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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. Why Jedi Academy? it has a in my opinion, bland single player campaign, the only reason it is good is because of the modding community and the multiplayer, If anything remake Jedi Outcast.

    I think Dark Forces 2 deserves a singleplayer remake the most because it probably had the best single player campaign of them all, story, gameplay etc. 

    ^ this



    Jedi Academy has new sabers and animations, wohoo.  We're talking about remaking a game, which means that lightsaber combat (if added) would be improved.

    Jedi academy roll stab, and katas etc. are useles even against NPC's.  I would love to see Outcast with MovieBattles stances and 10x more stormtroopers to blast.

    Imagine TFU like graphics for Jedi Outcast, the scene where Desann kidnaps Jan, leaving Kyle on his knees. Imagine 200 stormtroopers marching around the base.




  2. Hi,

    I don't know how this happened, but apparently there's atleast a program called '' CinemaPlus" on my PC that I just can't erase.
    I've got add block addon for Firefox, which makes browsing a bit easier but still....  New windows pop up now and then "installing program ... bla bla bla"

    I have to close these programs from Desktop Manager > End Process 

    My fault for not having a virus protection on my PC.  Help ``???

  3. Nah I reckon Phasma is just a Stormtrooper Captain who is very hard to kill and has alot of kills under her belt. No force or anything like that. Probably will see her command the troops alot.

    Like a champion? I don't mind that. I'd would be weird if there were 2 force sensitive badguys who yet seem to be weaker than Vader.




    I wonder if the Rule of Two still applies after 30 years --------------   who is Kylo's master?


    Is he even a Sith Lord ?? Kylo Ren is a force sensitive person who likely doesn't have a master. He's scavenged Sith artifacts and built a very, immature looking saber.

    He seems to be commanding the troopers like Vader did, so will he be a bad guy who gets killed like Maul and Dooku? or will he end up joining the rebellion as a Jedi ?

  4. @@Botdra
    OH please, you hurry to silence me and hope for others to do the same but you haven't yet said, what makes e-sports  " sports. "
    Electronic-Sports is just a label, it could be called  Competitive Gaming but how does that sell? Poorly. Atleast you wouldn't compare yourselves to professional athletes.

    Athletes run and do weightlifting, each as much as needed depending on their career choise. It's completely opposite from sitting still and occasionally working out.

  5. @@Ping How much did I ear over the last 5 years or so? Dude.
    There are only a handful on humans on this planet who earn their living by playing video games. That doesn't yet mean e-sports is actually any kind of sport.
    That only means there are insanely rich people out there, who earned their money working hard behind a desk or at the gym, who can afford paying such amounts of money.
    Drugs, cocaine, meth whores etc. are also a good way to earn millions of dollars, but would you call that " legit business "   just 'cause they are on top of the world?
    Games industry shovel in tons of money for sure, but most of that money goes to the developers who actually worked from 9 to 5 on a project  -- What do you get ?

    You get to call yourself a professional gamer and at worst, compare yourself to athletes, who earn millions each month.

    It's good to know that you decide when we are "moving foreward" @@Botdra why don't you keep trying to prove how e-sports is actually, sports? PLease.

  6. I don't need to calm down, because I haven't even lost my temper. I'm just laying down some facts, without talking to anyone specific. This is not about you @@Botdra.
    I'm not here because clearly I play video games, I actually play very little, I'm also not arguing about anything, I'm telling you; e-sports is not sports. We live in a changing world, yes,
    but as long as we have 2 arms and 2 feet (as long as our anatomy stays the same)  there is only one definition for sports; most of the physical competitive activities.


    I think it's sad that some people actually try to have a career as a gamer. I think it's ok to have competitions to decide the best teams, the best player in games such as CS:GO. (e.g.)
    But I really wouldn't encourage anyone to barricade themselves into that small apartment and focus on a fucking video game, instead of trying to get a job and have a real career.

    I take this personally because I hate the fact that there are people in this world who encourage young kids/ teens into non-athletic activites that can eventually lead for these kids to
    be discriminated and become overweight and kinda numb to whatever happens in real world. Before you say that I'm this kind of a person,  -- I'm not. I know such teens.

    When they are just gaming and having a good time, they're old classmates are working, they have jobs, cars and they can afford things that these "professional gamers" dream of,
    some of these teens or young adults don't even know how to apply to work, the only money they think of is the possible payment they get if they win a video game competition.

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) <-- not loosing my temper


  7. I also find it funny that some clearly haven't graduated yet.

    Sport (or sports) is all forms of competitive physical activity ,which through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills.
    Now tell me again how, sitting down, usually drinking and eating at the same time, staring at a screen for 30minutes - 3 hours, is physical activity? How do you improve?

    Video games may not be useless, though. But what you can learn from playing video games, you can also learn by reading books. Which is far more better for human eyes.
    Electronic-Sports is a rather new development, and an accepted word in dictionary, however it can obviously be misunderstood by gamers themselves, as if they were athletics.
    If you're driving a car, you're a driver. If you're flying a plane you're a pilot. If you do sports (you're physically active) then you're athletic. If you sit down and play video games,

                             y  o  u      a  r  e      n  o  t      a  t  h  l  e  t  i  c
                                                                    since  you  defend  "electronic- sports" -- would  you  call  yourself  electronic-athletic ??

  8. I think that was a joke

    yup, but in case of hurt feelings; I'm not a racist


    To comment on others:

    All those missing planets, can be found on every version of GtkRadiant.  If only we'd have time to create them. Am I wrong ?

    Just like the millions of dollars I have in my pocket, If only I would do something to earn it all. Star Wars universe has lots of planets !

    This game is rather easy to modify, we can learn how to do skins, how to model and how to create maps, hell even scripting is possible.





    G o    m a k e     s o m e t h i n g  .





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