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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. What's with all SW characters into Samurai versions O.o I made one Samurai Vader, not gonna make another one.
  2. @@Grab @@NumberWan perhaps this is one of the very small pieces, that dragged my insanity in a harder step, that no matter how will end up, I will be happy of improvin myself as an Artist. So here is a link you may already be familiar with, if not give it a look I have a good feeling about this. RED WOLF
  3. Original Trilogy blades, there were somewhere in here you have to search for them or for "OT Blades" some sort of that i guess. I only changed the orange one to be more red-ish based on early non edited version of OT saga, and the red one i made more like Kylo Ren's unstable one, u can see a screenshot of it on my W.I.P thread.
  4. There is a rumor, that Spencer Wilding is going to become Vader in Rogue One wow O.o
  5. are the mp3 files working correctly, because i noticed, that JKA engine can't handle too HQ sound tracks for voicing, usually most of the base JKA are lower than 320kbps. Try to export them again, I assume you are using Audacity or?
  6. The Falcon happens to have back his original circled dish? xD Rian Johnson posted new tweets with picture from the Ep. 8 set http://www.starwarspost.com/rian-johnson-post/
  7. I pretty much love her and she looks JKA hot 'n sexy so i guess Jade Za can be a suggestion for her name? Anyway really starting to love this great project and keep my fingers crossed. Thank you for putting your time and energy in this beautiful fan story that already makes me feel a lot into SW's adventure over Anakin/Luke's lightsaber.
  8. I love the one by Movie Battles 2 team, so i tried to extract it on base JKA sadly the bars for force power, health etc didn't make it dunno why.
  9. Here you go Ben Solo (as Jedi: fan concept), SP support, NPC Support, Credits to HapSlash for Dooku, Spanki & Me for the head, Adobe Photoshop for textures/effects, Darth Martyr for the lightsaber hilt. To spawn/play with: npc spawn BenSolo_Jedi
  10. Ok I have found an interesting concept art of Kylo Ren's scars and based on that image I tried to recreate something similar, with what I have, so here are two versions of his damaged face, personally i prefer the 2nd one more. Ver.1 Ver. 2
  11. I think it was somewhere from MB2 assets not sure, let me check on the backup files.
  12. O________________________O you just killed me. Found one more reference, that was once shared with me when i made my crap version. So i hope this can help you too.
  13. Why does he looks so fat and like he is made from some sort of clay?
  14. I don't need one, both of those Emperor models are released from their authors
  15. and instead of a Wookie you got a Lasat (later recreated as Zeb for Rebels tv series) and those "x-wings" are more liket the Prequel's ARC-170 starfighter.... oh oh, and don't forget the original 1974 concept art for the Death Star is just the very same Starkiller base on TFA movie xD
  16. Not the best, but it's the quickest i could've come up with..
  17. Maybe it's because he (the original Emperor) was performed by a Woman, the wife of Rick Baker ---> Elain Baker. Voiced by the actor Clive Revill. Here are some other ref pics i found: shooting the hologram scene for ESB original wax mask of the Emperor used in ESB Toy of the ESB Emperor I've found: Old screenshots that i made to compare both JKO & JKA characters of Old // New Emperor 1980: 1983 - 2005 (ROTJ, TPM, AOC, ROTS)
  18. It is the one of many ultimate errors in Blender Btw check out the reference pics of Anakin in my request.
  19. Well they better don't put a 4th Death Star // StarkillerBase or whatever is called and don't use lines such as "No, I am your father/mother etc" after limbs are chopped.
  20. Ok, i ran yesterday into a massive spoiler on the story of Episode 8, where they say it will be very close to the Godfather 2 movie, but from what i read there.... damn you stop copy-pasting Original Trilogy in the new one WOW. I will spoil only this: Del Toro's character is refered as "The Hunter", Kylo is a bigger p*$^ than Ep.7 and SPOILER ALERT (ESB content)
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