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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. The rig differs some from the one in the video mainly because it was being constantly updated and improved on. You can update the software but honestly, there is something I'd like to check before you do, see if the File>Export>Model is greyed out or not, if it isn't, then DON'T update, if so then might as well. Nothing to really do with JA but something that could be useful on getting this into commercial versions without me having to rebuild it. MB2 animations are the same, whoever is doing them may be using another software which it is possible to do this in Blender and Max but there is just no tutorials or specialized rig to speed up the process afaik. As far as importing goes, the only program that can import GLA files is Blender, you'll only get a handful of null objects (someone correct me if I'm wrong) or possibly straight bones which either wont be too useful. This animation rig is a "shadow rig" which essentially takes a rig that wouldn't work in the game engine that offers way more control and has the game skeleton constrained to it so that the game skeleton "follows" the motion of the rig. These motions are then plotted on export, no parts of the rig are in the game skeletons hierarchy or get exported to the game. Another thing to be aware of, JA doesn't use all of those finger digits so you'll be limited to how you can pose the hands. The index finger is controlled by it's bones but the middle, ring and pinky fingers are all controlled by the bones that would move the ring finger. In JK2 they have all the finger joints but not JA. There is an updated video on this rig showing what's been changed, you should probably also turn off constraint compensation. It'd probably take a lot to go over just how to animate with the program, that wasn't really the main focus of my tutorial videos, there are already so many generic Softimage videos out there. It was mainly just to show how to take a completed animation and get it working in the game since for the longest time very few people understood how.
  2. One of the first mods I downloaded back in the day, big MG fan.
  3. Dang, you just now seen this DT? lol
  4. I've always wanted to see a Jedi Leia, it pisses me off so much that she isn't a Jedi in these Disney films.
  5. All us OG's I think are still in our 30's not really old but sometimes life makes it hard to find time to mod.
  6. Yeah, let @@Psyk0Sith finish Pic, already had an awesome start.
  7. ^Softimage, but I may end up doing it for him if he wants to just keep rolling onto another model. ZBrush actually has much faster posing tools than taking the time to do vertex weights with bones.
  8. Pretty sure he's using Softimage, you can grab the skeleton files here, perhaps join the discord if you need some advice on how to set it up. I'd also be willing to fully set up whatever models ANY of the members make though just so that they don't have to bother with it if they wanna move on to something else. Putting it in the root pose will make it easier for me but I can still pose it later although ZBRush posing tools seem to be much faster than in traditional 3D software.
  9. Wow, looks great so far. I really need to get better with ZBrush. =(
  10. Embed the images here lol. Nice to see some maps getting done, it really can make or break a mod not having any maps so I'm happy they're being worked on. There is an updated Lambda Shuttle in the mod but it'll probably have to be redone again for PBR but still much more accurate than the base one, Psyk0 made some pretty textures for an old model of mine.
  11. Set "r_refraction 0" there is a known problem with that effect which causes crashes when push/pull are used @@Psyk0Sith. Let us know if it still crashes after that.
  12. I'll have to check this out for sure, been wanting to get back into lugormod.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tempust85


      The high-res mesh would be better tbh, then you can accurately generate all maps for painter.

    3. AshuraDX


      Wrong. AO, Normal and Thickness are all maps that painter generates from a high res mesh. It generates the rest from the normal map and the lowpoly.

    4. AshuraDX


      Only maps with the "HI" tag in painters baking menu need the high res mesh

  13. Hope this clears some questions I've gotten up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MzOwmB_D8g

    1. Circa


      Nice. Makes me want to try out making some animations.

    2. minilogoguy18


      Do it, having a biped rig makes it so much easier than moving each bone.

    3. minilogoguy18


      I just transferred and improved the run sequence shown in the original video. Thinking up bundling it with the rig as a separate file in the ZIP.

  14. Yeah, then whenever a big change is made a link can be sent to everyone at once.
  15. Really? Adding LOD's to my AT-ST is what got that error to stop, was told by one of the long time coders here that the lowest res LOD is the collision mesh. That model only has 1600 verts on it's lowest LOD though so it's a good bit lower.
  16. Fun fact, game uses lowest LOD to calc collision, having LOD's will help with stopping that error on higher poly models but too many of them on the map at once will still cause problems so the vertex count should probably be tried to be pushed down to around 3k. The game counts vertex's btw. Looks pretty good though so far.
  17. Lighting is a bit dark but comparing to the old game which is like full bright everywhere it probably matches more closely to what we see in the cinematic.
  18. I got a little burned out and took a break from modding for a bit but I'm planning on starting back up on this, not working on anything else on the side or anything like that, just this.
  19. I think it's a good thing to not be a total replicated stamp of the original. I like the slight bit of greenery added to it.
  20. We aren't using that method. The DF2 game engine that SomaZ and DT have built use a totally different rendering engine than the base game. You'll have to be brought up to speed. This doesn't mean you can't get the maps geometry done as well as some other things but texturing and lighting are going to be a bit different. We'll also have to get DT to send you a link through PM with the game engine as well as the working levels we have so far.
  21. He may be able to do it all in Radiant, I'm sure he'll have to compile everything to see how it ends up looking since you can't preview normal maps in Radiant. @@DT85 and @@AshuraDX, how did you guys go about the Yun duel and getting the GL2 shaders sorted out? Despite not taking advantage of our render engine it looks pretty good so far.
  22. Yeah, it's better to have it public, we just shouldn't post links to any dropbox accounts that have content.
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