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Aldro Koon

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Everything posted by Aldro Koon

  1. Cool, I just have to ask though: Is there any estimation on when this will be completed? Are the odds in our favour of it being completed at all or is this just a shot in the dark?
  2. Ill try it if you still need someone. Lugor for linux is something my clan has interest in.
  3. Updating this with a great video from our member, Toph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUK5SBLv_0U
  4. Is this still being developed? What are the odds of a online RPG coming from this mod? I get that there are 4 phases but is it wishful thinking at this point to reach the last one? Wouldnt it have been easier to just reduce the scope? Rather then a ton of weapons and updates to them, putting focus on only quest-rpg-inventory-32 players-progression system (no more) and let people kinda do their own thing (think Lugormod meets DayZ-ish). A mod similar to MB2 in terms of scale mightve been more likely to pull off. But the whole MMO aspect makes it seem too big. Couldnt the focus have been placed at getting the RPG aspect to work online with 32 players and then release updates to update guns and such rather than doing it the opposite way? Im really talking out of my ass now, I just wish this mod the best. Obviously im no developer
  5. I didnt do any arena file or such im afraid. We're all console geeks in my clan XD devmap/ammap is all we need!
  6. You also have the error on the SMC (other map of ours) and that doesnt include that error surely cause the statues are new. What error do you get when you run the SMC map? You're the only one we're aware of with this problem atm so its hard to pinpoint the issue
  7. Did a build with samples 3, bounce 8, light fast and patchshadows, went wonderful. Ive uploadd the map to JKHub, just waiting for approval Will be titled {JoF}Temple so check it out! Thanks for the help everyone.
  8. Version V1


    Readme File: *************************** JEDI KNIGHT III MODIFICATION *************************** Title : {JoF}'s Jedi Temple V1 Author(s): Fifthforge, Zefilus & Ez ​Contributor(s): Milamber, Aldro Koon, Fuzzy, Exonimus Website : www.jofacademy.eu File Version: 1.0 File Name : {JoF}TempleV1.pk3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Description : A map that started in February of 2015 and completed within 11 months from the clan Jedi of Freedom, {JoF}. It is meant as a tribute to the clan and as a way for the clan to finally replace the infamous JediCouncilGCX and Jedi'sHomeJL 2. This map had a lot of great authors and was a collaboration of several JoF members. We are incredibly pleased with how this map turned out so I suggest everyone offers their bandwidth to experience it. You will not be disappointed. Also a big thanks to Shadowstone for making JH2 as we clearly drew mad inspiration to make the first mainhall. Likewise a huge thanks to Griffinclaw for his GCX map as the pillars and lava areas are entirely from him due to those being a classic part of our trials in the clan. Thanks to Sith-J-Cull for some mad texture work in his Coruscant/Padmes home map. Lastly: None of this would be possible if it wasnt for the crazy work of Fifthforge, Zefilus, Ez, Milamber, Aldro, Fuzzy and the rest of {JoF}. Once again, a big shoutout to Fifthforge for pushing this map out within 11 months. * Map Information * Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Music: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------- Installation : Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory. Known bug(s) : Singleplayer might not load properly due to a statue having a too long filename length (MAX_QPATH). Simply remove the PK3 from base to be able to play singleplayer again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright / Permissions * Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods. If you want the .MAP file for some reason, contact 'Aldro Koon' at our forums over at www.jofacademy.eu -> forums. THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  9. Well its on light now, using: -light -patchshadows -v -samples 2 -bounce 8 Still stuck on the same area as my last post...
  10. Because it doesnt come out fine. Its as if the map is fullbright/lacks proper lighting. I managed to just make the width of the brushes bigger and that basically hides the transparency, but i dont think that necessarily solves it, if that makes sense. Im running a final compile now on ydnars >2gb ram q3map2 and its been 5 hours with half the time being stuck on: "-- IlluminateRawLightmap -- 0... The Q3MapGUI says its Compiling Light and my ram usage is at 3.5 gb along with 100% CPU usage so clearly something is running... Right? Or should I consider terminating it...
  11. Well the thing is that there is an exact replica of the same brush on the right side and that one works fine :S
  12. We are 3 people working on pushing this map out. Its a clan jedi temple map. The map is complete. But we suffer from compile problems due to one persistant transparent/void/glitchy f***** wall. When doing the final compile of the map using GTK 1.5s Q3Map2 (the one that doesnt have >2GB Ram): I am presented with either a malloc error which obviously is due to the ram. I am able to bypass this by using the parameter of -lomem. Regardless, the map comes out in fullbright! It looks hideous for a final compile and it doesnt even take long to do. I am fairly certain my compile parameters are fine as well as I am using the built in one but just adding -lomem to the light stage. Now why am I not using Ydnars >2GB Q3Map2? I would love to and here lies the problem. There is a single f****** wall that in radiant appears fine and when compiled with 1.5, appears fine. But when using Ydnars compiler, this area is transparent and instead shows us the skybox and causes void issues. It really is a minor area too so I cannot understand how myself and our other 2 mappers fail to fix this no matter what we do. One of the first things we did was recreating it. I just attempted it myself and the issue persists. I tried with edge tool, I tried with the clipper. I even rather keeping it solid as a square. All from scratch. Theres some black magic at work here... Ive only gotten four hours of sleep because I have been bashing this wall into pieces and it just will not give in. It consists of 2 brushes.
  13. The icarus way seems to be the better one. Is there really no script that has already done this and all you need to do is to target the script with triggers and just set the tracks to music1 etc/slightly modify the path of the script? Feels like someone would've done one in all these years for newbs like myself XD
  14. Figured id make a new topic on this because I cant find any info anywhere: Ive looked into how Taspir Power Complex map had a music on its map and allowed for players to toggle between the original song and 2 other songs by pressing some button/trigger on the map. I noticed that the creator used Icarus scripting to do this and well, I have no expertise in that area at all. I tried to look into it with DEvaheb but I cant seem to comprehend most of the stuff here. It doesnt help that theres a whole Rick Roll script inside of this too. Is there any other way to do this purely in radiant or any easier already made script I could use? Thanks!
  15. but does that really change the music of worldspawn? i basically want everyone to be able to toggle between 3 soundtracks on the map. ive looked into how taspir power complex did it but im way over my head because it uses icarus scripting and i have 0 knowledge of it. ive gotten my hands on the SDK and used DEVaheb to look at it but my knowledge is too weak lol. is there any prebaked script or any other way to do this any faster?
  16. Ive tried it too, it shows up exactly the same
  17. Hey! So my friend (Milamber) has made an FBX from a skin and turned it into ASE. However when we load it into Radiant, this is how it looks => Does anyone know why this happens and what we can do to solve it? In radiant: In Noesis: Any help is greatly appreciated.
  18. Is there no parameter to make them invincible or immune to attacks? Ideally, it would stand there like a statue. Might just try make it into a misc_model, rather... On another note, does anyone know how to have multiple music play throughout the map? With say three buttons to alternate between 3 songs?
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