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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. don't be like that, my previous comment wasn't just an opinion that I formed in 3 minutes, you can google this stuff.
    though I don't  have to google this because this was part of my studies, now part of my job. Being a parent is not easy in todays world,
    because of these normalities; kids don't know what is good for them, they only know what they like. and if other kids at school can watch
    TCW and few can't, they'll be bullied. Why? Because someone rated the cartoon +7  or because parents didn't allow to watch this serie?

    see, I'm not trying to argue about anything, im trying to prove you that it doesn't matter what parents think if it's already been tested and proven,
    that most kids aged 7-8 can handle most of the violence and drama that's being put into animated films these days, TCW is no exception.

  2. There are these so called global normalities for everything, a rating is the evaluation or assessment of something. Television Programs are rated by either the organization that manages the system,

    the broadcaster or by the content producers themselves. From cartoon to toys, everything must be evaluated before they can be sold, however selling, is not the main/ only reason  for any rating.

    Put yourself into the shoes of someone who has to evaluate TCW for example; you have to know what kind of stuff kids can handle, and at what age. Global Education, Pedagogy is the source of info.
    Numerous tests have set the game for normalities in our world.  TCW season 2 doesn't seem to be too much for 7-8 years old kids. No one should set limits to their kids, as they are individuals.
    Thing is, that there are parents who encourage their kids to go faster and higher if the kid has interest for something specific, like,  downhill carts. Some parents say it's too dangerous for their kid.



    Being 100% sarcastic. In case you haven't had the chance to look into the series that far, some of the themes and events in the later seasons of The Clone Wars are absolutely not appropriate for children,
    Even 12+ is questionable, yet alone 7+!

    It seems the Disney management currently consists of money-hungry blabbering idiots who are launching various Star Wars products without any sense of decency, respect, or reason.


    So, my point is, that Disney is well aware of these normalities and the global level of education and pedagogy. They're doing nothing wrong just because you think it's not appropriate.

    eezstreet likes this
  3. @@Cerez

    Pinocchio - Pleasure island
    Lion King - death of Mufasa
    Bambi - mother dies
    Tarzan- Clayton's death
    Beauty & the Beast - ending - "kill the Beast! "

    + many other films that deal with death and misery, smoking and alcohol.  Do some research, and you'll notice that kids around the world,
    are nothing more than normal, if they can deal with/ process death and violence in cartoons. It is these cartoons help kids grow up "normal",
    so NO they are not damaging kids emotional growth just because you think kids aren't meant to see that kind of stuff in cartoons.

    I really advice you to do some research on this :)

           6194D-hiQtL._SY300_.jpg                   Disney-Frozen-186x300.png  

    Disney's:  Tangled (2010) had a classic bar scene, with men drinking and laughing and singing. Keeping alive one stereotype and telling kinds,

    that kind of behaviour is normal in our world, they can relate to that if they see their parents or relatives drinking at graduation parties etc.
    Whilee Disney's: Frozen (2013) had the classic death of a partent. Both parents in this case, went down with a ship, dramatically followed up
    by shots of these girls left alone in a big castle, not playing with eachother anymore for years. Paintings of their family covered up with sheets.

    The Clone Wars is nothing compared to Disney movies, old or new.  They were only missing the lightsabers and force, but now they got that too  (SW7)


  4. The later seasons deal with many adult themes -- such as desertion, death/killing, punishment, and betrayal, that are hardly appropriate for a 7-year-old.




    Obi-Wan's love is cruelly assassinated before his eyes.

    Savage Opress is killed with intent by a villain.

    Ahsoka is abandoned and betrayed by the Jedi Masters (her family).

    Ahsoka betrayed and set up by her good friend.

    The heroic Steela Gerrera dies despite Ahsoka's efforts to save her life.

    Adi Gallia is unceremoniously killed in battle.

    Fives is killed, a victim of circumstances beyond his control.

    Slavery and cruel human treatment on Kadavo.

    Elements of horror (the spider-legged Maul, the mind-control worms).

    An act of terrorist bombing that killed countless people in the Jedi Temple.

    A visual on the severed arm of a dead person, victim of the bombing.

    And the list goes on...




    Umm..  do you think kids grow up in a box? They know all kinds of shit at the age of 7  -- just like I did, and I'd imagine you did too.   :)

    MagSul likes this
  5. While we have rumours, there are also theories (which sometimes prove to be right) by fans, and they are often very curious to read.


    One such person made this video, with some possible explanations on the plot.





    On Max Von Sydow Character.

    I like the idea, that Max Von Sydow might play not just a cyborg veteran, as was theorized prior, but also a former Imperial Moff. This fits perfectly into several other details, including the fact, that he is a war veteran and saw two wars in the past. The author speculates more, that MVS character is actually the one, who settled on Jakku during the battle 30 years prior, when his star destroyer (seen in the trailer) crashed on the planet. Since then he stopped following the Empire, as the new First Order has nothing to do with his beliefs, like Empire did. Most of his former comrades also believe him to be dead.


    Rewatched "Minority report" yesterday to see how he acts in the films.


    Jakku Battle

    By the time of Endor the planet wasn't much of interest until the battle of Jakku. The author of the video speculates, that a Rebel convoy was attacked here, but ultimately the Empire perished as well, so we see so many crashed ships and AT-ATs here. The survivors of the battle actually remained on the planet, bringing the attention to newer settlers, traders and pirates, who established the little cities on Jakku, seen 30 years later.


    Luke, Leia, Han and the new generation of Skywalkers.

    After Endor the trio and their team continued to fight the remaining Empire, which is now controlled by remaining Moffs. During one such battle (possibly at Jakku), the legendary heroes are separated - Leia gives birth to two children, one being Rey and the other - Kylo. Due to tragic events, Kylo is missing, and is taken by the First Order forces to be trained as their apprentice and agent. He might or might not learn of his legacy, but the presented story is greatly changed by the First Order showing all known events in different light. Rey on the contrary is hidden on the planet and knows nothing oh her heritage. She however finds a lightsaber one day, but unlike all other things she finds, she decides to keep it. She later gives it to Finn, as he is believed to be Force-sensitive.


    While Luke is away for some reasons, Leia is staying with the Rebel forces, while Han and Chewie act as smugglers. For some reasons, the characters are not together. Probably, because they want to save the children and others.



    I Did some research on your " spoilers" , which thank god, you said were only theories by die hard fans.

    " My friend claims to be in the know about VII's plot. He does work in Hollywood, but I don't think he has any actual connection to VII's production so of course take this with smallest grain of salt possible. After telling me he knew a bunch of stuff about VII I constantly hounded him for information. He finally agreed to tell me about two minor plot elements. Nothing major or anything but I promised I'd stop bothering him if he told me even the most minor aspect of the plot that hasn't been revealed yet."


    So there is absolutely no way in hell, that I'd belive any of that

    • a) A friend boasts that he knows something about the new SW movie


    • b ) and a dummie belived it


    • c) the dummie kept bothering his friend until

          he had to make up some sort of a storie to shut his mouth.


    • d) not official info (far from it )


    This was a curious theory to read indeed, but I have to be very skeptical about it.

  6. @DrXann

    I don't know, maybe his role is not that of the Emperor. He might be a leader to a criminal gang or some sect, which might have emerged after the fall of the Empire. The photo of Serkis suggests, the character has somehow an evil sight. I doubt the character is from the Light Side. =)

    agreed, totally seems like a gangster, someone like the Hutt's, infact, there's a rumour that the Hutt's will be in the new episode! Great :)

  7. @


    No, R2-D2 would most likely continue the line - he is the only character to have witnessed all the stuff in all the episodes. As for Falcon... Well, I've already said what might happen.



    "most likely" is not good enough to save R2's metal ass, you know that too, though it is a tradition almost, that R2 survives the events with C3PO..  guess we'll have to wait and see..

    the Falcon's fate is still a rumour unconfirmed. I recall reading something about it here, maybe a text by you@@NumberWan, but I still hope Han is not part of that disaster  :(


    if not han, luke or leia, then who might they be talking about ?? :/


  8.  an interesting article



    2. One of the classic characters dies.  Solo will die. Why? Harrison Ford asked for this for a long time.



    Hidden reply :)




    I duno. If somone says this is the last time we see Solo, I'd imagine him flying off to horizon with the Falcon.  Though he could just sacrifice himself in a battle.

    This specific rumour haunts my mind.. and I belive that anyone who's heard of this rumour, without a hesitation, thinks " oh no, not Luke/ Leia/ Han " :o

    But there are other classic characters, like, R2D2.  What if the balldroid replaces R2 in the new trilogy? That little droid saved Padmé in TPM long time ago.

    Then there is ofcourse, the golden protocol droid, C3-PO that also survived the clone wars and the rebellion against the Empire. Maybe it's time to let them go...?





    these are the final chapters to the saga after all, so anything is possible...




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