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Everything posted by Bek

  1. So as some of you may know, I use a dual monitor setup. However when I woke up this morning, only one monitor was displaying. I've been up all day trying to figure out a solution to this problem. Here's what I've tried: - I've applied updates to all of my drivers. - I've gone into my computer's device manager and rolled back my drivers. - I've gone into my display settings and messed around with the position of the monitors. - I've messed around with the configuration of the cords. - I've reseated my video cards. - I've tried replacing the cords with different ones. - I've gone through the monitor options brought up by pressing the Windows + Shift + P keys. My computer specs Initially I suspected that my video card died, but after opening up my desktop I noticed that both fans were running on my video card. This makes me suspect that it's software error, but I'm not sure what. As far as I can tell, my computer can detect the other monitor, but it doesn't want to display anything. Mmm.. Any help here would be hot.
  2. *Puts on hat.*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Yes, that was the plan all along.

    3. Barricade24


      So what sort of gifts do you give people?

    4. Bek


      The usual. Tuberculosis,Meningitis,Scurvy. And if you're real good, slow sever hosting. :)

  3. I really wish Robot Chicken would make another Star Wars special.

    1. IrocJeff


      I don't care for Seth Green at all but I love some of those shorts. Dr. Ball is a riot.

    2. Bek


      There's childhood memories and then there's Robot Chicken.

  4. I'd like to see a moody side of starwars, something Blade Runner-ish. Cut down on the action a bit, and focus on world building instead. Give me a movie where the force isn't referenced at all. A movie taking place in Coruscant after order 66 would be interesting. Something that follows multiple separate characters, doing their own thing would be gravy.
  5. Used to be a avid fan of the series. Ever since the Old Republic was ousted by Disney, I have lost a lot of my interest in the series. I don't hate TFA, I just think it's a little bland.
  6. I love how subtly devious the baseline is in this. I really respect this track.
  7. Bek

    Happy Halloween 2017!

    I feel like lately a lot of people have been forgetting about Halloween, but not the Hub! To all of those who submitted a mod for the contest, you added a whole lot of Halloween cheer to what is normally small holiday. Thanks for that. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and you guys made it spooky.
  8. Your animations are very fluid, I really like them. Best of luck with the dev work.
  9. It's Halloween time!!

  10. Blade Runner 2049 was pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Corto


      Novels by Frank Herbert. There have been adaptations by David Lynch first with a movie and then Hallmark with two miniseries, which barely scrap the surface of the story. It seems that Denis Villeneuve is working on a new attempt at bringing the novels to the big screen. It's not cyberpunk, it´s science fiction. Probably the best.

    3. RJA


      Dune theme was amazing. Composed by Toto.


    4. Corto


      The soundtrack and most of the costume design was the best of that movie. The rest, forgettable.

  11. It clearly took quite a bit of work to get this map to look scary. Fantastic job.
  12. This is real wicked. I like how the illusion even works in jka. Pretty spooky.
  13. I'm curious. Will new animations be added to the game when the mod is released?
  14. Wasn't there a mirror of FileFront? Can someone link it to me plz?

    1. Merek


      Is this what your looking for?



    2. Bek


      Oh yeah, there it is. Thanks man.

  15. Yes. Honestly it makes me wonder why there are so many likes, the image doesn't even load.
  16. literally had a dream that Jkhub 2.0 was out.

    1. Bek


      Make my dreams come true Caelum...

    2. Smoo
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