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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. @@DT85, something small to add, the rodian that is supposed to ride down the elevator with the gran at the pat where there are 3 enemies on that skiff that flies off and crashes after you kill the enemies, that rodian dies when calling the elevator from within that room. Not sure why.
  2. Best to send it directly to DT and not post it here on the forums.
  3. Yeah, I'd like to see a bit more original content being made, not just a bunch of jumbled together models.
  4. ^I dunno about that, Grievous and Ventress were both much more intimidating in the 2003 cartoon. The only better part really was seeing more of Asajj Ventress but at the later point when she's a nightsister and on her own. I was always so disappointed she never made it to the movies, would have preferred to see her over Grievous if I had to choose one over the other. Too much was also out of place with the movies, like Anakin having a padawan.
  5. Nice to see a lugormod server, the best MP mod by far.
  6. Yeah, it seems like it's pretty much complete, I mean there may be little things we may think of at some point here or there. I think I'd probably still at least would have to play the map to see for sure though. I think since you did this one maybe the level before it should be your next one, that way the theme is kept similar and this map actually looks like it's part of the level before it.
  7. You should try and figure a way to set Silo's viewport to render textures exactly as ModView renders them, that way you don't end up with textures that look too bright or washed out in game. I do this in Softimage by simply setting the viewport setting to "Textured Decal" you may have a similar setting, it's pretty much a full bright setting that ignores all lighting in the program and no shadows are cast of course.
  8. Oh you actually have that map file? I think yours just mainly needs some lighting and texture changes, the layout is right, the only thing that could possibly be changed brushwork wise is just some improvising on detail of the level. Main things more greenrustdirtgrimescummaybe a faint greenish haze in the air like KotOR 2I also feel like every light in the level should emit yellow light, no white lights at all. Kinda like when plastic light lenses say on cars headlights for example oxidize and turn yellow, I feel like every light on Nar Shaddaa would be like that. Fun fact, the yellowing of plastic headlight lenses is due to pollutants in the air, not the sun, you may notice that some cars only 1 side will do it and that's because most cars that it'll be behind in traffic will have only 1 tailpipe to 1 side.
  9. Sent the model to Ashura, I'm sure he wont disappoint. Gonna start working on everything needed to make a simple walk cycle, will give it a basic rig but good enough to do more if needed.
  10. Hmm, that's very tough, I really like the Nar Shaddaa we see in KotOR 2 but it seems like it could be a big redesign as well as the time from KotOR 2 and DF 2 were very far apart, the city wouldn't look the same. I still really liked the way this version looked http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?53704-side-project Just something about the lighting, the color choices, like there is algae or something coating a lot of surfaces with A LOT of rust on everything. It just looks so dirty but so right, similar in a way to KotOR 2. I would say keep the layout the same but try to add the atmosphere of what this person was trying to achieve as well as the atmosphere of KotOR 2. Make everything seem grimey, damp with a haze in the air. If you scroll through that thread you'll also find there are videos of the level being played, the fans in the beginning in the ceiling are not all moving at the same speed as well as there being destructible elements.
  11. Co-op has been done before, it's based on the SP engine. I HATE that this topic got bumped cause it can only distract from what we're really doing, the mod is staying SP, the team and productivity has recently increased. The ONLY thing needed to make MP is just a few maps, that's it, that can be decided after SP if we even get that far.
  12. Photobucket sucks too from what I remember, they had a size limit on images. I've been using imgur, drag and drop uploading with no limit to size.
  13. Please embed images, the thumbnail takes me nowhere and is pretty small even at 1600x900 resolution to see any real detail. Can't suggest anything without a wireframe.
  14. Yeah, pretty sure one was at least started for the SotE mod back in the day.
  15. TNG I believe, can be seen in the movie Star Trek: Insurection. Why not just host it in the downloads section?
  16. Don't worry, not gonna do any more than what we need on this one.
  17. No, recently hired on AshuraDX as the main 2d artist, he's honestly the best here IMO, I'm terrible at textures. I'm more of a technical person than an artist, I'm more useful as someone to build complex rigs and animations than anything but I'm a decent modeler so I fill in there as well.
  18. Taking time to work on it, ignore the messy UV islands, that gets done last. Had a lot going on lately with seeing about going back to school and having a jacked up elbow, running around town seeing specialists. I'm trying to have the UV's finished within the next 24 hours at least so it can be shipped off for texturing while I simultaneously set up a skeleton and walk cycle.
  19. Lol, I've got quite the list of emulation. SNES GBA N64 PSX PS2 Dreamcast GameCube
  20. iBuffalo is going to be the best. I'm using a Retrolink N64 USB controller and it feels like the real thing, the only downside is Windows doesn't seem to know how to interpret the joystick so it's crazy sensitive, don't know of any fix. Works good otherwise since nothing else feels natural for N64. Of course for PSX and PS2 I use a actual PS3 controller with a program called MotionInJoy, it also works good for SNES since the layout is similar but I've been thinking about getting an actual SNES USB controller.
  21. I would like to see another Nar Shaddaa map as well, I liked the theme it had in KotOR2, it is a moon of Nal Hutta which I'd imagine it being far from clean being at the hard of Hutt territory.
  22. Lego models would clip horribly bad but they would be easy to make.
  23. This discussion is retarded anyway since NONE of the Jedi of the time even wore robes, they went out with the old Jedi Order. This mod is intended to be a remake of the most popular game of the series on this engine, not to redesign characters to fit the tastes of some.
  24. Did you ever play Dark Forces 2? This is his outfit from that game. Kyle was terrible in JA, not even the same person.
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