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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I've been looking among my files and I found some of hatrus vehicles. Sadly, no Slave 2 yet. Here's what I've found: Jawa Tank: Sailbarge: Sabertank: Tie-torpedo: I wish we could upload this to the hub, but since it's not my work I don't think I can.
  2. I went from modding JA to modding Skyrim to modding JA. It's an endless cycle.
  3. Anyone else feels that we're closer than ever to WWIII?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Onysfx


      Unlikely, easier to enslave the population slowly and quietly.

    3. Mog


      Everyone says that whenever the US or Russia does something that pisses off one or the other. You guys do know that for 60 odd years or so, we were closer to "World War 3" than any time in history. Hell, I don't even think the Doomsday Clock moved that much because of this missile attack. Really, Russia could care less about Syria, and is only there because they want to use the country as a hook into the Middle East.



      No. My kids might see civil unrest long before any wars. That's chaos and scary as hell.

  4. If people want it to be a 1:1 replica of JHv2, they can play JHv2. It's always good to have space for creative innovation.
  5. Noodle

    Hello There!

    Welcome! Hope to see you on the WIP page soon!
  6. I had the Slave 2! I don't remember ever deleting it, but I don't have it on my base folder anymore. I think there's a chance I can find it somewhere. Did the ships on those screenshots act on their own, or where they just spawned vehicles that didn't do anything other than float around?
  7. You could benefit a lot from a shader that makes the eyes glow red.
  8. Thanks so much for sharing the solution, I'm sure it'll help many in the future, me included.
  9. NPCs don't ride vehicles on singleplayer, only the human_merc NPC rides the swoop vehicle.
  10. Skyrim ain't got nothing on you.
  11. I'm sure it's possible, crazier things have been done for this game! There are plenty of things you can order NPCs to do with the help of scripts and a simple menu. However, there are some things you can't do yet, which is why I've been reading eezstreet's coding tutorials so I can create some simple things.
  12. It's been time since my last update, but I haven't stopped trying to do new things. I was daydreaming the other day and thought 'wouldn't it be cool to do missions in which you can command NPCs?'. Even made a small test in which I ordered an AT-ST around. I think there are some neat things I can do with this.
  13. I was having dinner when my brother told me that the EU was no longer canon. My reaction was pretty much
  14. That video blew my mind, so I had to do some digging to see if I could find more. Turns out the person who did that map used to post here and had a website where he posted some info about his WIP. http://www.afl-clan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=5248 There he explains how he accomplishes some of the stuff we can see.
  15. Just tested it, and they do seem to work in Open JK. The controls are a bit clunky, but vehicles shoot and fly better than in base JA.
  16. No. Tarkin was an actor with a CGI mask. Some of you guys are hysterical.
  17. What are you guys talking about? Raddus was a puppet, not CGI.
  18. That boss design looks really nice, like if he just came straight out of mos eisley's cantina.
  19. I agree with most of what you said. But I think Obi-wan didn't believe Anakin could be redeemed, so it makes sense he thinks Luke is the chosen one. Even though at the end it was Anakin the one who destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the force.
  20. Sorry but I have a hard time explaining this. You're doing a move [ <vec>, <vec>, <float>] command, while I normally do move [<expr>, <expr>]. I just set an origin tag and a speed value. It's the only thing you've done that's different from what I normally do. If you change this and it doesn't work, I'll do a small .map file with a working moving object for you so you can study it. I haven't done it yet because I don't have time.
  21. Kinda bothers me that so many people here have no notion of film history that they don't recognize the duel was styled as a kurosawa-like samurai duel. It was brilliantly done. There was no need to do it in a long flashy way, it was a final conforontation between aged characters, not a duel like in the golden age of force users.
  22. Is the script directory okay? Is it on the scripts folder or a subfolder you haven't named on the target_scriptrunner entity? When I try to move something I don't really write it like that, but like this: affect ( "portcullis01", FLUSH ) { task ( "move01" ) { move ( $tag( "movehere01", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 ); } do ( "move01" ); wait ( "move01" ); }
  23. What's the platform? Does it have a script_targetname?
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