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Posts posted by z3filus

  1. I'm saying that it doesn't make sense for events that are supposed to be in the same universe to have different kind of world logic applied to them.

    Why would stormtroopers, that exist in the same universe, act differently?  Maybe they were badly trained. Or maybe, this is a long shot -- maybe they act stupid because this is a kids show? :P

    But even so, it is still officially labeld: cannon. And every hardcore StarWars fan should watch the series.. and the Stormtroopers were never that smart to begin with, by the way, ANH made it very clear.



    What I'm saying is..   don't take it so seriously

  2. @

    They're both defending their opinions, and the few last comments seem to be leading nowhere, but hleV has always been an outspoken member  -- don't let it get to you.
    No need to start a discussion on how someone is even allowed to " be here " just because he has his own opinions, and holds on to them. You should ignore it or reply to it.

    On topic:
    Star Wars: Rebels is significant based on the fact that Disney/Lucas seems to be investing heavily on it. One of the script writers, Dave Filoni had this to say Season Two:


               "If Season One represents A New Hope, Season Two is very much inspired by Empire Strikes Back."

    So im guessing... that in S2, Ezra has learned a lot from his master and that there will be more action involved. Concidering that in New Hope Luke and his friends already knew of the rebellion,
    and the Empire was also well aware of them, infact, they were already dealing with guerrilla warfare. So I'm thinking -- Maybe S2 will show the very first ATTACK against the Empire, on a larger scale.

  3. These so called spy programs are meant to aid police forces around the globe, to identify anything illegal. The big fuz about this, is securing this intel from hackers, pedophiles and stalkers.
    I've got nothing to hide, and my Facebook is filled with game invites and random status updates. Facebook is weird for their privacy settings, they seem to want to share your photoalmbums..

    I don't own any Apply products because I think they are too complicated. Requires to sign up this and that.

    Nothing is simple these days.. and I have grown a bit anti-american..


  4. Disney is not hesitating to milk this cow..  I wouldn't mind seeing more StarWars films, but I will always treat the complete saga as the only StarWars movies worth owning.
    Eventually there will be a box of all 9 movies + Bonus material, and that's all I need to own.  Just seeing these standalones is enough for me, same with the animated series.

    I concider the StarWars saga a story by George Lucas. As it still is. Disney will make the last trilogy almost as Lucas intends them to be shown. The rest is pure Entertainment.
    I value the original concepts, e.g.  I like watching the Alien/Predator franchise movies, but I only own Predator (-87 Schwarzenegger) and the Alien movies (1-4)
    (Fifth annoucned!!)

    zOrg and Ping like this
  5. Well you do what you want to do. I have no doubts of the quality of the finished map. Dagobah is always pictured as a very dark place, so you should probably use a very dark skybox.
    However I did find you this art image of Dagobah and... I gotta say I like it a lot. As in the movie, the sky is thick of clouds, but some blue-ish light manages to get trough. Almost ghostly.



  6. Hi,

    Is there a way to get the grid image of any model? (torso_arms, hips, legs, l_arm, r_arm) Characters in Jedi Academy use e.g. only 1 boots texture for model_default, model_red
    and model_blue, which mean that there are team skin textures that include a certain area grid mapped, image below. I have an idea for a robe texture, and having a grid image would help.


    I'm using the old_benkenobi from MB2

    that has Luke Skywalker's head (base model)
    I need grid images for this ben + luke_head


  7. Hold on now; in your first post you talk about a skin, but now you're asking for a model?  There's a difference. So which one is it?
    The characters are simply textured, not much detail to be added, slap on a shader and it should do the trick. They would still be skins.

    An actual model are always the best choise but it's unlikely anyone has time to create these for you.

    Lancelot likes this
  8. that's a stupid quizz, questions like, what is your favourite weapon - double bladed saber that rotates around itself - or - a lightsaber thats also a blaster!! LOL
    gee I wonder how hard it is to get the Sith Inquisitor as the answer.... or Kanan or anything else you really really want...

    Bek and Sithani like this
  9. Not that I know of, it's the scene from ROTJ that's been spread all over the google.  This was my first time seeing another kiss between them.
    I was also surprised to find so many deleted scenes from the original trilogy --  apparently Lucas shot most of the story that can only be read from the books today.

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