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Everything posted by Oobah

  1. Sounds great, I guess. Physics in JK would be pointless more or less same with cloth physics at this point. It would make the game more intensive on the hardware and for what exactly, cloth and ragdoll? Someone has the time and energy they can just do animated simulation of cloth movement on models and that would be more likely/get done sooner instead of cloth physics plus it would be less intensive on peoples computers and it would still look just as good if someone does it right. That's what kotor 2 did and I haven't heard anyone complain about that. Not like anyone else would use it for anything beyond those things like most games have done. Maybe for some kind of map puzzle it would be nice from a level creation standpoint but considering how many have dropped off from playing JK through the years, I don't see it anymore so like JK4 or game overhaul mods as really making people interested in playing the game again. Not to mention even for sandbox, already plenty of alternatives all set and ready to go that you don't even have to mod or work on to make use of any kind of physics engine. Cloth physics save grunt work for people who do models but people would also have to download/make use of the altered game source and considering OpenJK probably still has a ways to go before it's more functional for full on player use, physics of any kind is something going even beyond core game/bug fixes and who is really gonna be left around at that point to make use of it, much like a finished or complete OpenJK.
  2. I have no idea why people waste time doing this. No one finds it cool, cute, funny, or interesting. Seems like a cry for attention to me, or maybe help. http://i.imgur.com/vm9qt9S.png

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    2. Oobah


      And it must bother you if you're willing to point out that it bothers me despite the fact I told you, it doesn't bother me. You act as if I'm picking at a scab when really all I did was, point out 2 server names that obviously other people are looking at. So it bothers me because I'm just the 1st person to openly point it out for others to see? That's a silly idea.

    3. z3filus
    4. Oobah



  3. My general view on the matter is more in line with the fact that, every jk site that has come up and became a hotspot has gone down and we've lost a ton of files through the years in regards to that. It has absolutely nothing to do with what jkhub does or does not host or what they wish to change up from time to time. I was not trying to say specificly if it was domain names that went down, website hosting, etc let alone mislead anyone with information, afterall takes 5 seconds to look up at the start of the topic and read the initial post to know what is going on for anyone who comes into this post. I'm more so posting in line with making people aware of alternatives options of some sort and being more self reliant in some regards to more realms of information rather than over reliance on jkhub to take care of every single little thing. If people want to complain or use any service whatever that jkhub posts out they are free to do so and I say go for it. I'm simply posting and putting information up in case people are not aware of other options. URL shortening wont hurt a single thing. You can simply shorten the URL of your forums to the size of a simple and standard website link, be just as effective on a bot in a server honestly and it wouldn't hurt anything anyway. But no one has to do it, again it was just an option. You get what you pay for, like Lunix. Free hosting like any other systems are only as secure, not just in line with the hosters/providers/developers, but also the capability of the person utilizing said things. If free hosts are so terrible/bad then NO one would be using them. I still keep old clan I was in years ago forums still up, hosted completely free, and it still works perfectly fine. I honestly expect also even free forum providers keep what they can up to date as much as, what you posted, wordpress does. I don't see free hosters or whatever not keeping some kinda system up to date because of the amount of personal information that would be compromised, on top of mixture of the paid services they potentially offer as well as ads/ad removal options and so forth. Not to mention the free forum hosters use software that is also free that you can download and get a paid hoster to setup/use also so honestly it's as free as you want it to be. Either way, back on topic.
  4. Domain names are pretty cheap honestly. Just googling alone think see some for price of a year like 4 bucks. That's like what, a bag of chips price for a little url name for a whole year? Not exactly that inconvinencing to anyone. Also there is already plenty of other free alternative ways as it is. Hell even a simple url shortening would work. I don't see why anyone should really scream like the house is burning down. http://www.freedomain.co.nr/ http://www.zifboards.com/ https://www.proboards.com/ http://www.prophpbb.com/ http://www.forumotion.com/ http://tinyurl.com/ This seriously only takes about 5 seconds for anyone to google.
  5. By default it was not designed/setup to be used by the actual player. It was more or less only setup for the SP portion for the specific bosses hence the names of it are tied to the equivalent bosses, same with Tavion. OJP Basic, maybe a few other mods, had it turned on to be used in line with the other standard saber stances. For basejka or JA+, no you wont be able to use it by default on the core base game. Just speaking of this off top of my head on this.
  6. This topic should be moved to another spot, this doesn't look like it has anything to do with OpenJK. To answer your question. Compare the game specs to your computers own specs, not in terms of simply OS but its cpu, ram, harddrive, and video card. Lunix distrubtions can still work playing, especially older game like this, video games. Just you're gonna have to do a little more work to get it setup in regards to drivers and such aka more jumping through hoops. But don't be surprised if it doesn't run as optimally for you as it would on a native Windows OS. Lunix requires more manual work instead of a stream line install for something like this. Games system specs are easily dwarfed/ran on lot more modern computers even cheap ones in this day and age could still, more or less, run the game topped out fine. I was using a ATI 9250 when I played this starting out, that should give you an idea of what your system being able to run it or not. Also post your computer specs so people can see it and I'm sure someone can give you more in depth information provided you hit any roadbumps with the setup/install process. Going off back of the game CD case (cause this game really doesn't need much for more modern systems, even cheap laptops from walmart can probably run it fine now a days):
  7. All comes down to what you're trying to convey. Is this sith korriban map like a lost temple, is it like an academy built into a tomb? Point being is this, you have rooms for use and hallways to kinda being a snake or worm that connects it all up. Hallways have a point of connecting rooms and areas together. Z shape whatever works fine provided it's for getting to maybe rooms in between or from a mapping standpoint you gotta setup a new room kinda farther away from the rest of the rooms due to the room size being large or whatever. I would say test it out a lot and kinda try and look at it different ways. Some people love exact sizing up of things while others want wide open spaces and lots of "breathing" room. If this is just like a general korriban map with like sith tombs and some kinda integration of temple stuff to rooms and such, basically a big map with lots of content between imperial outposts to sith tombs to sith temple stuff rolled nito one, I'd say just look up some of the source material of korriban and maybe look into sith specificly lore wise and get an idea of there mindset of how they would setup there architecture or looks/etc. Vjun3 could be a good example for a map source that is sith based as well as in game for a potential idea of how to maybe setup connecting hallways and such. In that it was basically base area was a large circle with personal areas to the side and could in theory do a circular wrap around with the walkways so all the 2nd floor areas were more connected and the 3rd floor elevator being the kinda overhead spot that goes into the top/personal living quarter area of vader. You could, also, always have your hallway kinda go in a circular loop as well so it kinda connects but that means also need kinda little signs or specific things so people don't feel like a rat in the maze with going in circles or loops.
  8. Content is representative of the time it was released for consumption. We have better methods now to capture more of the actual actors being inserted into play use of the work. Back then I doubt any of them thought of making the played characters being fully representative of the live actors. Now with technology we can just add voice overs the actual player models and still get a similar level of experience. Look at progression of video games in general not till more recently we even have video games filling up more of the dead/empty space where as in the past things were more like big empty boxes and the texture/level detail didn't have to be good, we loved the product for it was trying to convey and less for the form/presentation of it. More obsession with details as time progressed is all.
  9. That's only cause some people might enjoy a simpilar look/style over some content we got which is big and over the top and clan tags textured onto skins and such or perhaps an alternative to the hapslash jedi robe frankensteins. That's cause that was a reskin off of human jaden model. This also is most likely it but DT obviously did more work in regards to that such as the core model itself and the textures. Basically he did a little more sculpting of it is all and gave it a greater level of definition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Judging by the hood itself in regards to the side pan. The hood looks like a really light layer of fabric itself. Kinda almost like a silk level of depth and lightness. Where as the rest of the strap overlay looks a bit thicker. Maybe just move the verts out slightly on the hood a little to have it kinda blend into the general strap size more so. Overall I think even for people who aren't into the mod, I can see people using that core model/look for personal skins and frankensteins also cause it looks pretty close to the core game base models. Plus the textures look pretty nice on it honestly, including the face. It's not really over the top colourful or bright it kinda has a more neutral style/look to it.
  10. If it is something that outright breaks the game or becomes to much of a burden on those that either actively play it or host it on a server such as crashing or people really are just frustrated instead of general nitpickery, then yes I can recompile it with what some might consider "a fix". Chairs are just added and they turn on/off and again keeping them without clip no matter how many times I recompile the content. Geometry related brush issues or the map randomly crashes at points is completely different from something like the chairs which is optional/cosmetic. Also, you have to remember the mapping tool or setup they used at Raven Software is different from what we have which is typically GTK Radiant and they calculate things out differently I'm sure in regards to how certain things function or work in regards to the compiling process or how there tools looked/setup things on the mapping related portions.
  11. It's kinda like an irc sorta deal. It's a hit or miss in terms of acceptance for people and some people might only rely on communicating in it and not post in regular forums anymore. Yes it is great for more live sorta face to face chating. At the same time you also open things up for someone who might freak out or spam it at one point. I'd say nothing that has annoying sounds every single time someone types (hate that crap) like some shoutboxes whatever and not to mention it's gonna need some sort of more active moderation at points, might be open to having some people from different in game clans who are good solid moderators given a chance to moderate it. Kinda like active community contribution and it does open things up for people to get more invovled in helping out at jkhub even if it is just a tiny little chat box whatever. But a solid benefit is you can get some direct talking with people who edit/mod files with the people who don't do that, but that also means probably get some people begging for specific kinds of content and pestering specific people. But this also saves on people getting blown up with billion pms or having to give up skype/personal im information to talk with someone in a more live conversation basis. Then comes the matter of the conversations probably starting out JK related then moving onto people talking about almost anything and everything at points or boredom or specific times of the day when less people are on. Probably get akward at some points with what some people say I imagine also for some folks. So perhaps it needs some kinda guidelines like remaining on specific topics or things that souly relate to Jedi Knight based things only or you gotta have a certain post count before you can start using it or you need some sort of approval to be allowed to use it via moderators. Just leaving it open for anyone to use even if they aren't logged in means on one hand get a lot of open ended discussions, on the other you can get some crazy and weird stuff people can post or spam without being held to some level of accountability for there words as well as some people just posting to upset or make others uncomfortable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think community contributes to the mass/whole for lot of different levels is beneficial though, I don't think there is no doubt about it whether it is in game or out they still all tie into the core thing which we all enjoy. Beauty of JK, we have an open ended game with a really good hands (not many are hands on in the same way as JK is in this regard) on combat system and people can get as technical as they want with the guts.
  12. You can honestly have both variations or versions, whatever you wish to call it, in a single base folder. This copy is more independant with the core assets from JO in an individual folder instead of wedging/reusing assets that already come with the base game that were also present in JO. Test it out and compare/constrast what is different. You can spot the differences pretty easily if you have the eyes/ears to notice. As for what is better or what have you, that's up for the user to decide. Any alterations from the original to this are purely cosmetic but still in line with the final release copy that came with base JO and the general star wars theme. Any issues/disagreements with older content between JO and JA is due to older game engine and the files created were done in a different time and place. Both are respective in terms of better in regards to what people settled into enjoying more. Same general argument/view in regards to older patch versions vs. later patches and mods.
  13. The problem turns into a select group that runs it all dictates whatever is used, the modding capabilities become lighter for clients and is more so in the hands of the people who run the show and with the age of the current community. No one is going to give up that creative freedom for a mass produced watered down JA. JO was more or less abandoned modding wise, DF2 is still alive with lot of modding and freedom in some sense as well. Hell even Doom wad based games are still kicking in spite of no open kinda come all try our game with specific/core features in place of the original stuff that you pay a one time case of beer price to do whatever you want with more or less. Basically I see more creative control in the hands of those that run vs. those that play it. No one would wanna recreate all assets from scratch, that's a full game scale level of work even if this was just MP when those of us that are playing already own the game why would any of us get behind this when we can already play the game itself however we want as free as we truly want. This also opens the flood gates for monetary money making (incentive to continue the project, pay the bills, some play money for yourself, etc) which I'm fairly certain with the open source it can't be used for making money (Raven put it up due to peoples interest in the game), because dlc or things offered by said community for premium mode or specific models one can use etc. With the injection of getting into a big project such as that you need some kinda dedicated team also and how many projects have come to full fruition for JK and how many have retained a large portion of the player base? This is the same thing in general though as people who cry, clamor, complain, and hope with all there might for a JK4. The problem is even if it is a new game, every single person has to learn the new modding or what we as a community can edit again. On top of that people also people will bring the same old rules, drama, and mindsets into a new project and you will end up with nothing but crap posts of people being forced to be on a same client version which they don't have to now, as well as any alterations to the game they don't like. In other words, this may pull in new people provided you have a means to broadcast/advertise as well as some lurkers coming out to jump on this to be the first one with the power structures and what not, but in the grand scheme will be right back to where we are now. It's a wasted effort in that we have a good solid foundation now, why turn something with overhead people dictating and kinda nudging people into what to do/say where as now it's purely open to interpretation. You're not giving people more options and freedom and a better quality product in a sense, what I see more so with stuff like this is you want someone like a DM (mmo GM, dedicated moderators you can trust, etc) in D&D aka an equivalent for JK to basically tell you what to do in regards to specific game related things. From something like coding which is in the background, to full blown dlc/premium content, and heavy forum moderation when it blows up with people acting out or freaking out over things they don't like or agree with. It's not going to boost the game in life or spirit if this even happened. We would most likely take the private forum/clan/community based stuff and we thrust it into a larger picture so EVERYONE can see. Do you really wanna also open those flood gates to at least 1 admin randomly deleting posts also cause "kids play here" or "that's not constructive for our community" kinda stuff? It happens one way or another no matter what anyone thinks. This isn't meant to sound over dramatic or like it will happen. But the point being from my own general view, I don't see this really having a major impact on extending the game/series life span. Most anyone has to do is get in game and play when they wanna play to keep interest across the board for everyone going honestly.
  14. tl;dr Proper port looks/functions better, copy pasteing old assets onto something newer is pure laziness.
  15. Chair is for people with mods, meditation sitting in chairs looks really stupid as it does ugly. If you want to sit in the chair use a mod with a chair sit animation like JA+. If he got stuck some brush work that is due to multiple reasons and chances are it is due to brush work that is at a odd like angle of sorts. Game engine has a bit of a hard time calculating out different angled brushes that aren't straight foreward such as anything between 0-90 and 90-180 and so forth. Those in between angles can effect player movement but only if you run into them on purpose or get shoved into them whatever. I never ran into that cause I didn't go out of my way to run into those, also npcs just mostly go on a run path as it is where as live players in most mp based mods have grapple and try to move/jump in different directions so I don't see it as a major problem, let alone a need to do another full recompile at this time.
  16. Take Raven Softwares form of yavin_trial and find the cage at the end that holds the harddrive with all the unreleased patches and cloth physics to the game engine.
  17. Updated Yavin Temple aka Massassi Temple-Map Expansion on top of released the 3 JO maps to have there own individual download links via jkhub now.
  18. Version 1.0


    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT MODIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: Oobah File Name and Version: JA FFA Bespin Release Date: 02/24/2015 Filesize: 3.37mbs Description with installation instructions: Drop it into your base folder Copyright/License: Raven Software/Lucasarts/Disney External Content Used / Credits: Raven Software ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS ™ & (©) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  19. Version 1.0


    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT MODIFICATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Author: Oobah File Name and Version: JA FFA Deathstar Release Date: 02/24/2015 Filesize: 7.83mbs Description with installation instructions: Drop it into your base folder Copyright/License: Raven Software/Lucasarts/Disney External Content Used / Credits: Raven Software ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS ™ & (©) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  20. If this is a client end only thing it would simply be a matter of changing the animation in the files that are specific to a new animation you want or no animation at all and just change it to maybe a round about back swing animation. There is a lot of saber swing animations already so you would just have to pick a dual or swing or staff based sping around swing to be used in the animation number/name in place of the current animation swing. Since that is all repluse is is a sping around saber swing and when it comes back to the front end swing it repulses or force pushes away npcs or players whatever. If the current repulse file comes with a .dll that means it was a client end coded alteration instead of file alterations and light end aka code based stuff borders into more in depth modding stuff which is again, beyond my abilities. Hope this helps!
  21. I'm speaking generaly, I'm speaking from speculation I have no idea what conspiracy people form. My view is it inconviences new folks but for older folks we'll make use of alternative master lists and favorite lists/direct connects to still play with folks. I still maintain the fact these people should openly speak direclty about why they resort to these methods to pull this crap cause it has no real impact on the people actually playing anyway. Cause the worst extreme is if they pull this crap in JK servers for an old/dieing game who knows where they might branch out from that and if they get busted by law enforcement/etc they should at least look at something like this that some people might engage with them now on these matters and such to understand where they're coming from. It just seems like a cry for attention or trying to send a message to folks which means people who wanna talk about whatever which they can't get in there current social circles being similar mindsets to them aka wanting a more diverse opinion than what they are currently getting. Probably wont happen, but that's just mean looking for the best in people than just general pessimism of some one being bad/evil cause it's to cool for school to be that way whatever. I think that general mindset is crap but this is one persons view/mindset over a general crowd of folks. I think Iggy Pop said it best, "power nerds".
  22. Looking at both, one is just a the rifle fired then a saber drawn, one is with the saber out. I wager maybe you can mix the weapon info. into the saber stuff less that required coding related things. Can try mixing the weapon .dat line commands into the hilt and see if it works or not. About the only thing I can figure at this point beyond going into game coding which I can look at but actually altering/changing I'm a absolute novice on. Only say mixing the weapon .dat info into the saber hilts cause both are already coded into the client end level of alteration might work mixed with saber related changes. Seen people change saber blades that were a mile long so I don't see why you can't mix weapon related effects to hilts but that means it is only specific to that saber hilt then and not the overall game aka a hilt that is more powerful than core game sabers. Force unleashed was great for telekenetics but beyond that lightnining and the repulse was basically a saber version of force push. Maybe for combat be great but in a ffa you would have every repulsing in the hit/run tactics people do these days and you would end up with tons of people knocked across the maps every time they felt they couldn't do a good swing. Not sure if this is tied to regular saber swings or force power specific. Might just be something tied to the saber itelf but it leaves room for a new force power to the hilt itself but JK was never coded with hilts doing force power related stuff anyway so that is again code related stuff.
  23. Maybe perhaps a weapon .dat setting but I feel this borders on game coding kinda deal. I played FU enough so basicaly you want dark rage mixed with FU kinda the repulse from sabers with the combo it knocks people away kinda deal. So basically you wanna mix the concusion weapons data to the saber to make a kinda frakenstein repluse (saber mixed with the weapon repulse?). Weapon knockback does that but you want the kinda animation playthrough of the force repulse tied to sabers whatever kinda deal which does require a mixture of textures and code changes I imagine beyond a LOT of workaround which might be to much for anyone to do. It's not a very clear cut light end modding sorta deal you need more in depth work for something like that. But coders can answer that better than I can.
  24. Jump mazes are good to a point for player skills. This hits higher skill levels and honestly it doens't ALWAYS transmit to actual player interaction/skills that transmit to real actual playing with real players. This borders more on speedrunning honestly which is for self achievement more than anything a lot like player awards on modern systems like steam and consols, more robotic machine like play and less human learn through growth and development. What would you get doing such crazy things just going off the picture I see here? Better off letting such content die less by some luck you find a working email of the file creator.
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