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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. There's a pattern, apparently: with some testing it appears that every 12th message is lost in the chatbox. Hope that helps.
  2. Love the concept. Wild Karrde? After all you already have an old Action IV model around that could do the trick, from what I remember.
  3. Happy New Year, JKHub!!!

    1. The Punisher

      The Punisher

      Happy 2018.....

    2. Onysfx


      Happy new year

  4. I'd say Softimage, as well as Blender.
  5. Always nice to run through this mod, although somehow I preferred the Jedi Outcast version.
  6. Merry Christmas, JKHub!!!

    1. The Punisher

      The Punisher

      Feliz Navidad!!!!

    2. Daedra


      And may the force be with you too. Always.

    3. swegmaster


      Merry Christmas, PortHub*

  7. Reminds me of Force Far Sight from Mysteries of the Sith.
  8. Heck, I can't say no to a double invitation. Count me in! GMT +1, any time before midnight or past midnight. Not planning on bringing anyone and won't record.
  9. I wouldn't call it a "nice" battle against those starfighters (flying a way too fast TIE fighter against a few Jedi Starfighters which fly around in a 4 meters area isn't really exciting), but yeah, at least it was an attempt to make a much welcome vehicle dogfight.
  10. Tinka me chasa hopoe ma booty na nolia.
  11. Grim Fandango Remastered is free on GOG for the next 40 hours.
  12. So uhm... Secret Santa? :P

    1. Bek


      Uhm.. White Elephant?..

    2. Circa
    3. Ramikad


      I notice that the typical Christmas sad face doesn't have any Christmas hat on it...

  13. In theory the GET command takes the affected entity's specific value (in this case, its health) instead than setting it. I don't know if it's actually the case, but I think (SET_HEALTH,"X") pretty much equals to health = X. (GET(SET_HEALTH)) would be equivalent to "get health value". I can't really give a better explanation right now, and if that doesn't make any sense it's probably because I'm completely drunk right now
  14. Perhaps the player entity is more limited in this regard than Kyle was in Jedi Outcast. I know for sure, from old tests, that certain script states don't work (namely attackscript). Perhaps deathscript doesn't work either. Though I'm not a coder, so I could be wrong. However, if that is the case, I can only suggest you to run a target_scriptrunner that checks on the player's health, or maybe the enemy's attackscript, so that the player's health will be checked at each swing.
  15. Make sure you triangulate the faces before exporting as a model, otherwise all non-triangular faces will be cut in half.
  16. Yes, it should work.
  17. Here's a good lot of reconstructions and blueprints from the Yavin base, mostly outside: https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2012/12/yavin-base.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/01/yavin-base-transport.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/01/yavin-sled.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2015/08/yavin-base.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2015/09/landing-at-yavin.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2014/04/yavin-base-briefing-room.html https://deeplyobsessed.blogspot.it/2013/01/the-millennium-falcon-in-yavin-base.html And of course: Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much about the Ceremony Chamber around.
  18. Since you already tried start_open, I'd suggest you to deal with it through scripts. The bridge is completely dark because it is being compiled at light stage under the floor, with no source of light around him. A slight rework of the bridge (to give it an origin brush) along with a few BehavEd MOVE commands should do.
  19. 1) Technically the max map size is 128000 x 128000 x 128000, at least creating maps for the base game. Warzone has developed Wzmap, which apparently allows you to create much larger maps, but that's very specific. Also, the map size seems to vary between various Radiant versions, so, for example, GTK Radiant 1.5 only allows to create maps of 64000 x 64000 x 64000 units, while 1.3.12 (and I think 1.4 as well, but I'm not sure), allow to reach the grid boundaries before deleting everything beyond them. To be even more technical, I'm not sure if there's a limit to where you can travel - it's a technical detail that has been exploited on Lugormod servers to allow a very large space for flying ships. You can basically travel to a VERY far away point in any direction (I think we're talking about billion units, if not infinitely more, I can't remember right now) before the player's position in space "resets", as if it transported you to the other end of another map space. So for example, you travel to -2560000000, 0, 0, and the moment after you find yourself at 2560000000, 0, 0. You won't get back to the same point of the map if you reach the proper coordinates of the new map space. Weird sci-fi stuff. 2) As Noodle pointed out, you can have a surrogate of day-night cycle, but with the base lighting system it won't really look that good. An alternative would be using Rend2, where you can actually enable a skylight that can rotate creating an effective day-night cycle, but it's still pretty much experimental, and it won't look too great either. 3) You should be able to select the map patches in Radiant and texture them normally, unless you prefer to texture them in Blender and keep them. In that case, if .md3 export doesn't work (although you can always scale the terrain down so that it fits the limits of 512 units size and then scale it up again in Radiant), you can try to export it as .ase - which shouldn't have those limits, if I remember correctly. 4) The exported patchwork, with the proper texture, is indeed solid, although players and entities could clip through due to bugs. Models on the other hand will require either autoclipping (spawnflags 2) or manual clipping. Usually autoclipping a model is considered positively when dealing with terrain models and simple geometry in general. Edit: A quick in-game test shows that the map space seems to reset somewhere after 1 billion units. Not sure about the exact number, but that at least gives a lower boundary.
  20. From what I remember they have to be mono files, 44100 Hz, and that's just about it, but I'm not dealing with sounds a lot so I could be wrong.
  21. I think you could prevent that applying those custom animations to specific player models, like it is done in Movie Duels 2. But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort to just keep animation mod compatibility.
  22. Does anyone know what's the anim name for lightsaber throw? Somehow I can't seem to figure it out.

    1. Circa


      BOTH_SABERPULL, I'm pretty sure

  23. I don't know. I sorta consider Operation Cinder more as one of the ways for Disney to disrupt the quality of their canon, turning the Empire from "the bad guys with some narrative depth" into "the plain old bad guys".
  24. Not a coder or anything, and can't say much about point number 2, but it seems that the code sets the max Force energy the player can be given to 100. You can try that with a simple give force command: Kyle's Force energy will suddenly get to 100 before slowly going back to 200. I can assume it's a hardcoded limit for the interactions with Force Absorb too.
  25. Try selecting that mesh, enter Edit Mode, select every vertex and face and press Ctrl + T: that will turn all faces into triangles.
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