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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Who knows... though the prequels did reveal that Sidious had his eyes on Anakin already during the Geonosis conflict.. The fact that Lucas even started to work on the prequels to show how Anakin became this dark and feared character standing on the Emperors right side, - and the fact that Lucas added a line for Palpatine in the latest film ROTS, telling Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise - how one could create life, makes me think that Lucas had to create a prequel, to sort of , lay the foundation for finishing up the story he started back in 1977 = how it all ends.
  2. Very interesting, be it just rumours and conclusions, or not, some of that makes sense. By now Luke should have reached a much higher level. He is the son of Anakin who, to this day, is said to have born from the force itself. Ani became very powerful and his fate should frighten Luke. Even the Emperor saw Luke as a threat when Luke had just began his journey as a Jedi. Sidious even concidered him to be a powerful asset. Skip to 1:23 ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaBlw1gNWdg&feature=youtu.be&t=43s
  3. 145 users are online (in the past 15 minutes) or is tha the count of how many times this site has been visited within 15 minutes?

    1. Circa


      Probably our weekly small DDoS. No big deal thanks to Caelum. :)

  4. yes - and on my 22" screen via Steam.
  5. I know what I want for chirstmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SPuQauXQQs
  6. This is only 30 years after the Emperor was killed, in a world where some species live up to 180 years old, it's hard to think they would've forgotten so much, I mean, it's not like Tatooine is the center of the galaxy of a sudden; there are still planets like Coruscant, where the Jedi archives were probably not entirely destroyed and ofcourse there are many other civilized planets with education system for billions of inhabitants. Obi-Wan learned about Kamino from a fat old restaurant keeper. I like the rusty, industrial look of the OT, but I'd say that the galaxy is doing well. Sure they would miss the time before the empire, when the Jedi kept all safe, but as some of the released concept art reveals, the Empire is in ruins, not the Galaxy. We've been shown a wrecked AT-AT walker in the middle of a desert. But we have nothing that would indicate the newly formed republic being torn apart, or that any planets would be in disarray. Looking at the digitally remeastered versions of the Original Trilogy, we can briefly see Corucant and Bespin, both still being wonderful and huge metropolis. Why would've that disarrayed in 30 years?
  7. " The Force Awakens " sounds to me a lot like " The Phantom Menace " and the fact that the title speaks of the force itself, further adds to the rumour that this trilogy will end Lucas' fantastic space opera and that throughout the new trilogy, there will be major revelations about the prophecy and the sith. I doubt there'll be more that 9 episodes of Star Wars, which is why I choose to belive the rumour about Plagueis being the main villain in the new trilogy. EDIT: that image must be a troll, the font is weird and it looks like a joke by Steven Spielberg.
  8. It looks that editing these maps is actually very possible, but will I be able to overwrite them in their folders so that the changes can be seen in SP ? - Not sure. I'll post the results here during the weekend... maybe we'll have this as a project to follow at moddb.com
  9. Hi, has anyone ever tried to re-map the singleplayer missions? - not creating new missions but tempering with the maps already there. For example, opening the first mission, the crash nearby the Yavin temple, and making the environment more detailed and give depth to it. It would take a lot of time and effort to do this, I know , but it would make the single player experience a lot more exciting and interesting to play.
  10. @BruceJohnJenner If you only want to spice up your Single Player experience then I'd suggest you download and edit this : http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/SP_Red_Saber;21504 Unless you plan to share your work here, you don't need to contact the author of this file. Just change it from red to silver and you are good to go. Reading the comments on that file, there are those who say it works and those who complain that it doesn't. Give it a try atleast will ya?
  11. Ofcourse @therfiles Atleast we know most of the photos are real, because they've been filming outdoors which allows for paparazzis to take these, on-set-photos. Maybe some of the leaked information, and images, are infact revealed on purpose to let SW fans know that this film aint going to be as crappy as it first seemed. I am reffering to Disney ofcourse, Mickey Mouse in Jedi robes etc.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4vr1Z64xAs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUTg3oc4dCw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BGqmBARG8g
  13. To make it look more impressive, keep the front wall flat. Or add some detail to itas IrocJeff suggested. are those hologram bases final? Instead of brown rock, you could use the flag_base , see image below. And Im sorry for an off topic question; that standing animation looks cool, where can I get it from?
  14. Totally looks like Britney Spears. I like this model, great work @neomarz1
  15. Major modifications for JediKnight are always exciting to follow but many of us can only do as much, sadly, I see many empty seats around me. MoviBattles as a good example: it wasn't done overnight, and many got fed up with this game and didn't have time to wait for reasons to stay. But clearly MB belongs to JK HALL OF FAME. I just hope to see rend2 released before I get fed up as I grow up. Been around for over 10 years already. The reason I keep my profile here, and work on my own modifications, is the thought of Counter-Strike in the back of my head. SW7 is a good reason too.
  16. It seems a lot of TCW fans are thinking there's enough evidence to support the rumour of Gregor's return. This may be wishful thinking, we'll see. Since Mon Mothma was an important political figure and one of the founders of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in SWR.
  17. who dafuq is Gregor? Google Clone Captain CC-5576-39 “Gregor” in typically heroic fashion for the clones seemingly sacrificed himself to allow D-Squad to escape Abafar, but we never actually see Gregor die in battle. The result of this is that Gregor’s fate is unresolved with the end of The Clone Wars.
  18. I just finished watching the latest episode of StarWarsRebels. Really makes me wonder why would the stormtroopers be so incapable... compared to cadets. This doesn't make any sense..
  19. Clonetroopers were made more efficient and more professional, not because they were trained to do so, but because by the time of filming of the AOTC war had been made more entertaining and the directors are actually looking for interesting ways to bring the battle from the screen into our livingrooms. In the original trilogy the stormtrooper actors only had to look sharp in polished armors, and with some random lasers added flying across the TV-screen.
  20. ^that + SW:Rebels is what fans should follow before the premiere of SW7 , because there may be a link between these two I watched the first 2 episodes of SWR and I liked it.
  21. ____________________________________ REEK http://jkhub.org/files/file/2071-reek/ ____________________________________ NEXU http://jkhub.org/files/file/2043-nexu/
  22. well.. atleast it's possible to do some fancy stuff with brushes, " maybe you can use your lightsaber to cut those trees down and make a bridge " - Rosh Penin
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