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    In front of my computer
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  1. Getting a proper look, it does look like the F-11 would need a new model. Still, a F-11 style reskin of Ashura's E-11 would look BAMF.
  2. I'm kind of surprised that no one's done this, but seeing as how we have an (very excellent) First Order Stormtrooper model from DT85 has anyone thought of making a TFA reskin of the E-11? It looks like it could be based on the base model, or maybe based on a tweaked version of Ashura's model (with their permission, of course).
  3. Could anyone port the "Kyle in Jedi Robes" model from JKA into JO? Or better yet, combine the head from Kyle's model with HapSlash's Obi-Wan. Thanks in advance, GojiraGamer
  4. I'd recommend removing the robe bits from the shoulder, and maybe giving the model black hands. Other than that, nice job.
  5. Can anyone get their hands on this mod? https://web.archive.org/web/20090201004746/http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Prince_of_Persia_Warrior_Within_Stance;92631
  6. Stormtrooper detected! Imperials will be ex-ter-mi-nat-ed! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMI - Wait, where am I? But seriously, this is a nice mod.
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