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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. http://www.businessinsider.com/mark-hamill-star-wars-episode-7-80s-interview-2014-12 Excalibur?... :huh:what on earth did he have in mind 30 years ago... Could it be that Luke has to pass on his Jedi skills or that he has actually acquired some sort of an relic, weapon that he uses against the new sith lord?
  2. when are you planning on releasing that beauty?
  3. ........add some droids walking around " working"
  4. or then he's going to be exactly like the black kid in StarWars Rebels; feels quilty and wants to help the young hero. A Han solo -personality. though it would be nice to too more jedis besides Luke... :/
  5. yeah concentrate on that... you probably noticed my message was that Im mad about the real/troll racism floating around the trailer
  6. AWESOME !! why didn't I make this..... Now just make it appear somewhere in SP and you've hit a homerun. I renamed this and replaced the random officer that appears in the story (who usually drops a key) Fantastic
  7. how dare some people to say Stormtroopers can't be black?? That's like... the most childish thing I've heard since... ever stormtroopers aren't clones; the StormTroopers was a massive Imperial Army scattered all over the galaxy, they were basically mercenaries with military training, since just about anyone who could fit himself/herself into the armor, was accepted into the ranks. This is from where the new Disney Trilogy picks up the story So it's stupidity to expect that there would be any clones wearin those armors just because the clone troopers were a fairly recent addition to the saga. Even for Trolling... that's just stupid.
  8. I thought that Maul choose that weapon before Sidious even chose him as his apperentice... still, I doubt Tavion would use a common saber or add feathers 'n such to a Stinger.
  9. Mace Windu travel outfit Toshi's Luke Skywalker model, right? " I've had it with these motherfucking sith in my motherfucking Republic! "
  10. monkey arms will you also make a Hoth Leia from Empire Strikes Back?
  11. Right now the frankenstein would be possible, @@Kualan seems to be the perfect doctor for you @ - unless Ashura's working on a new model (?)
  12. Don't get carried away with good ideas I like the idea of mass produced stinger, but Tavion would not use one, as a real sith, she has continued the tradition of building her own lightsaber, something similar to Desann's. She's wacko, but she's still a sith who has been trained by a Sith Lord. It's only logical she would have a duelling style similar to Desann's - this would show in her saber design. Other badguys are just crazy cultists, reborns, expendable warriors, so It makes sense that whatever they would be using, Rosh would be given one of his own to customize. But how would Rosh personalize his newly given hilt? Make it broken? " Hey Jaden, I'm stuck... can you help me??" Any ideas for his customized saber are more than welcome. I'll work on some staff sabers before continuing with the stinger
  13. If only there was a sounds&music section for this file....
  14. @@Circa @@Angel Soul @@GojiraGamer Your argument is now invalid
  15. Not that it would mean anything, but the newly released teaser for 7th SW felt a lot like Star Wars Rebels to me,
  16. So... the purpose is play on [CMS] clan server and some frag videos would be uploaded to Youtube?
  17. well Lucas himself has said that although he sold the franchise to Disney, there were terms of use, like; Disney has to work on the script Lucas has already written, ending the saga as George himself has intented it to end. He has been reported saying that his role in the upcoming films is an adviser, mostly just stading still saying; " yes you can do that " and " no you can't do that, it doesn't fit the Star Wars universe, beacause..." so this way, we know that Lucas must've approved this new saber. Who knows if it was himself who came up with this idea. I think it's important to remember that Lucas is still a part of the new trilogy.
  18. lol what? you did that with paint.... by the way, it shows just how popular this movie is, that when I posted the video here, it had about 30 000 views - now it has almost 17 million views and still counting. I bet this teaser is going to break some records, no wait, this trailer breaks the internet. Suck on that Kim.
  19. that's the meaning of this topic By the way... does this look like the place seen in the teaser???
  20. while people are freaking out about this new lightsaber, I must say we had this same uproar when Darth Maul revealed his weapon, remember? there were opinions like; " that looks like a bo used in Martial Arts, rather than a lightsaber " while others felt it was " really badass and AWESOME " especially since back in 1999 when the film came out, there had been only 1 type of lightsaber for over 28 years - that's happening all over again..
  21. Even the nostrils look somewhat hollow compared to the photo. The eyes look far apart because of the thin nosebridge. Once you fix that, there's really not much room for critics for her face, it's looking great already. So how about those goggles? The model looks pretty good.
  22. Just hating the saber for the sake that it looks different, is stupid in my opinion, given the fact that we don't know if it even works like a standard lightsaber. Why don't we try to come up with ideas on how the 2 short ones are meant to work? I doubt they exist only for the looks, or to protect the saberhand, since ; there has been no need for such in the star wars universe so far, and that the hand cover/ guard, originates to medieval iron swords, so why should the ancient sith use such an old concept? - if we would say the saber is a relic - it would be a direct attack against the lightsaber concept itself. What if the 2 short ones are meant to power up step by step? - first one being what we see in the trailer, second phase would make them align with the hilt, creating 3 bladed saber, and the 3rd phase would somehow unite the 3 sabers into one badass berseker lightsaber.... there's much room for speculation
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