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Everything posted by Bek

  1. Do you think you could give us a tutorial on how to do this in Blender?
  2. Ahsoka would need to have a real low profile during this time period, we all know voice alteration is a real thing in SW, so it's totes possible. Listen to the altered audio recording. It sounds a bit like her (and no I am not a huge Ahsoka fan ).
  3. Reminds me if the clan Ordo base in kotor2.
  4. I get the feeling Fulcrum is Ahsoka, it would kinda make sense and listen to voice analysis.
  5. Might as well give him Kannan's lightsaber.
  6. I was recently playing Jka the other day and I realized that the Jedi trainer uses the same saber for the reborn, so I figure we need to make a new saber for him as well.
  7. Bek

    Rooxon's Stormtrooper

    I like what you did with the re-skin, but I wish it was done on the newer stormie model DT made, though it would be interesting if we could possibly make the same re-skin for the updated stormie.
  8. Though I never expressed it @, I like the idea of a TCW Maul model.
  9. You should add dark or black stain marks around the top of the green portion of the hilt. I think that may make it look better. Also you should let the silver metal hue show in the green part.
  10. Bek

    Mon Calamari

    They look like they are directly from star wars galaxies.
  11. This happens sometimes, I'd just wait, someone might come along and read this.
  12. I love the idea! I'll start concept sketching tonight, being that this is the Jedi Praxium era, I'll look up some hilt designs that fit with the theme of the game.
  13. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/137-fix-hapslashs-anakin-model-no-lightsaber-blade/
  14. Awesome I won a piece of signed art from Todd Mcfarlane!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek
    3. IrocJeff


      That's really cool. I went to a minor league baseball game where they were giving away 125th anniversary 32 oz cups for a local paper. My uncle noticed I had a placard taped to mine and I was one of 8 people to win $125.

    4. Bek


      Wow that's what I call LUCK!

  15. Looks epic bro, I remember using Carlos's original Aegis hilt and having the saber not work lol, anyways 10 out of 10 love the textures and detail. Jose Carlos had the right idea though: I wish everybody would not associate Sith in that fashion, they aren't your saturday morning cartoon villain, they are sinister, cruel, and calculating, well the ones that last anyway .
  16. What do you think @@therfiles? is this possible?
  17. I like the idea, I hope it works, I mean it seems like it would.
  18. Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Onysfx


      Nah he won't. I know JJ won't screw up. John Williams approves of him, that should be more than enough. Look what he did with star trek. In fact, he even stated the only reason he did that star trek movie was so he could use that as a reason to work on star wars (or something like that).

    3. z3filus


      The name is irrelevant at this point, remember that even Episode V was amazing though it was directed by Lucas, and there were writers hired for that movie aswell. As long as Lucas is the man behind the curtain, I have high hopes for this new trilogy.

    4. z3filus


      though ep 5 WASNT * * directed by Lucas


  19. I think your'e a little too hopeful, yet again if I'm wrong then the cheese is on me.
  20. So this is what chased after me in my nightmare last night..
  21. How's the model going @@Boothand?
  22. For those who are unable to watch SW: Rebels http://www.animeflavor.com/cartoon/star-wars-rebels

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. z3filus


      bottle of water is half empty


    3. Merek


      Really? I thought the bottle of water was completely empty... or at least in Obama's case...

    4. Bek
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