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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. No, it'd be more of a code thing than an animation thing, look at the code that makes the characters head track to follow the closest player in MP. The GLM/GLA formats don't support costraints even though the format it's compiled from (dotXSI 3.x) does I don't think that info is taken through the compiler.
  2. For guns? It's an odd angle, the best thing to do is to import an existing model and position yours in a similar way.
  3. Dude, it has gotten so much better. The texture looks amazing. For a gun I would definitely go the Sub-D route over sculpting, so much faster and easier to do hard surface stuff. Especially when we can just poly model it and up the divisions using the num pad +/- keys. I'd save ZBrush for organic stuff like characters.
  4. The MB2 code source isn't available afaik, they're kinda being lame about it.
  5. The saber style part is a bit tough, not only will you need to do some coding to add it you'll also have to animate all the individual moves. You'll need all of these... 1 Idle anim 7 swing anims 7 swing to ready anims 7 swing starting anims 21 transitional anims You can use Softimage, 3DS Max or Blender to add player animations. Although, I don't think there is any documentation on how to do it with Blender and Softimage is the only one with a downloadable biped rig adhering to the guidelines of the game which was made by yours truly. If someone has a setup for 3DS Max they should probably share it, I'll be remaking mine in Softimage 2015 soon but for now it's only in the free version of Mod Tool. The coding part, someone might be able to step in and answer those questions, I just figured I could answer the art side of it.
  6. Modern art is doable with a modern pipeline, GL2 still has some things that need to be worked out, I know it's been kept on the DL but a full PBR pipeline is already here, just a little more time is needed before it's ready to be shared with other mods. With what we've got so far in DF2 using the GL2 renderer it's definitely WAY easier to just stick to this engine with a revised renderer than go to a different engine. Some of us here have tried that and that route is more work, much more. From trying to mimic the games feel to the massive amount of animating which DT and I are like the only animators around here, to all the art. Moving to another engine is a massive amount of work.
  7. I think @@Teancum was doing most things but from what I remember the technical/code aspect is more his specialty so if you team up with him taking care of the art side you'd have a solid start with just a few more hands needed.
  8. @@SomaZ as long as it accepts the existing formats, neiter @@Corto or I are using 3DS Max either.
  9. Ah, you beat me to it Soma, it can be done in the base game but it needs some improvements. https://jkhub.org/topic/7473-maps-made-out-of-models-lightmap-aswell/
  10. You can only change the upper body without editing the code because the base game code calls for the motions of the waist down to use one of the basic standing animations (forget which) so it would just be from the waist up but very possible and pretty easy.
  11. Well yeah, the DL-44 is just a Mauser C96. Too bad they probably ruined the Mauser that they used in the movie probably not knowing how rare they would become.
  12. Only problems I've had on Win10 was openGL compatibility. All I had to do was use some older drivers and it just seemed to be older AMD cards that had the problem. I would select objects inside of Softimage and the software would crash.
  13. SWGEmu is getting interesting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sithani


      Jedi are unlocked

    3. Noodle


      Jedi are shiet, you hear me, shieeeeet

    4. minilogoguy18


      The main server has proper Jedi, you have to unlock it. There wont be very many, you might rarely run into one and the few that there are they'll be low key.

  14. Very few people here even dabble in actual modeling so the chances are slim, might just have to source an old installer.
  15. We need to all get together in a discord group chat and figure that one out.
  16. Would have to see a complete hierarchy of the model to be sure. JO models only work to an extent since they do not have the proper name for the tag that controls the left hand for dual sabers but the right hand should work and both should be visible no matter what. The saber for things like the dual saber kata wont work cause the left saber wont leave the hand.
  17. @@SomaZ you are! We NEED you! I just meant that GL2 can sort of be broken off into it's own thing to be used by other mods once it's more complete even if DF2 isn't finished by that time since PBR is better than just plain diffuse/normal/spec that you get out of rend2.
  18. Yes, that is @@SomaZ, that is his youtube channel.
  19. This is all done by @@SomaZ, mostly helping out the DF2 mod but will be released outside of it too for others to use. We're mostly developing side by side since our team has artists who can produce content that would take advantage of the new render engine. Using this render engine alone will not be enough, all the assets will have to be redone to fit a PBR pipeline.
  20. More work on this, I stopped for a min to help @@Archangel35757 with a plugin for MD3 support, each time I do a swing I also take care of the transition from and back to the idle stance so it knocks out 3 sequences at once. I feel like right now I'm going to get some decent but probably not perfect sequences down at first and tweaking will come after I see how they play in game. The transitions between swings should be easy even though there are more of those than anything since I can just take the start and end of each sequence, interpolate a few frames between and make some adjustments, they should be quick to make. Right now 3 more sequences are about to be added to the mixer>animations>sources list. Should be able to get 3 more a day at this rate.
  21. I used to play the seige destroyer map all the time and added many vehicles to the game. What I'd like to see is less like atmospheric flight and more like actual space like XWA/SWG. The other things that could use fixing are the vehicle turrets since it seemed like something that was attempted but probably not completed in time of release of the game. I'd ditch the side to side "juking" for rolling that does not auto center but maybe a auto center feature that can be turned on if desired. Bigger maps would be nicer since a small fleet of star destroyers that are to scale would not fit in 1 map.
  22. I know how to use the software I've been using for 10 years lol. Seems that everything is in clusters, textures are applied but they look pretty bad with only the diffuse map. The rest of the images aren't there, I'm assuming there is at least a normal and spec map. Probably an AO map too but they're not in that file.
  23. The OBJ file imports with no UV map and the FBX failed to import for me.
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