with insufficient story progression due to the limited time per episode. Also don't expect the level of maturity to be on level with what the Clone Wars was like previously due to Disney carefully choosing whats "appropriate". Disney is doing this to make people stop talking about the Clone Wars once they've given the fans some scraps of what they actually want so they can move on to their other garbage, basically a way to convince the fans that they haven't been completely abandoned. "See, see, we're giving you Clone Wars, you like us now right?!" And then they completely abandon it again. This season is going to be fun at first and then looked at less admiringly in the future, I damn near guarantee it. There were a good 60-some episodes planned prior to the cancellation. You're only getting 12 episodes, basically half the length of a regular season and this will be the only season you're getting. Disney isn't giving this to you to please the fans, they're doing this to distract you and make you all shut up.

    Or they can actually try to milk it for all its worth, and make those extra 12-15 episodes, of course, depending on how the first 12 are received by the audience.

  6. Now it works as an enemy NPC with the minemonster class, which means it'll be a bit buggy (wil approach but won't attack unless you get close to it). If anyone knows what class could suit it better, please let me know.

    I'm not sure what makes the class different, but what if the rockettrooper class? Hey, at least it'd fly :D

    Seriously though, maybe the howler class would work better? Shyracks do have a sonic attack, if I remember correctly, and the 'howler jump' could be a substitute for flying, or something like that. :ph34r:

  7. Sweet, Holy Dada! This thread is great! @@Noodle, sir, you're doing an amazing job!

    Here's a few suggestions:

    1. For the 'knock out' mechanic: vanilla JKA has that 'Iknowkungfu' cheat that gives you melee and lets you play fighting animations when you push the right button combo. How about cutting up the strangling-and-throwing animation so that instead of knocking out the enemy npc, your character would actually try to non-lethally strangle them (without throwing). Adding a 'strength' stat would also benefit this, affecting the success of the take-down.
    2. More stats, 'strength' stat in particular, as mentioned above.
    3. A map/ mini-map (see below).
    4. Companion reputation - I bet not all companions are saints, especially since they're mercs/ bounty hunters, so it'd make sense that some npc's/ factions would not want to talk to you while you have a particular companion following you, or might even be openly hostile. This would also add more depth to the companions, making them more immersive.
    5. For npc commands:
    • 'Go scout the area' - triggers companion into stealth (no shooting + crouching), and they would return after spotting an enemy, telling you where they saw them (mini-map), or something like that.
    • 'Use the terminal' - could be used to have the companion control some ceiling turret, giving you cover; or maybe to keep a door/ forcefield open that would otherwise close every time no one uses the terminal. You know, like in those extra secure areas.
    • 'Control the droid' - when the companion controls the droid, they basically stand in place (working the terminal - animation) while the droid becomes your companion instead, until destroyed. This can be used if your companion has a bad reputation with a certain group (see above) and you need to bypass some checkpoint, or in case you want to send the droid on a scouting/ data retrieval mission without having them in stealth or otherwise rousing suspicion.

    You're talking about adding a store system. Will it feature clothing? If so, what can be expected in this regard, aside from goggles and the leg (ammo?) belt (as seen on the Twi'lek companion)? Will there be the vanilla clothes choices like in character creation, or will there also be Stormtrooper armour available for purchase? Will there be a player home/ base where all those clothes are stored?

  8. Personally, I'm looking forward to this, despite having my doubts with the show's pacing. But hey, it's better for the show to hit its final episode than to be cancelled and never get finished.

    What do you mean? Siege of mandalore was already planned as a 4 episode arc and the other 8 we've most likely seen before and they were paced fine

    What is this pacing you guys are talking about? Did I miss something again? :huh:

  9. They haven't. That's the problem. She is still assigned to handling the latest in the Star Wars line, and even still playing a prominent role in the media in their latest announcements: https://www.starwars.com/news/jon-favreau-to-executive-produce-write-live-action-star-wars-seriesThey still think she's the shiz -- despite the declining sales.This crap will go on for a long time, until they start to run out of money. In the meantime, they'll make sure to damage as much of the Star Wars brand and content as they can (and that includes The Clone Wars as well).I think "saved" is very much the wrong word to use in the title of this thread -- an overhyped marketing catchphrase that they are promoting intentionally.#CloneWarsToBeSlain lies closer to their actual intentions, and to the effect this will ultimately have on the series' popularity.That's the grim future from this announcement that I foresee. But please, prove me wrong, Disney!

    Oh right, you said "haven't sacked". Gosh darn it, i'm so inattentive! >.<

  10. The green is called Electric Judgement. It's the same power that also uses yellow lightning.


    But why the different colours? :(


    Edit: Huh, wookieepedia says Relin Druur, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo had black force lightning (apparently Relin's was black because it was based on his grief and not anger, not sure about Kyp and Jaina).

    Luke's, Kyle's, and Jaden's force lightning was actually supposed to be emerald-green, not blue/ purple/ white (or simply green, as in Luke's case), and was literally called 'Emerald Lightning' (there's a debate on Kyle and Jaden, on whether or not the used Electric Judgement/ Emerald Lightning or the basic Force Lightning because they followed the Potentatium philosophy).


    What's more, the page also says the following:

    While most Force Lightning manifested itself as blue, it could appear in several hues, though whether or not the color is distinctive was unclear. For example, Palpatine, Darth Bane and Darth Nox had all used purple lightning. The Hidden One used white. Talzin and Mother were seen using green. Dark side users like Darth Desolous, Darth Tenebrous, and the Son, were seen wielding red. Jaina Solo also used a highly unusual color variant, in the form of black. Force users of the Eternal Empire used a form of yellow/orange lightning.[56]

    Talk about colour coding <_<

    Also, Talzin's green was probably because she was using (Sith?) Magic, not actual Force Lightning as, for example, Palpatine did.

  11. Force lightning can have different colors, but the standard force lightning is blue. Powerful dark siders use purple lightning, Luke and Plo Koon can use green and yellow lightning respectively. TFU Luke could use red lightning, the Son uses red lightning aswell. But overall force lightning is either blue or purple in most cases.

    Well, that answers the blue and purple, also the yellow. Still not sure about green and red. Thanks for the answer though. The Son's red lightning is understandable, in a way, he was the personification on the Dark Side, after all.

  12. We shall see.The fact that they haven't sacked Kathleen Kennedy yet speaks volumes.In any case, I'm not keeping my hopes up for this one. It'd be nice if we get some decent, new CW episodes, but it would also be akin to a miracle.Definitely not supporting Disney by subscribing to their new streaming service. There are other ways... (Once a rebel, always a rebel.)

    You mean they fired their main SJW? Oh thank the Force!

    Subscribing to a service? Phah! Piracy for the win! (and yes, I know it's an upopular opinion)

  13. Speaking of force lightning, was there any explanation anywhere as to the different colors? Because the jka force drain doesn't count, the whole red lightning effect is probably from constricted development time, so they just retextured it. In Kotor it's red too, but not lightning shaped. Palpatine's lightning is blue in the OT, and more violet in the PT, Dooku's is blueish, and Plo Koon's non-canon lightside lightning is either white or yellow, iirc. Now Luke's non canon lightning is red for some reason. Where'd he even learn the lightning anyway? Gods, so many questions!!

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