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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. Vader is supposed to be the most feared person in the Galaxy, and the suit aint slowing him down almost at all.
    Anakin was one of the best Jedi Knights of his time, I mean, we're talking about the chosen one who turned evil,

    so how can Kanan stand a chance? as he said, he lived the clone wars and saw his master slain. I must quote Intone;


    Well, Siege of Lothal was mind-numbingly enjoyable until I watched the Vader vs. Kanan/Ezra fight again. There were so many ways Vader could've won/killed the rebels:

    • Vader should've just blown everyone off the platform with the Force.
    • When Darth Vader picks up Kanan, he should've just stabbed him.
    • He should have Force crushed Ezra's throat.
    • He should have ripped Ezra's saber out of his hand and impaled him.
    • He should have cut Ezra's head off when he overpowered his blade quite easily.
    • When the walkers fall on Vader, he should have hurled them at the rebels in front of him instead of dropped them behind him.
    • When Sabine fires on Vader, he should've just deflected the shots into Kanan and Ezra.
    • When Sabine fires on Vader, he could've hit Chopper (who was trying to control the ship) and caused a malfunction, which would cause them to crash with members of the Ghost crew falling out of the open entrance simultaneously in mid-"flight."

    Plot convenience cannot atone for this, damnit!



  2. l75588-deadpool-87513.jpg


     " Free  model/ Download "       http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/deadpool-87513.html

    Hi,  I'm still level Noob with modelling, I'm barely able to follow instructions to kitbash anything...    so I'm just going to drop this here.
    I've always liked Deadpool more than other "super heroes" and I'd think it would be great to have a Deadpool model in Jedi Academy.


  3. eventhough that is a nice head, from TFU (?) and I'd like to have this new Kit Fisto   --   I don't think that the Jkhub staff will approve of this..
    could you upload it somewhere else and provide us a download link here?? That would be cool, Fisto is badass, and we only have a jk2 model. had for 8 years??


    this one really calls for an update :D

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