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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Looks a tad wonky , Great job nonetheless.
  2. Bek

    Junk Titan

    I like the droid head at the top, but I wish it was a bit larger, it looks disproportionate to the rest of the body. Don't get me wrong I love that this was made, it looks epic!
  3. Bek

    Secret Santa 2014

    Dude could you Pm me that wallpaper? It looks friggen epic, it sums up jka in a pretty cool way.
  4. Bek

    Secret Santa 2014

    Lol yeah sorry about that, I had no internet at the time and I was worried that if I didn't turn it in to you I'd be a big phony lol. How's the gift?
  5. FRIGGEN IMPRESSIVE @Rooxon, I really wish I had internet at the time to help, but these came out great regardless, though I wish you kept your curved design for the champion.
  6. @@AshuraDX what kind of tablet did you get, I'm thinking about getting a new one soon.
  7. When you have it on screen press "alt" + "PrtScn" then go onto paint and then press "ctrl" + "Z". Oh if you need somewhere to upload it just go to Imgur.com. You don't need a account to upload pics.
  8. Looks great, but the body needs a bit more work.
  9. Jkhub, did you decorate? ...Nice!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Circa


      Not the original background, I meant the one before the current one. Might need to clear your cache to see it.

    3. Bek


      I see it now, looks better, even though I'm not able to see the whole thing. XD

    4. Onysfx


      Looks like a wampa cave xD.

  10. There really isn't any remodeling going on with Rosh, but some retexturing has happened. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1825-rosh-jedi/
  11. Has anyone played swtor and had a glitch where the armor is invisible?

  12. Neat! do you plan on replacing the existing ones in jka?
  13. Working on my Swtor Guild's Logo. What do you guys think? http://imgur.com/t6Vrazw

    1. Sentra


      Looks like a pill :)

    2. Bek


      hmm yeah it does lol.

    3. Bek


      it's suppose to represent the Light/Dark side of the force.

  14. The map reminds me of Black Mesa, in Half Life.
  15. Don't give up hope, there's always hope, somebody might come across this and try to work it, heck someone might be working on it right now.
    1. Circa


      People should go give us a shoutout in the comments!

    2. Bek


      Totally, I'll try to go back and do that.

  16. I think I get what you are saying, I've been playing around with Blender for awhile.
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