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Everything posted by Bek

  1. How do you know when a website is dead?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bek
    3. Circa


      If it's a forum, then yeah, if nobody is posting, I'd say that's pretty dead.

    4. Ping


      As you can imagine, 'dead' is whatever you want it to be.

  2. Isn't that backpack from Lt.claim or did you model it on them yourself?
  3. Bek

    Yavin 4 Temple

    It seemed to be missing textures, at least for me.
  4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SNmRAqpEKrM2xGY091WUhJTms/edit?usp=sharing
  5. *Facepalm* Here this one is from my Google Drive: http://sg-eh.jkhub.org/forum/Thread-Release-Jedi-Revan-W-I-P
  6. I think he was also asking for the skin itself too, and if that's the case, here you go: http://sg-eh.jkhub.org/forum/Thread-Release-Jedi-Revan-W-I-P
  7. @@Angel Soul press "Alt" "Prt Scr" ,achieves the same effect.
  8. Nice! I made one in Autodesk Inventor awhile ago.
  9. You can actually see him use it during your mission over at Byss. I know this isn't completely related, but I can't help but mention that the thermal dets are wayyyyy to big, same thing with the mines, they are at least the size of a small basketball.
  10. Bind another key for your lightsaber style, then press them both at the same time .
  11. Revan is alive!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Bek


      *ruly I don't think they do. ( I had more to say, but I forgot as soon as I acceded the amount of words allowed after I posted).

    3. Bek


      *Oh and I get the feeling Malak is going to be involved in this somehow..

    4. NumberWan


      For now Malak and others are homaged in SWTOR either in monuments on Corellia or as gear and armor sets for the players. I was shocked to see old Sith Trooper armor - the same applies to Malak's armor.

  12. I could try to edit the textures a bit, to be a bit more movie accurate. Could you PM me?
  13. Well I hope someone would like to take this on, but it seems somewhat unlikely, but in my opinion it would make the stormtroopers looks soooo much better .
  14. Really? Look at the two detonators on his suit for a frame of reference, then compare it to the actual model Mando made.
  15. Bossk needs a new model in general, I have no idea who would like to take that on.
  16. The arms are much longer, like way much longer.
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