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File Comments posted by dark_apprentice
That female mandalorian with her Gothic styled leather fetish lol
KyleKatarn1995 likes this -
First good looking Snoke for decades wow. Great job guys, just as a friendly advise for upcoming update(s) if you are planning to do try to fix the levels of his eyes/nose. Otherwise he's great.
p.s. Before I saw the description I thought you made him in either CrazyTalk 8 or iClonePreFXDesigns likes this -
Emmm, does this map require to have installed the Warzone mod before using it or it can work without it with the same high quality as on the screen shots?
TheWhitePhoenix and AngelModder like this -
Not only a great model, but also an amazing and very realistic clothing detail on a model for JKA! That's very inspiring and beautiful to watch.
Just tested now - downloads directly without any issues for me. Maybe you were a long time on the page without downloading it directly, usually when i forget to make instant download on opened page it gives me same kind of error, but after a clean refresh with F5 or just restart your browser it should work fine.
Nice I tries to put some Saruman gloves but they don't look cool also I will send you later today the model with 3 versions:
1.Hooded 2.Unhooded with horns from Savage, 3.unhooded without the horns
Personally I don't like Chiss with horns even smaller like Maul
Where's credits for Angelmodder? Backflip didn't create the Reskinned Toshi Vader textures, he only did the EA Battlefront Vader Parts.
Not to sound mean, just fyi.
Because I believe he is using the textures from Dark Empire Luke version 1, that I made a while ago. The textures are from the "spec" body of Toshi's Darth Vader, which I edited a little bit. Which on the other hand is the same thing that Angelmodder did with his re-skin Vader model if I am not wrong. But Punisher can confirm what he have used on the final model instead of guessing.
TheWhitePhoenix likes this -
Good pack, I would like to see Anakin ESB (Luke episode 5) lightsaber hilt and Luke Episode 4 ANH as well
Glad to see those models made it on the Hub! Good work mate.
Wow that makes me download it and i need to play on this map (can I download it hundred times)?!
1.000.000 out of 10 !
Langerd likes this -
I think it's too fat
Hands are from HapSlash's Obi-Wan model, that Seven used for his TFU Ben Kenobi, and just recolored a little bit, but not as good as they were supposed to be. The face however is just a 'rip-off' from the photo source mesh up made from Sebastain + Hayden photoshopped image. If you are familair with iClone software and it's convertion method from a certain 2D photo into a 3D model, you will understand why it's so photo-realistiic and not as other JKA models. Plus i personally find it good for my own taste, since it give a more realistic expression on Sebastian Shaw. Only thing he needs is the head to be smoother and that's all.
Well i found another bug and uptaded the file info, so I hope the staff updates it.
10/10 good job, also since you are using my TFU-2 based JKA HUD I might just get to finish the Ep.7 FO Flametrooper at some point.
PierceDoughty, DisneyOnAcid and yeyo JK like this -
So... how are they supposed to be different from Obi-Wan's, since they have all the same robes except for Windu with darker brownish robes and black robe for Anakin o_O
9/10 good work, but try to improve his face textures a little bit, somehow in front view his face looks strange.
I like the Tie Fighter Pilot suit but there is something weird. It is supposed to be a "jumpsuit", yet the bottom of the torso does not match the legs making it look like a jacket instead of a jumpsuit.
bodies are mostly the same of what the "TFU2 Single Player skin pack of Starkiller" were made. I just put on him the original head from TFU-2.
To the person who have reported the model for broken, because of a missing credit. For your kind information the model is used by Toshi and the face is fully re-textured by me based on a action 3D figure in order of NOT using the textures from Angel Modder it is even a little bit better than his.
Why does it not say anywhere that this is a ported head ripped from TFU? You shoul probably mention that.
I assume, that you have missed to read this part, so i will quote it for you:
RUXITH - For scaling and weighting the Galen Marek's original head onto the Jedi_HM Model, so that it can be used for this pack.
Seven likes this -
some of the models have invisible or white textures for me!
That happens when you have too much PK3 files inside your BASE folder, all the models have included .SHADER files, that were all tested and are working perfect on a CLEAN JKA, without any other mods installed such as "JKA Enchase or anything like that", If it needed something of those kind i would mention it in the read me//description file
If i ever manage to get some free air and spend it to improve some models and packs as Ver.2 i will
Other than that everyone else who wants to modify/change/re-texture the models is free to do it, as long credit is provided to me and the rest authors mentioned in my credits list.
Johnny Rocketfingers
in Player Models
A legend is back, a welcomed one. You brought tears of joy...