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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. oh right.... you want a FPV fist fight for Jedi Academy, but why? EDIT: nevermind why, I just visioned myself playing as Kyle Katarn, going Brock Lesnar on the stormies. F5 !! F5 !!
  2. Was it so? haven't played it since.... (darth vader walks away) So there's your answer; they both use the same engine, take a shovel and start diggin
  3. If there's a 3rd and 1st person view for a blaster, can't it be just copied for the lightsaber? and I may be wrong but I thought there was a FP saber mod for JK2.
  4. That wood texture reminds me of World of warcraft -- low poly textures and models, that would look nice on JA
  5. Thank you Keyten. This makes a better xmas !
  6. That Embo looks great! Are you working on a new model already or are you busy with the online Comic?
  7. This game is dead; empty servers and a handful of dreamers, who still want to play or/and modify the game, and this website is very imporant for anyone who's still interested in this game. Creating maps and player models and making re-skins is fun, but working on anything bigger is a waste of time to me. I hope EA makes a new JK.
  8. I like it Jeff. New and Fresh idea. That would make a great admin room asset. "The Big Brain sees everything"
  9. Mind blown. reverse sabers for normal stances -- you gotta give me the IP of the server where this will be used !
  10. So you don't want a TFU stance with the saber being held 'backwards' in hand, instead you'd want a reverse saber for normal stance?
  11. I replaced the SP one with this version. I will never use any other versions, this is perfect. Looks like Mark Hamil.
  12. If you got something bigger done, why not release a few prefabs? I'ts only a waste of time only if you say so
  13. Atleat I couldn't do better. It's looks dark now, but with a shader + ingame image it may look better than Scerendo's version.
  14. Yes this is exactly what I'm saying. Isn't that obvious? You should make your own textures and design your own maps. You can't just go and say you're making a version 2 of something you didn't even create in the first place, and call it a better version. It's as rude as if I would remake your Academy map without toilets and the bar and without some minor unnecessary details and release that as a better version or even as version 3 or was it 4? You're not even satisfied with your own work. The map you're currently copying is downloadable at Jk3files.com and already has close to 11 000 downlaods - this means to you that it has to be " improved" ?
  15. @@eezstreet I hope this wont be uploaded here since it's a copy of a CLAN MAP Adding teleports or making differently operating doors isn't a good cover for you act @@Oobah. I didn't even know about GCX. It's true that there no real copyright to map and playermodels made by gamers, but you should never remake something that wasn't originally yours. You're a Copycat.
  16. You're copying this map?? - The carpet, the blue & gold textures, snowy mountains, everything. Please explain this @@Oobah... http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Order_of_the_Expendable_Jedi_Knights_Temple;44749
  17. Yup -- it's just merry christmas all around me, I got a couple unfinished concepts on my desktop.
  18. --what? We've got maybe less than 5 active modellers with enough on their table already, don't loose hope because no1 has yet picked this up. just leave this floating around here, someone will eventually help you out.
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