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Posts posted by the_raven

  1. Oh, I see. The blades in-game come out of these:




    This is why the staff has it on both ends. The red glows are more on those ends to match more with the saber blades.


    I don't think it would look right coming from this end:




    Because it represents the bottom with small blades attached for stabbing on the non-saber blade side. Rooxon put it together from pieces of the other weapons. :shrug:

    Okay then, that explains it.

  2. Amazing. I like how Vader looks like Sebastian Shaw a little and also Hayden. Truly great texturing.

    Agreed! At first I wanted to comment on how I'd rather see Shaw's Anakin over Hayden's, but then I took a closer look and noticed that it's like they're both there somehow.

    Very well executed indeed!

  3. Aye, recently someone posted about wanting to make a mod about Stormtroopers, with the first level set on Endor, with the Imperials having to escape the man-eating Ewoks. All teddy-bear bs aside, that's actually a good horror idea.

    In Clone Wars there were a few episodes, one that I really liked was where they were partly ripping off System Shock 2 - you know, where there's a derelict Republic space station, and the gang discover that all of its staff were infected with parasitic mind-controlling worms, so it was basically a glorified zombie movie in SW props? :D

    Speaking of which, there was some actual zombie-virus story in the old EU, I don't remember what it was named, so it may have been mentioned already.

    I also remember in the old EU there was mention of vampire-like beings, namely there was a race of humanoids who could eat your brain (or something) through a couple of long, thin trunks they had. And there was also a kind of worm or centipede on Coruscant's lower levels that consumed raw energy, including from living beings, so a lot of people were afraid of these creatures coming after them during blackouts.

    Ah, so much potential.

    Bek likes this
  4. Alternatively, you can start a topic either here, on moddb, or some other site, and just wait for interested people to join. A word of warning though, if you go along this route: make sure you can do at least something, because i know from personal experience that when you only have an idea, but can't do any actual modding, people will not want to work with you, thinking you're lazy or whatnot.

    So yeah, your best - definitely best - option is to start by yourself, actually learn to do things, and then show it to people and invite them to join the modding team. It will take time, and it won't be easy, but it will be worth it in the long run.


    As to the idea, i was actually thinking of something similar myself (though just as a fantasy, because my modding skills are inadequate for something as big as this, and i can't be arsed to learn right now). The way i see it, it's gonna feel like Dark Forces/ JO before you get a lightsaber. In fact, the Rax level in JA is one of my favorites.

    Now, the guys are right, since you'll most likely play a file-and-folder stormtrooper, you'll need to work in a group, whereas playing alone would increase difficulty. I think there'd need to be some kind of script or something to expand follower AI or give them some way to get healed without Force Heal.

    Also, love the idea of escaping Ewoks on Endor! Funny and reasonable. :D

    Kazokas likes this
  5. what should I put in the description? To turn things more easy

    Who should get credited for the Dantooine map, there's only one map of this place here

    Who should get the credits for Nihilus mod from Kotor 2 duels? And for the Vandar skin?

    I don't want put the video without know if I can just put the video without give any credit, don't feels right to me,JUST ONE MORE thing I change the music of Dantooine without permission of the moder who make the map BUT only I have this file,I think that the music that I put fit better for the duel scenary.

    Maybe Circa will ban me for post again but like to make things right,be honest.

    And I want to give the credits if the moders wish

    I never put this kind of content in YouTube So I don't know what put,but I believe that Lucas art or John Williams must take the credit for exemple for the music,I want sleep with my conscience clear.

    As to your original question: give credit to the map/ skin creators, changing the music should not be a problem, since you're making a video, but give credits to the new music as well.
  6. I disagree. People spent a lot of time on a lot of different types of mods. They have a right to feel ownership towards it; they made it. Just because someone can "replicate" something doesn't mean it's up for grabs without giving credit. You didn't make it. Plus, nothing is ever 1:1. Especially in the case of modeling, skinning, and mapping. And keep in mind, many people would like to know what their mods are being used for. It's not always about "this is mine, don't use it" - but more likely "this is mine, let me know when you use it, but most likely you'll be able to". They are free mods, most people are easy going on how they are used, but that doesn't mean people can just steal and claim content as their own. That's exactly what KOTF originally did and why it was a huge deal. Modders still try to do this today, which is why we have to have rules about it.


    Relative meme: 






    Our main job is file approvals. But JKHub is literally the last thing on my mind in life. I know the other staff members are the same way. It's a modding site for a 15+ year old game, it's not really a priority, and I get no benefits from spending time on it. I make time when I am able to. Waiting a couple days for a file to be approved should be acceptable. If anyone was around during the JK3Files.com days, they would remember it would take weeks, sometimes months before files would get approved. We've never let a file go more than a week without at least being looked at for how to proceed with it. If a file sits there for longer, it's because the author has changes to be made and we are waiting on them.


    You can read the rules any time, there's a link down in the bottom right of every page you are on. Our file section is a service, and our forum section is a service. We can't force people to submit their mods to our file section. Maybe there is a reason they haven't yet, like maybe it's not quite finished but they want some feedback, or maybe it breaks our file section rules but they want to share it.


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