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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. she's supposed to be 31 years old here, and she sounds like she's 15 at most... I don't get it...  :huh:


    Also, at 31 years of age, her montrals should have grown significantly. By their length she looks no more than 20 years old here...


    Her voice is irrelevant --  She does look a lot older in Rebels, and the montrals have grown a lot from TCW.  What am I missing? Face paint? 

    Maybe her species, her culture is to be blaimed. Maybe she grew up and went trough some sort of ceremony and had her face re-painted. :)



    Still no boobs though...



    Lamented likes this
  2. yeah and many more scenes in the original trilogy were made playfully;  Sarlac Pit e.g

    Han Solo:" Boba Fett ?   Boba Fett !?   --  Where?! " 
    He turns around and hits Boba Fett in the Jetpack, sending him flying across the Pit.




    Me thinks that the only SERIOUS moments in the OT were the ones between Luke and Vader. And ofcourse the death of Ewok soldiers..  :(

  3. I want to buy a computer without Microsoft Windows at a local store. I haven't been able to do this since I can remember. Where can I find one? Nowhere. All thanks to Microsoft. No matter what computer I buy, I will have to pay my taxes to Microsoft. (Why should I?! I don't want to!!!)


    This illustrates my counter argument perfectly. Just because they leave you a few options (like buying an Apple computer instead) doesn't mean that they are not controlling the market, your spending, and your usage, and your life. By dominating an aspect of our lives, they are taking away freedoms we've had before their arrival. That's what many-many corporations do. It's powerful business, sure, but not "good" business in any moral regard.


    Build your own PC.  :o



    Ofcourse microsoft windows comes with any computer you buy from store.  Again, it's just business. Nothing more. Whether it's related to computers, or clothing or perfumes,

    all companies and brands are constantly trying to create something "new and better" and Microsoft just happens to be a very large company that dominates the computer industry. 

    Facebook and Twitter have also paid off many big companies involved in media business, so that each TV program "needs" to be also online 24/7 "follow this- follow that"

    Skype managed to slip itself to mobile phones, which also was just another tactical business move. How many mobile phones are there? A lot of kids and teens use Skype @ School.



    But this still doesnt mean that any specific company would be secretly controlling our lives and spying on us from hidden cameras in Televisions and/or Freezers  :D :D


    eezstreet likes this
  4. In the case of Steam, as a company they are locking you into buying games only from them, and games that run only using their proprietary platform. It's a very similar business model to Apple's App Store. Then, with a large enough consumer base, they have control over distribution and can dictate terms, and determine what software is released and what is not. At least Valve actively queries their customers, and allows certain (controlled) community impact with features such as Steam Greenlight -- which is why they appear to be a little bit more open -- but the other companies we have mentioned above do far less, and keep all control and decision over their products' development to themselves.

    It's called good business.  Ubisoft does it too.. most companies do it, and there's nothing bad about it.   Not everything has to be a conspiracy.

    Men invest in these heavily, so they need to have a 100% solid concept that they start to work on, and that concept(game, mobilephone,console) needs to sell. Nobody want's to loose thousands of dollars.

    No one is taking over our lives. You make your own decicions on what to buy and who to follow. Don't be a slave to the advertisements. Nobody NEEDS to buy a new iPhone every year, or a tablet. etc. etc.


    I love this video.  "We think too much, and feel to little"




    Syko, NumberWan, eezstreet and 2 others like this
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