The saber style part is a bit tough, not only will you need to do some coding to add it you'll also have to animate all the individual moves. You'll need all of these... 1 Idle anim 7 swing anims 7 swing to ready anims 7 swing starting anims 21 transitional anims You can use Softimage, 3DS Max or Blender to add player animations. Although, I don't think there is any documentation on how to do it with Blender and Softimage is the only one with a downloadable biped rig adhering to the guidelines of the game which was made by yours truly. If someone has a setup for 3DS Max they should probably share it, I'll be remaking mine in Softimage 2015 soon but for now it's only in the free version of Mod Tool. The coding part, someone might be able to step in and answer those questions, I just figured I could answer the art side of it.