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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Yep. I happened to push a bunch of repeater shots in a JA multiplayer game once.
  2. Moving the .skin files will only move the files that point to the actual skin textures. If the textures aren't there, they'll be displayed in those shades of gray, and that could also happen in case the textures are there, but the shaders responsible for the effects on those textures are not. In any case, if you want to experiment with modding, you shouldn't touch assets0-3.pk3, ever. You'll want to create a brand new .pk3 file instead, with the related folders. Anyway, looking at that model, it seems extremely unlikely that the skins will work on the default Jaden player model. Those skins are meant for a completely different model, Spanki's Jedi Customization, which you should probably just download if you want those additional models and skins. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1707-spankis-jedi-customization/
  3. I think it'll work either way, saberStyle 4, saberStyle 5 or saberStyle desann and saberStyle tavion.
  4. Not sure how practical that hilt is, given it's the same length as the blade itself
  5. Not necessarily, if you modify any .sab files to have saberStyle desann and saberStyle tavion and select that lightsaber you'll have those stances automatically.
  6. You can try with cl_noprint 1, that will stop every message from being displayed in the console and subsequently out of it.
  7. Given the look, it's likely shader-generated light. That's good. I'd like to see a few shots with r_showtris 1, to check out its portalling.
  8. This will be a pearl in JKHub's download list. You can take good screenshots of the Menus with developer 1 and F12.
  9. As far as I remember XP support for OpenJK was dropped quite some time ago.
  10. This is all that you need to achieve it: http://s30.postimg.org/6yjblrh8h/Flux.png It's pretty self-explanatory: you place a NPC, when the NPC dies it runs a script, which uses a target_level_change pointed at the next map. If you set up correctly all keys and values, and the script & maps are in the right format (.IBI for scripts, and .BSP for maps) it should work flawlessly.
  11. Drunken Ramikad salutes from his 25!

  12. Nice one! Here's mine: http://www.saberparts.com/#/configure?code=
  13. So you could still be a Mailoc or a Glider? http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/05/Mailoc.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090410161901 http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/ca/JKJO_glider.png/revision/latest?cb=20080521153315
  14. You can just play around with jedi_random, and add your own list of NPCs. Tried that in the past, and it worked pretty well. Otherwise, if they're just different skins of one or few NPCs, you can set up a script that randomly chooses a skin, weapons and force powers.
  15. "This is a mistake, a terrible mistake!" Jokes aside, point number 1 is where it went wrong. You need to set up a targetname key for the target_level_change first. Then a deathscript that runs a script, called for example changelevel. In its most basic form it should look like this: //(BHVD) use ( "<your target_level_change targetname>" ); Put it in the scripts folder, and if you have everything set up correctly, as soon as you kill the NPC, it will trigger the script, which will use the target_level_change and head on to the next mission. Not sure about that error, though. I've read it would happen due to brush entities, but it seems vague. About the behavior states you listed, it's a bit of a mystery for me. I noticed them and tried to use them a lot of times, but apparently they're simply unused or not coded, or anything. Similar behavior states can still be achieved through scripts though. As for your last question, yes, recompiling the map using any of those build commands will devastate the map as the BSP -meta does, due to losing all texture alignments, lights (so the map would be plunged in eternal darkness), etc.
  16. Precisely. In case of the protocol droid, you can set up a spawnscript with SET_PLAYER_USABLE True, and then a usescript that uses the target_level_change. In case of Phasma, you can set up a deathscript that uses the target_level_change.
  17. Kualan worked on a BARC Speeder: https://jkhub.org/topic/4930-kualans-kitbash-workshop/page-14
  18. Whew. I dreamed that I was around an airport, not sure doing what, but I suddenly found Dark Force Rising, and its pages were completely black with white letters, except for one page. Either too much polenta with mushrooms, or too much incense with energy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cerez


      Hmmm... interesting... I bet it was an important moment in the story. Something that calls to you. ;)


      But seriously, lay off the mushrooms for a while. :P

    3. Bek


      Shrooms are no joke.

    4. Cerez


      True, they aren't. My apologies.

  19. An alternative to triggers is to set up an NPC, made usable through script, and use that to change level and activate other stuff.
  20. It only shows up in Edit Mode, apparently. In 2.76 it's somewhere on the right of the same tool bar: you get Edit Mode, Solid / Wireframe / Texture etc, Pivot Center for Rotation, the various transform functions, Global / Local, Vertex, Edge and Face select, and on the right Limit Selection to Visible.
  21. This is badass. I'd suggest you to put a lovely system/cushion under the player after he teleports, so he won't get fall damage, unless that's intended.
  22. Could be, since trigger_ and func_ entities are brush-based.
  23. Yeah. According to Wookieepedia, it's around 1522 sentient species, 167 unidentified sentient species and 60 extinct.
  24. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/205-adding-a-new-saber-color/
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