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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. it's definetly the best looking Han Solo wearing that armor, but there's nothing wrong about correcting someone,
    to create a thread for your own franken- projects, then talking about them as your new models, is worse than a few critics.

    I'm not a grammar nazi, just that this site is very specific about copyrights, so why dont you credit the right people when you show off your fine work?
    the same thing happend with the qui-gon that you "made".   you used someone else reskin work and totally made it "yours" and it's still uploaded here.


    Langerd likes this
  2.  Such a vast Galaxy, with a long long history, I bet one could add Planet of the Apes somewhere in there and it would still be called Canon StarWars,
    and the architecture, cultural style would instantly be seen as fitting, for StarWars.  I'm not seeing where this conversation leads to....

    Rayce likes this
  3. :(                                             image.jpg



    The Lord of the Rings legend, who also appeared in Stars Wars, passed away at 8.30am on Sunday at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

    He was said to have been treated at the hospital for respiratory problems and heart failure in the last 3 weeks.  Sir Christopher Lee died aged 93.

  4. The first time I played JO multiplayer with Bots, (dooku, obiwan, darthmaul, luke)
    But actually, Playing JediKnight Outcast & Jedi Academy in multiplayer is one of my dearest chapters in life, memories.
    I learned english by playing these games, and the years I spent playing these game were filled with happy memories from
    frist love to the first time driving a scooter, getting my first iPod and just living an easy life before the ' adult chapter' with lots of worries....


    Jeff and Smoo like this
  5. yeah I belive I've read that somewhere else too, that there is not dark or light, only the Force which can be used in many ways. For good or bad.
    just think about episode 2, when Yoda confronts Dooku, the Sith tries the electrify Yoda when he had to only raise his hands to make this attempt useless,
    thus it was not evil Force that Yoda absorbed but simply the Force  that had the form of lightning. Force is everything around us, that combines us  -quote

    I don't watch TCW, but I'd say any jedi could choke a person if they wanted to do so

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