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Posts posted by the_raven


    In the original post for the movie here on the forum, i wrote that i liked the movie overal, save for a few things here and there. Recently, it occured to me that the movie is actually pretty bad. Why? Well, it's not the SJW bullshit (in fact, i feel like the movie actually pokes fun at SJWs, but more on this later), nor was it the actors. No, the reason why i got these second thaughts came from rewatching my favorite SW movie - Empire strikes back, upon which Solo is mainly based. The problem is in the characters, namely Han and Lando.

    As i wrote before, i didn't like the fact that they stuck everything Han Solo is known for - saving Chewey, getting the Falcon, meeting Lando, the Kessel run, and working for Jabba - into this one single incident, or a series of directly interconnected incidents, featuring the same participants and a very short timespan. To me, it's very lazy, it's like saying that Luke became grandmaster of the Jedi Order right after leaving Tattooine. Sure, one thing lead to the other, but it didn't happen in a week, as it did with Han. Most of the subplots in the film were left unresolved and we didn't see much development for Han - he started out as a daredevil merc wannabe, but with a kind and loving heart who turned out to be a small fish in an ocean as soon as he got off Correlia. Yeah, sure, he got by, but everyone would constantly push him around because he was just that green. By the end of the film, he got only barely smarter, but generally remained the same duffus, nothing like the experienced, unscrupulous (remember, he shot first!) smartass we see in the OT.

    Lando. In Empire and RotJ, Lando is indeed a scheming charmer, hitting on Leia, running a business, but he's also a good guy, feeling actual remorse for betraying Han and the gang, and even joining the Rebellion later on. Nothing to suggest that he is a narcissistic pansexual with a penchant for capes who otherwise doesn't lift a finger to do squat. Now ok, i get it, they wanted to explore the character further since he was mostly forgotten... mostly... And i get it too, he was mainly along for the ride, but again, a narcissistic cape-lover feels like lazy writing, and like a joke in general - capes were a commong piece of attire in 70-80's sci-fi (alongside robes/ dresses/ tunics), especially in prosperous societies, or in the wardrobe of rich and arguably powerful characters, so making a wealthy businessman wear a cape doesn't automatically mean he's a fetishist (next thing you know, we'll get a Vader spinoff showing Vader's cape-filled wardrobe). His pansexuality is an entirely different issue. He's not really pansexual (as advertised on the internet), he isn't attracted to men, or androgynes, or animals, just to women - that annoying droid in the film? It had female programming. Likewise, in Empire, when the gang arrives to Cloud City, there's a brief scene where Lando and Han are reminiscing the past, saying 'so many memories' - this cannot be attributed to their brief encounter shown in Solo, meaning that either the two had other adventures together (Solo sequel, follo-up media), or that the makers of Solo don't care for details.

    Finally, i come to the SJW part. In the original post i wrote that i was happy with how the SJW budget all went on that lame droid. So we didn't see much of anything else of that - a hammy feminist droid, a black supporting character with a questionable sexuality, and a capable female supporting character (three actually) - at least two of these aren't even such a big deal anymore. Now look, it's not that i have a problem with women, black people, or sexual minorities, et al, i just think that characters should be included not because of their skin color or sexuality or whatever, but because they are actually relevant - if you're a deadbeat, you're a deadbeat, and no one's gonna bother with you even if you're ten times a minority. It's all i'm saying. Not to mention that i don't have any particular issue with Lando's skin color or sexuality (the latter being a fraud anyway) or with the female characters. But back to the topic. I think the film makes fun of SJWs, and of feminists in particular, and that droid is the main reason. In one scene we have Qira talking to the droid in the Falcon's cockpit, discussing Han and Lando as lovers. The droid acts all sassy, all 'i'm a strong, independent woman' like, says that it (she) is only with Lando because it (she) only wants it, and that Lando decides nothing, despite the fact that it (she) still wears a restraining bolt, obeys Lando's orders (however reluctantly), and factually counts as his property rather than equal or even girlfriend. Throughout the film, it (she) constantly makes remarks on the state of droids as slaves, or of women (i think in at least one or two instances this), and gets on everyone's nerves with its (her) constant bitching. Other than following orders, it (she) does nothing useful. Is this not how contemporary feminists are? Always bitching, stirring up trouble when there shouldn't be any, never being there to defend women when women really are being mistreated, and overally, just being an internet nuissance? By contrast, Qira is also a woman, and a very capable and smart one at that, but does she act all sassy? Does she constantly bitch? No, she's a well-rounded person (as much as that's possible), talks as necessary, does things without showing off, etc. There's an old saying about how the empty barrels make the most noise, well that's the case with that droid. More so, it kinda suggests that internet feminists - who make noise but do nothing actually useful are fakes, just as that droid wasn't really a woman or a person but a machine with programming. It's rather subtle trolling, if you think about it.

    Thank you for your attention,

    Until next time.



    By popular request - "tl, dr"

    1) On second thought, the movie is bad. It's lazily written.

    2) Everything Han is known for is stuffed into a single incident, and Han, despite going from zero to hero in roughly a week/ month, is still the same wannabe that he started out as and not the the Han from the OT.

    3) Lando, despite being the same smartass smoothtalker is actually a narcissistic and useless fetishist, despite capes not being a fetish, nor does the film deliver his promised pansexuality.

    4) The film doesn't deliver a plausable enough interaction/ chemiatry between Han and Lando to make them such good friends in Empire and RotJ.

    5) Movie pokes fun at SJWs and especially modern feminists by introducing a sassy female droid who, like them, is annoying, arrogant, and almost entirely useless, who stirs up trouble when it's entirely uncalled for, and otherwise thinks itself more important and useful than it is. By contrast, the movie also has real women who are strong, motivated, and do what is needed, with or without the "priveledged males" telling them to.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  2. I would have preferred GL's story about the Whills over this new weird trilogy with too much political aspects. It could have at least tied the loose ends about Anakins origin, with a deeper sight to the Force itself.


    Because the fight between good and evil - jedi and the sith- is eternal. Anyone can write a story about Luke or one of his grand-grand sons/daughters or Kanan (whoever) vs sith lords, but only George can further expand the universe, explain everything and well, we dont have to like it BUT its his story and whatever he says will be canon. At least thats how I see it.

    The problem with Lucas is that despite being the creator of the SW universe (as with most creators in fact), his ideas are pretty limited overall. He made the original Star Wars as pretty much a one-shot thing, but once he saw how it became popular, he started thinking up more and more stuff, eventually losing the string, and turning it into something entirely different. This is mainly why all the post-OT (if not post Empire) stuff created by him gets more and more silly, absurd, or is good but just too different. Also, why he didn't participate in the making of the 80% of the old EU.

    Everyone says Disney are ruining the franchise, but everyone is overlooking the fact that Disney actually are working closely with Lucas, so there's nothing they're bringing to the table that was not his idea initially, save maybe for the lame ass SJW bullshit.

    TheWhitePhoenix likes this
  3. Nothing like that you could use I'm afraid. In fact I've kiiiind of tried to make it as bot-unfriendly as I sensibly could in terms of traffic filtering, because we've had a whole bunch of abuse issues with bots downloading all/many files over and over and eating all the bandwidth/busting the cache/etc.

    Pardon if I'm in the dark asking this, but why let bots download it in the first place at all? Why not ban bots entirely, and only let real users download? :huh:

  4. So I watched @@big moist 's videos of Jedi Parkour and it got me wondering: the game does have all the right animations and options to make parkour possible. So, has anyone ever made a Parkour mod for JKO or JKA? If not, how about making one? It should be a fun little mod that, maybe, could even be turned into a bigger mod. All that's really needed is to tweak the animations and maybe add some scripts. A person with the right knowledge could do it no-prob. :ph34r:


    Yeah, I miss those non-SW mods like Doctor Who and Stargate total conversions, even those non-vanilla mods and modes like Swoop Racing, Hydroball, etc. :(

  5. Note: Ok, I know that many people dislike and even hate TFU, but in this topic, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT. Stay on subject, will you's? :rolleyes:


    Ok, so the game starts with Vader going to Kashyyyk to take out Kento Marek - a Jedi survivor of Order 66. He makes his way to Kento's hut, fights, and kills him. He's surprised to find out that Kento has a little son, but instead of killing the boy, he takes him away, and trains him as his secret apprentice. Here, we're led to believe that it may have been due to Vader's paternal feelings (after all, he knew he was supposed to become a father back before he turned to the Dark Side, and then the Emperor told him that both Padme and their unborn child were dead; he didn't know that his child(ren) survived). Vader doesn't want the Emperor finding out about the boy, so he kills his troops on Kashyyyk right before they could kill him (Galen). Later, we learn that he took the boy because he saw the great potential, and thus hatched up a(nother) way to kill the Emperor, his master - Vader being THE Sith apprentice, it was his ultimate goal, as per Sith teachings, after all - but we're again led to believe that paternal feelings played some part, because they were supposed to kill the Emperor together, not to mention that despite the brutal traning methods, he never otherwise mistreated Galen. So, time went on, young Galen grew up, and grew in power, and Vader finally sends him on missions to find and kill other surviving Jedi, but also, to train him against Force-wielding opponents. He orders Galen to kill any Imperials he might run into during his missions so as to avoid tipping off the Emperor of their plan. Three missions later, the Emperor's spies manage to somehow track Galen to Vader's flagship (despite Galen killing all witnesses during his missions, having a fast ship with a ton of cloaking devices, and an ace pilot, to boot - I know there are different kids of spy tactics, and that the Emperor doesn't really fully trust Vader, but it's still kinda suspicious, isn't it?), and the Lord of his Mightiness himself shows up to confront Vader over the matter. He orders Vader to kill Galen lest he wanted to die alongside the boy for betrayal, and Vader complies, throwing Galen against walls, and finally, out the window and into space, to his effective death. Later we're shown that Galen's body is recovered and that he's brought back to life (are we sure he wasn't cloned all the way back then, and that the whole cloning subplot in TFU2 wasn't just a hoax?). Vader informs Galen that it was a diversion to calm the Emperor (and get his mind off the intended punishment), orders him to get together a Rebellion, and lets him loose, also saying that they'll have to reduce contacts to a minimum so as to avoid suspicion from the would-be rebels and the Emperor himself, as Vader'll be watched closely. So, Galen goes around the Galaxy, getting the potential rebels together and attacking Imperial targets. Finally, the Rebel Alliance meets up to be officially formed, but it turns out to be a trap by Vader (and the Emperor), who planned on capturing the major Imperial dissidents red-handed all along. He reveals that he lied to Galen from the very beginning (which beginning exactly?), and that he does plan to take out the Emperor, just not with him (what a blow for poor Galen, he immidiatelly lost both his master and his father-figure). The rebels are taken away, whereas Galen falls off a cliff and is (at least supposedly) assumed dead by Vader. Finally, Galen goes to save the rebels, fights and defeats Vader, then the Emperor, and sacrifices himself (Light Side, canon ending) to let the rebels escape. In the end, the Emperor scolds Vader for losing control of the situation, and creating the Rebel Alliance that they'll now have to deal with.


    So what I want to know is, if it was Vader's plan from the beginning - to train Galen and use him to help the Empire and maybe kill the Emperor - when was the Emperor let in on the plan? Did he initially plan to take out the Emperor with Galen's help, but at some point, got a change of heart? Why? If it was Vader's plan, and the boy indeed came as a surprise (but a welcome one - at least, initially), when, and more importantly - why did he decide to inform the Emperor of this plan, and betray Galen - when he could have indeed used him to, at the very least, cripple the Emperor before killing him, and thus, to become the Dark Lord of the Sith?

    Alternatively, if it was the Emperor's plan to begin with, did he know about Kento's son, that Vader would spare out of paternal feelings, and would train as an agent to despose of dissidents, using the Sith teachings as a reason to motivate the boy until finally betraying him, and arresting the would-be rebels?



    RebelChum likes this
  6. Nice! I liked the second one (urban jedi) better.

    The interesting thing is that the JK games have Parkour potential, but they need to be tweaked and fine tuned to be turned into actual Parkour games. This would actually make a fine mod.

  7. Well, it'll probably be either a survival-horror/ stealth-action game (since you're a surviving Jedi during Order 66, and a trainee at that), or some kind of third person shooter in the style of the remade Shadow Warrior (minus the cheezy humor).

    It definitely won't be a JK remake, although it'd have made the most sense - you start with a few weak Force powers and a lightsaber, but since you don't have a master to teach you, all you can do is slowly develop these, and learn to use blasters and such. You'll probably have to pretend to be a mercenary, maybe steal holocrons in some levels, so as to learn new powers. If we're lucky, it'll have a couple of dogfighting levels. Maybe it'll also have different endings, depending on the player's choice - join the Inquisitors (if they'll be featured), remain a Jedi (two more potential endings), or abandon the Force entirely (though this is highly unlikely, since they're probably making an action game, and not an rpg). Alternatively, the 'joining the Inquisitors' bit might be part of the actual plot, which would give additional meaning to the title. I also think it may feature some kind of character creation (at least, at this point, it's safe to assume that it will).

    I also have to agree with some of the previous comments, and there is a big chance it'll be a game about young Kanan, set before Rebels.


    A small off-topic: Did anyone ever hear of Respawn Entertainment? What games d'they make?


    Edit: CoD4 and Titanfall 1 and 2. From what I remember, CoD4 was kinda fun. Don't know about Titanfall, never played it. I wonder though, if the Titanfall games are first person only, then does that mean we'll have first person lightsaber combat in SW: Fallen Order?

    Smoo and MrDJSilva like this
  8. Will sit this one out because I never paid much attention to soundtracks. Sure, they're iconic, and they do their job of transmitting the stuff on-screen, but I just don't care enough to memorize them.

    Otherwise, I suppose the original OT soundtracks (especially Anh and Esb, and indeed the Luke vs Vader duel and the final celebration in RotJ) were great. Tpm's 'Duel of fates' (or whatever it was called), as well as maybe RotS music for when Anakin and Obi-Wan duel on Mustafar, and Operation Knightfall before that (though this one felt a bit forced, I think) too. But I really can't choose. The rest I just didn't memorize.

    Guess, I'll have to get my hands on all them soundtracks and get an opinion. -_-

  9. Starkiller moving a falling Star Destroyer through the force





    Ugh! Always hated this part, mostly because the game had wonky skyboxes and i could see neither the Star Destroyer, nor the Tie-Fighters, until the latter were right in front of the platform. Kota yelling 'rip it out of the sky!!1' didn't help either because the game was kinda FU on how to do this. But overal, i did like TFU better than the sequel.
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