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Everything posted by Jolly

  1. A new mandalorian model in general would be great. I know @@Mandalorian was working on some Mando variants a while back though I'm not sure anymore.
  2. So great to see original work from you. Love it!
  3. I got my first taste of Jedi Outcast on the original Xbox back in 2002. I spent entire nights playing against bots with friends. This is so nostalgic, thank you!
  4. I stick around these forums for posts like this. Great work!
  5. The comparison of gamers to coke addicts on this forum couldn't be more true.
  6. Awesome to see more work from Ashura. I r8 8/8
  7. I think the value of having someone make a model for you from scratch would be much higher then 5-20 dollars. Probably 100+ buckeroos depending on the model.
  8. Just got back from seeing this in theatres and thought it was worth sharing my opinion, I won't go into extreme detail but heres my thoughts. I really enjoyed Rogue One, like unexpectedly enjoyed Rogue One. When I came out of seeing Episode 7, I was a little disappointed from what it was but eventually kinda came to terms with it. With this movie I was really underwhelmed and had no expectations but I think that made me enjoy it more. Anyway in the end I really enjoyed this movie and think its totally worth going to see (Try to have a open mind, you may enjoy it more!).
  9. This is the kinda stuff I wanted to see awesome stuff.
  10. Awesome seeing some original work from you! Great stuff
  11. Can't wait to see this finished!
  12. @@ShenLong Kazama Clearly not a too many people in the community people can (not trying to offend the talent that does or anyone in that case)), thus I have a hard time getting excited. I appreciate the activity on the community but it really makes me depressed when 70% of the things being put together in the community are just kit bashes. This really isn't the place for this topic so I'll stop right here, but I promise if I learn how to model I'll make you guys a lot to get excited over.
  13. I beileve it's safe to say that this mod is in some kind of pause atm.
  14. @@Langerd https://starwarsataglance.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/1000px-vizam2.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1d/d5/b5/1dd5b59786e36fe6e9ed0a3e3b0a18d4.jpg
  15. @ Then I guess there's a major fluctuation in actual original content in the JKA modding community, unfortunately.
  16. Changing up somethings that veer from canon is necessary for a video games sake, maybe Luke goes on a killing spree Freddy Krueger style in the barge and cuts everyone up and then activates the turret thing to blow up the ship. But doing things like throwing in Mara Jade or unrelated characters would be pretty unnecessary/weird.
  17. Reminds me of some of the great classic MOTS/JK custom SP levels from way back. Exciting stuff, keep up the good work.
  18. @@Langerd Maybe somehow have Boba fire at the player from the barge with a standard E-11 or something, then when you kill all the NPC's on the skiffs Boba Flies over the sarlacc pit or around the skiffs and you have to defeat him by deflecting shots back at him or saber throw etc. Edit: Also I would totally be up for making some skiff guards for Langerd, though I am extremely limited to what I can do.
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