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Aldro Koon

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Everything posted by Aldro Koon

  1. Any idea if you can just release the 25 maps first, beta test style? We are impatient haha XD
  2. Really excited! Just hope it lends itself to MP well because our Sith clan sure could use some new maps for our trials Nothing too insanely difficult but a decent challenge and a fun/exciting experience is what im hoping for
  3. Movie project started! https://vimeo.com/195062770
  4. Our clans movie project has begun :< And yknow the shameless advertisement below:
  5. The clan celebrated its 10th year anniversary a month ago! 10th year anniversary event, 32 player swoop race The 10th anniversary semi finals Figured I'd drop by our new trailer for cooperative missions =>
  6. Would kill for some MP missions with focus on some elaborate puzzles, traps and general team work/decision making as you progress. This looks cool though, keep up the good work! (Just if possible, please less gunners as they are kind of buggy in MP XD)
  7. Thanks, thats the nicest compliment <3
  8. Are you sure the area portal is working? Go ingame, /devmap mapname then go to the door and do /deveoper 1 then /r_showtris 1. Open the door and let it close. When the door is closed, does it render everything behind it or not? If it renders everything behind the door when its closed, then your portal isnt working. If you have things outside of the room then those will probably render anyway even if the portal is working. And if someone opens the door, the outside will show EVEN if you have portal'd it becuase the portal only works when the door is closed! Think your only way is to either remove those outside areas somehow or build a exterior from the outside view so it looks decent. R_showtris 0 to get normal view.
  9. Adding the interview Circa did on us so we dont lose it https://jkhub.org/home/interviews/clan-feature-jedi-of-freedom-r126/
  10. I was actually refering to Europe when I said that. KR is American AFAIK. I specifically said we're a European clan later on as well.
  11. We slayed them. There is your truth. >:|
  12. Added EU domains to our Site and Forums => www.jofacademy.eu www.jedioffreedom.eu
  13. Incredible work! In the off chance that our sith clan decides to use this map, could you please make a non npc version? There is a certain limit to the amount of npc models each map can have and going over it causes it to crash. And having them be unkillable canruin some areas as you cant duel there. Please keep this in mind!
  14. real kids played JK2 using /god and got stuck vs the first duel with desann cause they couldnt kill him and the objective is to die there lmao (then after 10 tries thinking the game is broken, they once forgot /god and died which gave them a huge revelation and the game continued)
  15. damnit you're probably right man cant that somehow be solved... like some solution that can be jammed into openJK lmao, excuse me while i just go dreaming thats kinda what i was thinking too. outside of the hood, if you just treat it like.. an outfit (a.. tight one lmao) rather then a robe, it could still kinda work?
  16. alright kualan, time to get your hands dirty (pls?) there is just something about this robe and the way it fits palpy that is so much better then all of the sidious/emperor models we have. like you could actually use this model to duel without feeling like you're walking around with a bed sheet on your back. kinda boggles my mind that no one has made it (well that and ahsoka in rebels):
  17. Damn okay.. well I can try to test it I guess. Might be a bit tricky if it requires linuxjampded or is openjk fine?
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