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Everything posted by liosk

  1. liosk

    Darth Necriss

    good, have npc support¿?
  2. Bug report is a fake! i have this and have an perfect work the textureless bug is cauced for another external mods or content (i have the file in my downloads folder and the mod in my jk3 and work perfectly
  3. (can be used in mp)
  4. oye , aqui se habla en ingles, si te ayuda usa esto: https://translate.google.com.ar/#es/en/ buenos dias.
  5. the model (re-updated) is awesome i will remplase my jedi academy: jedi_hf with this ...
  6. LOL! the file is wrong the model is Sakura from naruto (as catches .rar file)
  7. where i can find ("code" of jk3)¿? the .class files ¿?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xycaleth


      You'll find the siege class files in one of the assets*.pk3 files. If you don't mind looking through updated/fixed JKA source code, then look at the OpenJK project: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK

    3. liosk


      ohh so much tankhs


    4. scp_chaos1


      liosk te deje un mensaje

  8. liosk

    my new alora

    xD i wanted for "player hoth costume" for her but not work very much thanks if you need to use her staff saber : in console write this: saber dual_22 dual_22 enjoy
  9. liosk

    my new alora

    Version V1


    This is my vision of "Zabrak" especies Alora :changed alora saber styles changed alora sabers changed alora health changed alora force powers changed alora views changerd alora power now alora have two staff sabers: -------><------- -------><------- Ahutor : liosk Bug /error / i can fix it: alora new costumes change colors :wacko:
  10. very good
  11. Version V01


    this minidemo mod add 3 new sabers and saber styles: Dual_demo1 Dual_demo2 Dual_demo3 you can hide 1 saber color under other 3 color you can understand when you try it you can throw you staff saber : D and use twin saber style enchaned with strong desann style : D ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT MODIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: -liosk File Name and Version: -Star Wars Lethal Force mini sabers demo V01 Release Date: -08-06-14 Filesize: -0.01MB installation instructions: -extract files in Jedi KnightIII: Jedi Academy / Gamedata /base folder Description: -this file content is: 3 new saber styles (Dual_demo1 - Dual_demo2 - Dualdemo3) External Content Used / Credits: -https://www.facebook.com/SWJALF?fref=tshttps://www.facebook.com/SWJALF?fref=tshttps://www.facebook.com/SWJALF?fref=ts Star Wars Lethal Force (this is a very short demo of new styles Creator - liosk
  12. liosk


    the npc player: he does nothing, have very short live point and haven´t got team This mod creates new player npc now can help you : npc spawn player attack you : npc spawn player_dark and fly like a boss : npc spawn playerfly and you can use : playermodel playerfly to fly too (playerfly have the AI of Boba fett)
  13. liosk

    Kyrios npc

    is that you were the first to see the files and I am very happy to give back to this community
  14. liosk


    Version .


    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT MODIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: -liosk File Name and Version: -PlayerFix v1 Release Date: -01-06-14 Filesize: -1.16KB installation instructions: -extract files in Jedi KnightIII: Jedi Academy / Gamedata /base folder Description: -this file content is: 3 npc and compatible whit playermodel (playerfly) this mod solves the npc "player" --- npc spawn player --- npc spawn player_dark ---npc spawn playerfly --- playermodel playerfly --- playermodel player_dark --- playermodel player ( player fly has AI of Boba Fett) (player dark is enemy ) (player is fixed player)
  15. liosk

    Kyrios npc

    (Npc spawn kyrios Npc spawn kyrios_twin Npc spawn kyrios_dual)
  16. liosk

    Kyrios npc

    Version .


    kyrios is one of my favorite characters but do not know anything about him and how this community is great I decided to try this: npc of this character: kyrios ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT MODIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: -liosk File Name and Version: -Kyrios_npc Release Date: -30-5-12 Filesize: -5.82KB installation instructions: -extract files in Jedi KnightIII: Jedi Academy / Gamedata /base folder Description: -this file content is: 3 npc of kyrios (single saber _ dual saber _ twin saber) External Content Used / Credits: -JKHub and Dark_Diablos Creator and skin_: Dark_Diablos So much thanks Dark_Diablo and : 1st is my job to JKhub (though be a reskin) (Some photos are of permits they gave me to make this possible) So much thanks Dark_Diablo for Kyrios character
  17. awesome
  18. i want to see this en my JKA
  19. this is me favorite saber : D
  20. this is very big : D
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