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  1. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  2. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  3. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  4. PreFXDesigns liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  5. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Awesome submissions everyone, looks great! 
  6. SWPlex liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in Andor - a Star Wars series on Disney+   
    Okay, now that I've watched the first four episodes, here are my impressions so far:
  8. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in Andor - a Star Wars series on Disney+   
    We've had a couple trailers now of this series. If you aren't aware, this is about the character from Rogue One, Cassian Andor and the very early days of the Rebellion Alliance forming. From the looks of the trailers, the cast is pretty big with new and old characters, so its not just all about Cassian, which I think is good. Mon Mothma and Saw Garrera are back and looks like a ton of new characters, locations, and vehicles.
    First three episodes air on September 21st!
    I'm amped for this series. It looks like a spy thriller sort of show, which I'm all in for. I loved Cassian and Rogue One, so I think this has potential to be excellent. It looks like even in a familiar era that still seems to be overdone these days, this looks very unique and gritty and a breath of fresh air in terms of new locations and characters. Can't wait!
  9. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: September 2022   
    An interesting month, to say the least.
    This month at last saw to the beginning of production for the long-awaited Father vs. Son remake. So far, progress has been relatively smooth, with a number of improvements made to allow for a much more authentic experience.
    With the help of our mapper Lwkill, sound editor Commander Langz, and of course the Movie Battles II team, we have successfully begun the process of remaking the mission with a much higher standard of quality never before seen in any of our other missions.
    For starters, thanks to the Movie Battles II team, we have been able to remake the mission on their map depicting the Emperor's Throne Room from Return of the Jedi. We are very grateful that they are allowing us to use their map for this mission and we cannot thank them enough.
    Furthermore, our sound editor Commander LangZ has taken the time to use a 3rd party site to remove all background audio from the audio clips. This practice will be used in future missions (and re-iterating our previous ones) to get as clear a sound as possible without needing to rely on film rips with (possibly) overlapping music tracks or more in the background. Another user has already provided us with the audio used in all of our current missions, and we will be applying them soon.
    You can view our first set of changes here:
    Overall progress has reached the walkway cutscene (where Vader throws his lightsaber), and we suspect the rest of the mission shouldn't take too long to complete.

    Introduced with Duel of the Fates back in our initial release in December 2020, we do have extended endings planned for all possible endings for Father vs. Son. However, this has forced us to make an important decision.
    The original mission featured 7 possible endings, with 2 possible for Luke, 2 for Vader, and 3 for Palpatine. However, after much time contemplating, in order to reach the best quality we can, the number of possible endings will be reduced to 4 from the original 7, with an official Palpatine POV being scrapped (and instead being unlocked through one of Vader's endings).
    We did this as we felt many of the intended endings would feel too similar to each other, and we wanted the freedom to tell a unique story for each character.
    Unfortunately this was not a month without some degree of drama. After a lengthy discussion with the Knights of the Force 2.1 leadership, we have been asked to fully redesign a number of our menus, including (but not limited to):
    - Character Selection
    - NPC spawner
    - Mission Selection
    As of writing this article, Knights of the Force 2.1 has been re-uploaded to Moddb and Nexus Mods featuring all content developed by the Galactic Legacy team up until the split (which we didn't consent to). As Fire Phoenix has insisted on believing that our menus are direct copycats of his, we have been forced to take action.
    Phoenix (as of writing this) has agreed to remove all of our content from KotF 2.1 provided we remake the aforementioned menus (and probably some others) from scratch, which we always intended to do so, but hoped to postpone. Regardless, we have already begun the process of remaking the Character selection menu, with the menu featuring a specific character already nearing completion.
    Below is a current WIP screenshot of the new menu, we will show more as we continue to develop. As these changes are currently conditional of us completing our next update, we will not be able to continue work on anything else until the menus are remade (which is a good thing because we're currently awaiting new content for the Father vs. Son remake which will take its own time).

    We're currently also going over some new characters for the mod (as we so often like to do). Below is a small list of some of the characters we should be introducing soon:
    - Cato Parasitti
    - Cydon Prax
    - Dash Rendar
    - Darth Chratis
    - Resistance Trooper
    - Githany
    - Luke Skywalker (Heir to the Empire)
    We will of course list more as new characters are added.
    These menu overhauls are something we've been wanting to do for a very long time and we can't wait to show off more, this along with the Father vs. Son remake, and the next update should hopefully be a very exciting one.
    We have a few other things on the backburner right now which I'm not comfortable to reveal at the moment, but as always you can reach us here and our Discord server and we'll be more than happy to answer your questions.
    Thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  10. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Hey folks, a new contest has been long overdue, I know. I meant to start this one up shortly after the last one but too many things took my attention away. I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. 😅 No summer themed contest this year, but that could be up to you depending on your submission.
    Everyone likes mod contests but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and try something different. We have a decent number of in-game photographers, digital artists, and lots of creative people that could make this one really cool.
    Essentially this is a contest for who can make the best Jedi Knight-related poster/banner for JKHub. I’ve been wanting something really nice and flashy looking to use for the front page and for social media accounts, and I made one really quick back when we launched the new theme. I can probably spend a lot more time on making a better one, but I figured it would be much better to involve the community.
    This isn’t just to win and get the award badge on your profile. This will be the new banner on the front page of JKHub in place of the existing one and will be used on social media.
    So what qualifies as a banner?
    An image in PNG or PSD format. Dimensions at minimum 3200px X 2000px with 72ppi (more is okay). Aspect ratio of 16:10. If you include text, you must also include a textless version. If you include a signature, make it unobtrusive but still legible. Must be related to the Jedi Knight series (particularly Outcast & Academy), including characters, locations, weapons, items, etc. Multiple entries are allowed. Additional orientations are allowed, but a horizontal 16:10 is required. Upload in a ZIP file to ensure no unnecessary compression is added anywhere. No pornographic or ultra violent subjects or content allowed. Huge bonus points if you make a version for each major season of the year or holidays. The deadline to submit is September 24th, 2022. After which we will sort through all submissions over the following days and announce the winner then. By submitting to this contest, you are fully aware that your art will be used by us, for JKHub. Full credit to you will be given when and where possible.
    We also reserve the position to not choose any submissions, or to choose multiple. If none are chosen, you still get an award badge and be featured on the contests page. All submissions will be displayed on a page when the contest concludes.
    Need inspiration?
    Here’s an album full of the kinds of things I’m looking for. Something like a movie poster or something very cinematic-looking. You can take screenshots in-game, post them in ModView, digital paint, Blender, literally anything.
    Poster examples and inspirations
    How to submit?
    You can submit like a normal contest: in the Files section in the Contest Entries category. You can use the button below. You must submit the PNG or PSD file in a ZIP compressed folder file. Include all versions of your work in one zip file. If you are submitting multiple works, please submit them separately. 
    EDIT: Results are in! Click below or scroll down to see the submissions and winners!
    See results and winners

    View full article
  11. Zelanter liked a post in a topic by Circa in Issue with running the mod   
    Nothing should go in base unless you plan on playing the base game. If you're only going to be playin JAEnhanced, your other pk3s can go in the jaenhanced folder, although it does load pk3s from both, it does not load DLLs from both.
    The folder structure in the ZIP file is how it should be in your GameData alongside the base folder. The readme says to drop everything in GameData and that should be all you need to do.

    Not sure what else to tell you, other than make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. Maybe try launching the .exe as administrator.
    You should try going to Documents/My Games/jaenhanced and deleting the files in there as well, its possible you had a weird graphics setting causing it.
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Bubbles in Andor modding ideas.   
    Well we got 3 episodes out now, So, why not make a topic about stuff you think is cool and would like to see in the game.
    I like the Bryrar pistol. It looks slightly difference to the one in game. (I presume it is a Bryar pistol lol)

    I also think the Uniform of the Imperial Mining guards was pretty cool.

  13. Vermillion liked a post in a topic by Circa in A few questions about shaders   
    The best way to learn shaders (or modding in general) is to find something someone else has made and see how they did it. The Shadow troooper stealth effect in JK2 is close to what you're looking for, which is the same as the saboteur stealth effect in JKA. It's called "cloakedShader" found in effects.shader.
  14. Circa liked a post in a topic by SdeltroomT in ꜱᴅᴇʟᴛʀᴏᴏᴍᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱʜᴏᴘ²   


  15. Mizopolak liked a post in a topic by Circa in Hello I need help with setting up the model   
    Are you using Blender? You can read about that problem and the solution here:
  16. Mizopolak liked a post in a topic by Circa in Hello I need help with setting up the model   
    If you're using an old version of the plugin, then yes. The link to the most recent version is in that thread I linked.
    For the alpha channel shader, it should look like this I believe (path to texture is placeholder):
    models/players/person/texture_alpha { cull disable { map models/players/person/texture_alpha alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen lightingDiffuse } }  
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by SephFF in SephFF's WIP   
    added skybox
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mandalorian in The Mandalorian   
  19. Mandalorian liked a post in a topic by Circa in The Mandalorian   
    Trailer for season 3 finally dropped!
    Looking real nice! More Mandalore and Mando culture is going to be refreshing.
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by KhorneSyrup in (WIP) More Imperials   
    To Do: 
    Minor Mesh fixes. (100/100%)
    Adjust model weighting some more (80/100%)
    Leg Textures (100/100%)
    Shaders (0/100%)
    More skins. (0/100%)
    NPCs (0/100%)
    Almost there. Remaining tasks should be quick. Hopefully I can release this weekend or next weekend. we'll see.
  21. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    Yes! And Kejim is literally just Kevin + Jim. 😂
  22. MaceMadunusus liked a post in a topic by Circa in Master list of skyboxes   
    We got a report that many of the skyboxes in this pack were taken without permission from the original authors. I'm hiding the link and locking this thread.
    Ask for permission people. You can't just take other people's work with 0 credit or permission.
  23. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in SWGL Downloads   
    Patch Notes - 09/02/2022
    - NEW MISSION: THE LAST JEDI; With the Resistance cornered, Luke Skywalker confronts his nephew Ben Solo on the salt-covered world of Crait to allow the Resistance time to escape.
    - RESTORED MISSION: FATHER VS. SON; Restored after initially being cut, relive the iconic duel in Return of the Jedi, play as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, or Emperor Palpatine as you partake in the duel that decides the balance of the Force.

    DISCLAIMER: The Father vs. Son mission is a direct port from the original mission released in Knights of the Force 2.1. As such, no changes to the original mission (except for the addition of the end credits and Luke's saber actually moving during a cutscene) have been made. Any and all remaining bugs will not be addressed in lieu of the Father vs. Son remake coming at a later date.

    - NEW LANGUAGE SUPPORT: FRENCH; Galactic Legacy propose désormais un support en français!
    - Jaden will no longer activate his lightsaber and turn in a strange direction during the opening cutscene.
    - Replaced the dead Jedi with KOTOR-accurate Jedi because IT'S. MORE. CANON!
    - Added NPC barriers to prevent non-player characters from falling off the map or falling into areas of the map they can't get out of easily.
    - Fixed clipping geometry in the map to make destroying the Jedi tanks significantly easier, including adding the ability to strike the Jedi with a Lightsaber possible or with Force Lightning much easier.
    - Changed NPC teams for the cutscene NPCs for Revan vs. Malak so they look in the direction they're supposed to more often.
    - Rewrote the overall scripting logic for Stage 3, which should prevent soft-locks with Darth Malak if the player destroys specific Jedi tanks.
    - Fixed an audio issue where Malak's final two lines of dialogue in the first cutscene were clipping suddenly.
    - Changed Revan's lightsaber hilt to the correct hilt in all cutscenes.
    - Cutscene NPCs of Revan and Malak should no longer make sounds when accidentally hit by force powers during normal gameplay.
    - Added Darth Malak's previously cut "Savior, Conqueror, Hero, Villain" line as a taunt to be played at some point during Stage 2 (The ambush stage).
    - When selecting Lord Vader's POV for the first time, a pop-up will display explaining the exclusive buff to Force Grip during the mission.
    - Replaced Eeth Koth and Luminara Unduli in the final scene with A'Sharad Hett and Shaak Ti.
    - Added Serra Keto, Cin Drallig, and Yaddle to the final scene.
    - Meetra Surik (Updated model)
    - Darth Plagueis (New Model)
    - Darth Talon (Galaxy of Heroes)
    - Darth Tenebrous
    - Exar Kun (New Model)
    - Freedon Nadd
    - Sith Trooper (Darth Krayt's Empire)
    - Anakin Skywalker (Redeemed, Original)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Shadow Collective Armor)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exile)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Hermit)
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jabiim)
    - Plo Koon (Jedi Power Battles)
    - Tera Sinube
    - Cara Dune
    - Iden Versio (Rebel)
    - Juno Eclipse (Updated model + moved)
    - Leia Organa (Lothal)
    - Luke Skywalker (Crystal Star)
    - Rebel Assault Commando
    - Rebel Infiltrator
    - Rianna Saren
    - Rebel Spec Force
    - Rebel Spec Force Marine
    - Iden Versio
    - Imperial Officers (Updated Models)
    - Lumiya (Model Update)
    - Reva/Third Sister
    - TIE Pilot (Updated Models)
    - Finn (Resistance Hero)
    - Ben Solo (Pre-fall)
    - Ren
    - Supreme Leader Snoke (Black Robe)
    - Black Krrsantan
    - Gerevick
    - Bando Gora Slave
    - Burg
    - Guri
    - Pyke Syndicate Members
    - Q9-0
    - Trandoshan (KOTOR)
    - Xi'an
    - Zarien Kheev
    - Doogo
    - Kimmi Chyler
    - Pax Bonkik
    - Laigrek
    - Terentatek
    - Willrow Hood
    - Din Djarin (Pre-Beskar)
    - Nightsister
    All lightsabers have been assigned appropriately to their respective characters
    - Ady Sun'Zee
    - Anakin Skywalker (Updated Model)
    - Chop'aa Notimo's Staff
    - Dan G'vash
    - Darth Bane (Renamed original hilt to Darth Bane (Curved))
    - Darth Talon's Lightsaber (Updated Model)
    - Fourth Sister
    - Grand Inquisitor (Added new Rebels entry)
    - Halcyon Training Saber
    - Jedi Temple Guard (Rebels)
    - Luke Skywalker (ESB) (Updated Model)
    - Lumiya's lightwhip
    - Maris Brood (Updated Model)
    - Mother Talzin's spirit blade
    - Nari
    - Ninth Sister
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Exile)
    Rey (TFA + TROS) (Updated Models)
    - Second Sister
    - Sharad Hett
    - Tajin Crosser
    - Tera Sinube
    - Third Sister
    - The Mandalorian: Calodan
    - Cloud City
    - The Last Jedi: Snoke's Throne Room (Updated)
    - The Quad
    - Mysteries of the Sith: Sith Catacombs
    - Mercenary Battle
    - Wrecked Alien Spacecraft
    - Rebels: World Between Worlds
    - Rebels: Jedi Training Room
    - Asteroid 77
    - Asteroid H5
    - Cavrilhu Pirate Base
    - Faru
    - Padme's Apartment
    - Project Rocketlauncher (with NPCs)
    - Carida Academy
    - RPG Dreadnaught
    - RPG Yalara
    - Star Destroyer II
    - The Great Palace
    - Vong Death Duel Arena
    - YT-2000e
    - Force Destruction now requires a minimum of 70 force points in order to cast it.
    - Increased force power cost from 30 to 40 (given the OP nature of the power).
    All NPCs removed have been removed in lieu of the currently functionality of the NPC Free Choice System
    - Finn (Lightsaber)
    - Aurra Sing (Sniper)
    - Re-designed General Grievous's 4-arm lightsaber to change the hilts to more prequel-accurate hilts.
    - General Grievous's 4-armed lightsabers can no longer be thrown and the kata move has been changed to the dual-saber spin attack.
    - Fixed an issue with General Skywalker's Cloaked skin where his boots were showing up as an invalid texture.
    - Corrected several instances where customizable models were not showing the correct options.
    - Corrected a shader issue which was causing most EG-5 Hunter Droid appearances to appear strange.
    - Updated Moff Gideon's hand texture to better reflect his overall skin color
    - Removed several redundant multiplayer models of characters with unique animations
    - Added a glowing effect to Sith Eternal Emperor Palpatine's eyes, better reflecting his appearance from The Rise of Skywalker.
    - Fixed a Shader issue with Supreme Leader Snoke so his specular maps apply as intended.
    The following characters have been assigned the KOTOR Stance Animations
    - Alek Squinquargesimus
    - Atris
    - Atton Rand
    - Bao-Dur
    - Bastila Shan
    - Brianna
    - Calo Nord
    - Canderous Ordo/Mandalore the Preserver
    - Carth Onasi
    - Cassus Fett
    - Czerka Corporation Guard
    - Dark Jedi
    - Darth Malak (Modified)
    - Darth Nihilus
    - Darth Revan/Jedi Knight Revan
    - Darth Sion
    - Darth Sion (TFU)
    - Darth Traya/Kreia
    - Dorak
    - Dustil Onasi
    - Jedi Exile
    - Jolee Bindo
    - Jorak Uln
    - Juhani
    - KOTOR Jedi Knights
    - Mandalore the Ultimate
    - Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders
    - Meetra Surik
    - Mical
    - Mira
    - Mission Vao
    - Queen Talia
    - Republic Soldiers/Telos Guards
    - Saul Karath
    - Sith Assassin
    - Sith Commander
    - Sith Officer
    - Sith Warrior
    - Taris Swoop Gang Members
    - Trask Ulgo
    - Teer'aa & Seer'aa
    - Vandar Tokare
    - Visas Marr
    - Vrook Lamar
    - Yuthura Ban
    - Zaalbar
    - Zhar Lestin
    All maps with intended death drops will now kill the player or npcs instead of healing them.
    The following maps have been addressed regarding vehicles crashing the game if a respawning vehicle was present
    - Battle of Hoth
    - Battlefront Yavin
    - Battle of Geonosis
    - Battle over Coruscant
    - Boonta Eve
    - Coruscant Speedway
    - Coruscant Streets
    - Jurancor Park
    - Korriban Citadel
    - Mos Kreetle
    - Naboo Palace
    - Tatooine Outskirts
    - Trade Federation Ship v1
    - Utapau
    The following maps have been addressed and will no longer boot the player to the main menu when attempting to access them through the Create Game menu.
    - Alzoc III Spaceport
    - Bloodmine Shaft
    - Coruscant Heights
    - Crait
    - Dark Temple
    - Davik's Estate
    - Eternal Lair of Ragnos's Disciples
    - Emperor's Throne Room
    - Eurocorp Citadel
    - Gulf of Souls
    - Ilum
    - Inferno
    - Jedi Temple Training Room
    - Jedi Trial Arena
    - Talon Karrde's Lair
    - KOTOR II Pack (Some removed, others fixed)
    - Project: Rocketlauncher
    - Sultanate of Ruusan
    - Shola Sith Temple
    - Sith Temple v2
    - The Bridge
    - The Last command
    - Twilight on Tatooine
    - Underground Fortress
    - Vader's Meditation Chamber
    - Vjun Meditation Chamber
    - Fixed an issue with vehicles respawning on top of each other, causing the game to crash.
    - Changed the swoops intended to spawn to a version that actually exists in the game.
    - Fixed an issue where the swoop bikes would infinitely destroy themselves and respawn every single swoop, causing crashing.
    - Fixed an invalid Millenium Falcon spawner.
    - Removed the initial music from the map featuring film audio from Return of the Jedi.
    - Fixed the previously added waypoints, connecting them together better.
    - Lengthened the depth of the chasm between the inner section and outer ring, creating a new death drop.
    - Added NPC barriers to prevent them from falling where they shouldn't.
    - Improved the lighting of the map.
    - Removed the dead Jedi in the machines.
    - Updated Force Fear's level descriptions to accurately represent the power's current behavior.
    - Corrected an issue where the warning screen was not displaying when changing certain graphical options in the menu.
    - Fixed some menu syntax to allow for more rapid scrolling through the menus instead of needing to slightly move the mouse in order to progress.
    - Removed a pointless "Apply" button located in the main character selection.
    - Clicking on a character will no longer immediately change your character, requiring you to click on the "Apply" button to apply your changes. Done in order to encourage browsing characters.
    - Fixed an annoying bug where it was impossible to click on the same character twice after selecting them in the menu.
    - Characters with a random lightsaber color (such as generic Jedi) will no longer show a raving lightsaber blade.
    - It is now possible to exit the character selection menus by pressing the Esc key, as intended.
    - Fixed an issue where Bastila Shan's Jedi appearance was not appearing under the Skins section as intended.
    - When selecting a new Skin for a character (where applicable), the name title for the character will no longer change unless the appearance is clicked on.
    - The last page visited in the menu will be saved and will open when re-accessing the menu.

    - Fixed a syntax issue where the Kneel action for the "Gravely Wounded Behavior" was not working as intended.
    - Removed a blank option in the Gravely Wounded Behavior options
    - Added some additional menu commands allowing you to rapidly use the arrows to scroll instead of needing to "slightly" move your mouse to continue scrolling through the menu.
    - In an effort to encourage browsing, NPCs selected in the menu will no longer immediately be assigned to the Quick Spawn button unless spawned.
    - The last page visited in the menu will be saved and will open when re-accessing the menu.
    - Fixed a bug with the lightsaber menu where the secondary lightsaber for the dual saber selection was not changing to the selected hilt as intended.
    - Added some additional menu commands allowing you to rapidly use the arrows to scroll instead of needing to "slightly" move your mouse to continue scrolling through the menu.
    - Selecting a lightsaber will no longer change your saber unless you directly apply the changes.
    - The secondary lightsaber will no longer disappear when choosing to edit your primary lightsaber.
    - Added some additional menu commands allowing you to rapidly use the arrows to scroll instead of needing to "slightly" move your mouse to continue scrolling through the menu.
    - Fixed an issue where 3 Republic Commando-related maps were not loading as intended.
    - Added some additional menu commands allowing you to rapidly use the arrows to scroll instead of needing to "slightly" move your mouse to continue scrolling through the menu.
    - Fixed multiple faulty music entries in the music menu, including adding missing tracks from The Last Jedi, removing music no longer in the mod, removing duplicate tracks, adding or replacing missing tracks, and fixing music that wasn't recognized as valid or (in the case of KOTOR: The Old Republic) ear rapey.
    - Removed an unintended option to select the Lightsaber in the weapon selection menu which would cause the weapon menu to glitch out.
    The following characters have had their soundsets updated or have had brand new ones created
    - Darth Desolous
    - Darth Phobos
    - Kira Carsen
    - Komari Vosa
    - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
    - Merged R2-D2's Dagobah appearance to the main model, making it an additional skin instead of a separate model and NPC.
    The following models have been addressed and should no longer appear without textures when loading a save game with them present.
    - Meetra Surik
    - Nomi Sunrider
    - Revan
    - Darth Traya
    - Ulic Qel-Droma
    - Darth Krayt
    - Darth Kruhl
    - Captain Argyus
    - Neimodian Security
    - Magnaguard
    - Battle Droids
    - EG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid
    - Chop'aa Notimo
    - Shadow Collective Member
    - Yuuzhan Vong
    - Emperor Palpatine (Emperor and Senate skins)
    - Deathtrooper (Commander)
    - Purge Trooper (Commander)
    - Luke Skywalker (ROTJ)
    - Lando Calrissian
    - Rebel Commando
    - Ben Skywalker (Robe skin)
    - Sith Eternal Emperor Palpatine
    - Kylo Ren
    - First Order Stormtrooper
    - Pre Vizsla
    - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader
    - Anakin Skywalker (Dark Lord)
    - Dark Starkiller Clone (Default appearance)
    - Basil Bonehead/Ermaxis Raygon
    - Nosaurian Jedi
    - Zabrak Jedi
    - Chistori Jedi
    - Nautolan Jedi
    - A'sharad Hett
    - 501st Named Clones (Kix, Hardcase, etc)
    - 41st Elite Corps
    - 501st Assassin (Sharpshooter renamed to sniper)
    - 501st ARC Trooper (Bow_dirty renamed to bow_dirt)
    - 501st Clone Trooper
    - 91st Recon Corps
    - SCUBA Trooper
    - Lord Vader (Sith eye skins renamed and shortened, burned renamed to burnt)
    - Desert Clone Troopers
    - Bail Organa
    - Captain Typho
    - Captain Keeli
    - Clone Trooper (Phase I)
    - Clone Shadowtrooper
    - Custom Clone Trooper
    - Coleman Trebor
    - Commander Bly
    - Commander Doom
    - Commander Fil
    - Hound
    - Commander Stone
    - Commander Thire
    - Commander Thorn
    - Commander Trauma
    - General Kenobi
    - Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS) (Battleworn skin renamed to Worn)
    - Ithorian Jedi (Robed skin renamed to Robe)
    - Kamino Security Trooper
    - Padme Amidala (Geonosis and Nightgown)
    - Senate Commando
    - Senator Blount (Aide appearance renamed to Aid)
    - Senator Tikkes (Aide appearance renamed to Aid)
    - Registered several models with custom animations in the code which were preventing them from working properly in the Jedi Academy campaign, such as Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and Jabba the Hutt.
    - Fixed a crash-to-menu issue where character models with a model_sp.glm file would crash to menu if accessed through the Jedi Academy campaign.
    - Improved the overall functionality of the playermodel command, resetting the player's force powers and preventing dual sabers from carrying over to characters who aren't dual wielding sabers.
    - Keeping faithful to Grievous, Grievous's 4-armed lightsaber colors will be determined by the player's primary and secondary lightsaber colors OR the player's choice for Grievous's primary and secondary lightsaber colors when spawning his NPC.
    - Jedi and Sith NPCs should no longer use Force Stasis, Destruction, Blast, or Fear while firing Force Lightning.
    - Updated icarus script commands to allow the use of Force Blast, Fear, Lightning Strike, and Destruction through scripts.
    - Gave Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo force powers as intended.
    - Gave all NPCs Force Sense and Mind Trick where applicable.
    - Updated Eeth Koth's biography to reflect his fate as depicted in the 2017 Darth Vader series issue #19
    - Renamed the "Star Wars KOTOR" category in the Mission select menu to "The Old Republic"
    - Fixed a texture issue with the datapad which was causing it to appear strange.
    - It is no longer possible to access the invisible lightsaber model in Multiplayer.
    - To reflect accuracy to the films and TV shows, Emperor Palpatine's lightning color has been reverted from purple back to blue on all variations.
    - Added a missing description for The Ren's lightsaber.
    - Refactored and renamed a number of models that would appear textureless when saving and loading a game while using them.
    - Removed several multiplayer-only models of Galactic Republic characters
    - Removed an outdated Jango Fett model that is no longer being used.
    - Replaced Ermaxis Raygon's lightsaber with a new model.
    - Selecting the Dark Jedi Female in character selection will now give you a lightsaber as intended.
    - Corrected Darth Jadus's character entry where his lightsaber color wouldn't changed to red as intended.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by KhorneSyrup in (WIP) More Imperials   
    Thank you, should be fixed now.
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