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Everything posted by Wasa

  1. It looks perfect. Any ingame screenshots though?
  2. Wasa


    Bite my shiny metal ass!
  3. The Helmet Character from the left reminds me of this picture Doesn't that mean it is confirmed ?
  4. It is not anything special indeed, but hell funny!
  5. Being honest can be harsh.
  6. He looks derpy from this perspective. Could you post us an image from the front?
  7. If my memory is right, Kotor 2 had Ithorian's death sounds, but then you could eventually use Gran's sounds but slowed down a bit.
  8. Maybe use those from Kotor 2?
  9. Actually there's one http://jkhub.org/files/file/1903-sp-monk-robe-pack/
  10. I just meant that the textures are that pretty they don't fit to HS UVW, imo it'd be nice if you would at least fix the robe's texture just a bit. However it looks great! I, and pretty much other Ithorian fans will enjoy this model.
  11. His head's textures and feet's don't fit the HS's texture at all...
  12. What's wrong with Desann?
  13. Explain then how? It doesn't have any large battles yet.
  14. Yeah, though he looks like JediTrainer with Kyle's clothes to me .
  15. Most likely Kanan since he looks even badass.
  16. It's actually epic only if we could have a neat Doctor model.
  17. He shouldn't be that much armored imo, it just looks weird.
  18. Wasa


    Dumbest? What are you? A degenerate? Now we need a plate with some crackers on it.
  19. You could make his armor shiny a little to make it looking more metalic, when are you going to post that Palpatine by the way? He looks amazing!
  20. Masked version looks perfect, but Anakin's head kinda kills the effect.
  21. Uh, because he is new? Better trained? Stronger?
  22. JKA with TFU force system, But with JKA'S saber combat with included switchable guns would be cool .
  23. Wasa

    Yavin 4 Temple

    It's a temple for Jedi of course it does.
  24. Starkiller wasn't even in top tier of the strongest character in Star Wars if you seek for his powerlevel go read the force unleashed novel, since the game is just for pure gameplay. That's the worst problem of JKA because you can't really state in canon how Jaden was powerful, he was probably running away from formidable foes/OR they were on his level/Had some fancy luck.
  25. Is it going to oneshot player too ?
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