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  1. Mandalorian liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    Wow. This episode was amazing, definitely my favorite of the season so far. I was super worried about seeing Ahsoka in live action and casting who they did, but it ended up being great. I found it interesting that they made her look like she did in season 7 of the Clone Wars rather than Rebels. She should have longer horns and lekku technically, but looking past that, it was good. Seeing her fight with her dual white sabers was insane.
    Glad we finally got the name for the child. It was getting a little absurd how long we went without knowing it. It's a good name too, fits the Yoda-esque.
    The fact that she name-drops both Thrawn and Tython was very unexpected but very exciting! That means there's a chance we could see some Heir to the Empire sort of story beats. And Tython! Really hope it looks similar to how it does in SWTOR. I think it was the best part of that game, it really captured the perfect essence of the ancient Jedi. I wonder what it'll look like in the show.
  2. Mandalorian liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    Okay, so first episode of Season 2 was extremely good. Spoilers:
    So excited for this season.
  3. kibasennin liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jeff's never ending WIP's   
    That Zorii Bliss is amazing, nice work. Would love to see it submitted to the files section unless it has ported meshes.
  4. Jeff liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jeff's never ending WIP's   
    That Zorii Bliss is amazing, nice work. Would love to see it submitted to the files section unless it has ported meshes.
  5. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jeff's never ending WIP's   
    That Zorii Bliss is amazing, nice work. Would love to see it submitted to the files section unless it has ported meshes.
  6. BlindDaThief liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Wow. I did not think I'd see this project see the light of day. Not because of you, but because we rarely see projects like this make it past the first step these days. This is really amazing.
    Might have to update my old Prequel Conversion Mod with this model!
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by Raisinbrand in Raisin's Model-Shots (and maybe a few WIPs)   

    This is Corr! She's a foundling who used to be a slave, until a wandering Mandalorian taking bounties rescues her from captivity. Taught the way of the Mandalore, she becomes a force to be reckoned with! 
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by Noodle in Do you like vibroblade?   
    I hate it for the very same reason you indicated you like it. Normal weapons shouldn't be able to stop a lightsaber, creating a bunch of lightsaber resistant swords is pure fanfiction.
  9. Circa liked a post in a topic by swegmaster in Jedi Academy HUD background found in ROTS   
    I was watching ROTS sometime ago, well not quite watch but more just scanning over a scene for Movie Duels, and noticed a little detail while paused that caught my eye:

    Although not quite the same, they are very very similar in appearance, which seems quite interesting. I wonder if there were any other background details like this one missed!
  10. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZeroRaven in (Re)Enter the Grid   
    So about 8 years ago, during my heyday of classic JK/MotS mapping, I took inspiration from a certain movie, as well as games like MGS:VR Missions, and began a small Deathmatch level for Jedi Knight that I called "The Grid"
    Recently I've had the bug to get into MP mapping for Jedi Academy (as shown by my FFA_Dust and other maps), but I've been reliving my JK maps and decided to revitilize them (in one form or another) for JA.

    First up will be, FFA_Grid. A complete redesign of the map style from JK, but keeping the arena layout style, and glowing textures.
  11. Circa liked a post in a topic by Plague-Angel in Razor Crest Map WIP   
    Hi guys,
    Been a while since I posted anything anywhere! Just thought I'd share a current WIP I W'ing on
    So far I'm only really concentrating on the ship itself which wont be 100% accurate on size or detail due to the engine and time constraints.
    Haven't decided on which setting to dump it in yet, it'll either be Nevarro or that ladies repair bay on Tatty.
    Pics below

  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Devil_hunter96 in Modding force jump and force push   
    I truly appreciate it!
  13. Circa liked a post in a topic by TDG in Let's talk about Star Wars Legends/the Expanded Universe   
    I don't mind the plot device of Darth Nihilus being able to consume the life of entire worlds through the Force. It wasn't really a super weapon, it showed how powerful the Force can be, but also in my opinion made clear that Darth Nihilus was not human and more something like an Eldritch horror in the shape of a man.
    I really liked some of the alternative ideas some people had for Nihilus, one of them for example being that he/it was the Dark side ghost of a dead world, now feeding on other worlds to fill its own emptiness.
    Perhaps a bit too fantastic even for Star Wars but it would have put him on a whole different level of antagonist which he technically already is.

    My main annoyance was that Drew Karpyshyn kind of stole this for the Sith Emperor/Vitiate. So it wasn't Nihilus feeding on worlds but this character in order to become a god.

    Yep, as I mentioned before the storyline was a lot more low key and personal. The player and the party could get involved in situations such as the Dantooine civilian militia vs the mercenaries, the Civil War on Onderon between Queen Talia and the general, but there was no major galactic war taking place in the background. Rather the Republic and its worlds seeking to rebuild after going through a very destructive war while after effects of that such as displaced refugees, unemployed veterans and a collapse of the economy plague it.

    Star Wars Jedi Outcast and Star Wars Jedi Academy are not really major conflicts either. Sure, Desann, Fyyar, and the Shadowtroopers could become a threat to the Republic if not stopped, as could Tavion and her Disciples of Ragnos be if they succeed in reviving Ragnos, but these are all more smaller conflicts.
  14. TDG liked a post in a topic by Circa in Let's talk about Star Wars Legends/the Expanded Universe   
    Agreed. KOTOR 2 is one of the most grounded and gritty feeling Star Wars games. I think the biggest leap was Nihilus being able to consume entire worlds with the Force, but we didn’t get to see that power in action, just hear about it. Everything else was about mind games, investigating, and betrayal. It’s a shame the game wasn’t technically finished, but it’s still one of my favorite games of all time next to the first game. I actually prefer to play it without the restored content mod simply because I played it that way so many times growing up, but I do love it either way.
  15. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    (Another spoiler art piece!)

  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    With the recent Mandalorian episode have come out, I decided to kitbash that character in it, in their new outfits. Also make an art piece inspired from a part of the episode!
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by kibasennin in Top 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About JK2 and JKA   
    Okay, bringing it back.
    If you keep the crouch button pressed while using a long jump, half the time you'll be going further than you would've if you didn't.
    Also bind 'thereisnospoon' to a key... press that key... then do a long jump right after? The jump is about 40-50% longer than if you do it normally and for a moment, it looks like you're actually gonna fly. Which is amazing, frankly, because this allows you to cross things that are waaaay out of reach, like: The two plateaus on the Tusken mission, where you have a bridge to cross, right out of the first cave section? You don't need to cross it. Just use (what I've now dubbed) "ULTRA JUMP"! When you disarm the second bomb on Bakura, just Ultra Jump across the chasm, instead of going back through the mine corridor again. You can literally cover any distance on Kril'Dor, in fact with the ultra jump, the risk is jumping too far. You can cross the chasm on Korriban2. You can Force Push concussion rifle shots and rockets back, and the secondary attack of the heavy repeater... but you can do that with flechettes too! They're slower too, so it's much easier to repel. The cultist_destroyer kills everyone, to my surprise, not just good guys. Force Lightning 2 has a farther reach than Force Lightning 3. Mind Trick 2 is overall more efficient than Mind Trick 3, imo.
    Mind Trick 2 makes you invisible to your enemies' eyes, but can also stop a rancor in its tracks, and make one of those mercs on a swoop dismount his bike and just stand there.
    Mind Trick 3... let's say you're on Korriban 2, and killed a friendly Jedi in front of another Jedi. All the friendlies turn against you. And so do the stormtroopers you've put under your Mind Trick 3 spell! So if you're on playerteam free, all Mind Trick 3 will get you is that your victim will try to kill you and the enemy, rather than just the enemy.
    However, if you use Mind Trick 3 on an opponent, turning them, then setmindtrick 2 in the console, that opponent remains a good guy with no time limit. You can turbo punch someone, like Windu does in the  old Clone Wars cartoon. Just give yourself iknowkungfu, save the game, quit then reload it, and boom: no judo moves like the ones Kyle_boss does, but you can basically hit someone at super speed, by combining the punches with Force Speed 2 or over. On Kril'Dor, after you activate the beacon waaaay at the bottom of the facility, if you use noclip and speed upwards while you're on the elevator, that will make the spawning flying troopers have rocket launchers, instead of the heavy repeaters. In the rancor level where you need to save the prisoners? You know how every time you go down that elevator there's a new wave of baddies waiting to fight you, in the cantina? 1st time, it's a bunch of Gran, then the Trandoshans, then the trip mines and a gran? There's a 4th wave, if you go down the elevator after saving the elders, where 2 trandoshans, 1 gran and 1 rodian sniper are waiting for you. On Chandrila, anything that requires Force Sense to find it also requires you to be actually having Force Sense on, to use it. Like, the big door that you need to Force Pull open? It won't open unless you used Force Sense, even for a second. Small glitch on Taspir 2, fun to exploit: if you save the game right before landing on the platform where you find Rosh and consider killing him or sparing him, when you load that game, you will find yourself witnessing the cutscene from a 3rd person shooter POV, in-game. As in, you will be watching the you, Rosh, Alora and Kyle npcs interact, and you can keep on doing what you want, chop em in half, push em around, whatever. Also, on Taspir 2 there is this box-like item, right before you reach the first checkpoint. It interacts with Force Pushes and Pulls, which allows you to quite literally bludgeon your opponents to death with it, and carry it with you with Force Pulls. Even the Reborn Master is powerless against the power of the box of doom. Most 'boss fights' have something breakable as part of their environment. In the Rosh fight, it's the pillars, in the 2nd Alora fight, it's the boxes, and in the Tavion/Ragnos fight, it's the torches. The best way to beat Tavion with the Ragnos Scepter while they're doing their laser beam thing, is if you Force Grip her and just chuck her in the air, which is a surprisingly easy thing to do. The Ragnos Scepter's laser beam is a concentrated non-stop version of the disruptor rifle's beam. A group of 4-5 Tuskens have a solid chance of winning against a new reborn warrior.
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by OCD2 in The Mandalorian   
    Good stuff today.
    New planet, Laser shotgun, Baby grogu.
    I think luke might be making an appearance at some point, which would be interesting.  Probably season 3, to not detract from the other characters being brought in this far.
    Also, I'm glad they gave Pedro back his spear from Game of Thrones.  Now all he needs is a hulking enemy to face in one on one combat... Lucky his helmet might be crush proof.
    Funny thing, one of the first maps I built I was a spice mine map that includes a warlord/magistrates lair, housing a spear on display.(amount other things). 
  19. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    Modding is a complicated profession. I don't like doing contests this close together, but this one was requested a lot too and it's probably best to start it now while the show is airing and hype is strongest. You'll have more time than ever to work on this contest, so I better see a ton of participants! 
    The hit new Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian, has taken the world by storm in popularity and as Star Wars fans here at JKHub, naturally taken us as well. As usual, new official Star Wars content comes out and the modders race to adapt characters, locations, and weapons into our favorite games Jedi Outcast and Academy. Though activity is undoubtedly at an all time low this year around here, that doesn't mean people aren't hard at work on their various projects. There have already been a handful of cool Mando-related mods made after last year's debut of the show.
    This contest is just like the others. Create your own mods for either JK2 or JKA that have something to do with The Mandalorian, any season. It can be maps, models, skins, animations, mini-mods, etc. If it goes in our Files section, it can be submitted. That also means no ported content allowed, of course. Here are the rules in bullet form, as per tradition.

    All submissions must be related the The Mandalorian series. You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is February 1, 2021, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of February 6, 2021. Awards
    We are still waiting on a few things to have the awards system built into the forum software. I don't expect it to be there even by the time this contest is done, and I really apologize for that. I will do what I can to maybe come up with some temporary alternative in the meantime. I think having a badge on your profile for contest winners would be really cool, and I'm sure y'all would agree. Once it's implemented though, all previous contest winners will get their respective award, so don't worry.
    How do I submit my mod?
    Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries.

    Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to The Mandalorian Contest already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy hunting! 
    VOTE FOR THE BEST MOD | See all entries
    WINNER: Din Djarin by Doughnuts

    View full article
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by {JoF} Atlas in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    Lovely idea, cheers to everyone who partakes, really excited to see the submissions!
  21. {JoF} Atlas liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    Modding is a complicated profession. I don't like doing contests this close together, but this one was requested a lot too and it's probably best to start it now while the show is airing and hype is strongest. You'll have more time than ever to work on this contest, so I better see a ton of participants! 
    The hit new Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian, has taken the world by storm in popularity and as Star Wars fans here at JKHub, naturally taken us as well. As usual, new official Star Wars content comes out and the modders race to adapt characters, locations, and weapons into our favorite games Jedi Outcast and Academy. Though activity is undoubtedly at an all time low this year around here, that doesn't mean people aren't hard at work on their various projects. There have already been a handful of cool Mando-related mods made after last year's debut of the show.
    This contest is just like the others. Create your own mods for either JK2 or JKA that have something to do with The Mandalorian, any season. It can be maps, models, skins, animations, mini-mods, etc. If it goes in our Files section, it can be submitted. That also means no ported content allowed, of course. Here are the rules in bullet form, as per tradition.

    All submissions must be related the The Mandalorian series. You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is February 1, 2021, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of February 6, 2021. Awards
    We are still waiting on a few things to have the awards system built into the forum software. I don't expect it to be there even by the time this contest is done, and I really apologize for that. I will do what I can to maybe come up with some temporary alternative in the meantime. I think having a badge on your profile for contest winners would be really cool, and I'm sure y'all would agree. Once it's implemented though, all previous contest winners will get their respective award, so don't worry.
    How do I submit my mod?
    Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries.

    Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to The Mandalorian Contest already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy hunting! 
    VOTE FOR THE BEST MOD | See all entries
    WINNER: Din Djarin by Doughnuts

    View full article
  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mandalorian in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    sad! well I have almost finished modelling the helmet in blender so I am of to a good start on Bo katan. maybe this link will work https://photos.app.goo.gl/d76DaQ2wPnZT6Xxz9
  23. Circa liked a post in a topic by TDG in Let's talk about Star Wars Legends/the Expanded Universe   
    Hello Circa,
    Sorry for the late response.
    There you mention some of the things I feel that did not help make SWTOR an interesting Star Wars game on its own. How some of these campaign storylines went, exaggerated story telling as you described it.
    But also a rehash of a lot of elements from the Original Trilogy time period.
    Sometimes I felt that SWTOR, at least the base game had to many plot lines and plot devices we had already seen before in the rest of the old EU.
    And also the large amount of them, being throw so rapidly one after another.
    The plot device of super weapons really went into overdrive.
    Now I do not hate stories involving superweapons as long as they are told well and it is done sparingly.
    But as you said, if people remembered that these devices had been around and been used during an interstellar war that affected most of the galaxy, or it was recorded in historical records the creation of the Death Star and what is was capable off would hardly concidered to be something new.
    Sure there has not been a planet destroying super weapon in a “while” galactic history speaking but there have been quite some of them, and not all needed a moon sized mobile space station.
    Even Dark Troopers are old news as the old Republic’s military had been working on super soldiers that can even take on Jedi and Sith.
    I enjoyed that KOTOR2 moved away from this, being for the most part a more low key experience for the player character until the battle of Telos during which our earlier decisions and actions play an important role in a major confrontation between the Republic and Sith remnant.
    The major battle feels more exciting because it is a rare thing and there is a build up towards it.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by AuriusPheonix in The Mandalorian Mod Contest   
    I have a Cobb Vanth on my hard drive. Expect it lol ? 
  25. ZeroRaven liked a post in a topic by Circa in B1 Battle droid Revamp   
    Wow. I did not think I'd see this project see the light of day. Not because of you, but because we rarely see projects like this make it past the first step these days. This is really amazing.
    Might have to update my old Prequel Conversion Mod with this model!
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