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Everything posted by Circa

  1. It is a little complicated if you're new to modding in general, but it is quite rewarding once you figure it out. It's much easier nowadays with Blender than it used to be with 3DS Max or other older programs that required you to completely re-weight everything. I can move this to the requests section if you'd prefer, to see if someone more familiar with Blender would do it for you. For someone familiar enough it would probably take a matter of minutes. I may even take a stab at it if I have some time later. Also @Starwalker1192 this appears to be the model you are wanting. You could probably just restore the original textures for Kyle's head and IB's body and it should work unless they changed more than it looks. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2480-dark-forces-ii-kyle-katarn-with-jacket/
  2. Ha! Amazing. I do plan on fixing it at some point, I just need to get back to it. Also have a few other entity mods in the works as well.
  3. I'm only aware of one room doing this (the Yavin duel room), are you certain all of the new areas are doing it?
  4. I believe that's what the NPC called player is for.
  5. You are probably better off joining the JK discord if you want quicker help. Forums are not the best if you are wanting instant responses. I have no idea why it wouldn't be working, as far as I know that code wasn't touched in JAEnhanced but I could be wrong. It's more of a gimmick command than actually useful most of the time, imo. See if it's worth the trouble in OpenJK or for vanilla JKA. I remember trying it once back in the day, thinking "huh, kinda cool" and then turning it off.
  6. If you are still using all of the PK3's, you can simply stay on 1.1. Nothing changed in the code, it merely is a PK3 reorganization so people can use the client standalone. If you aren't using it standalone and it is causing problems, better to just stick to 1.1. Not sure what would be causing that to happen though, since that is all that changed.
  7. I also really wanted this to be a thing, I figured changing the notInMP to 0 would work if it was uploaded to the server but even that doesn't work. To my understanding it would need to be changed client side for it to show up. So if OpenJK or EternalJK changed it, majority of players would see it. But it probably won't happen unless you convince either EternalJK or OpenJK people to do it, and last time I asked I was told no. Would be great to have Luke, Desann, and Reborn sabers unlocked since they are already there.
  8. Hm, I think it was because it was a non-https link. I fixed that, try now. It works for me.
  9. It is linked in the tutorial.
  10. Is there a model you like that already exists? You could use this tutorial to get it to work with just console commands if you want:
  11. The only way to see servers in the server list on jamp is to download a servercache.dat from the bottom of this page and put in your Gamedata folder, but that list won't be a live updated version so you'd need to update it every so often. The underlying problem is that the official master server gets attacked and goes offline very frequently, and the developer doesn't prioritize getting it back online. For some reason the attackers don't do the same to the JO one, so it is still up (for now), but it does go down often as well. Alternatively you can just go to the web server list and manually type in IP addresses of servers that you want to connect to.
  12. Here's a quick short video showing some key parts of the stream!
  13. I recommend reading through the tutorials in our tutorial section that you posted to. https://jkhub.org/tutorials/mapping/ Specifically the Rich Diesal pages, as he explains basic stuff in a simple way. That's how I learned the basics of mapping. The site is super old looking because it was made when JK2 came out. https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/richdiesal.htm I also recommend joining the JKCommunity Discord if you have Discord, which will have people there that can help you when you get stuck more quickly.
  14. What files? The whole MD folder should have all of the pk3 files that it came with. The MD-default.cfg is in the MD_Assets.pk3 file. It should just be as simple as moving the MD folder from the ZIP file you downloaded into the Gamedata folder. Make sure all of the MD pk3 files are in that MD folder.
  15. Yes, though it is not a very smooth transition right now which is probably why it isn't default. You'll need to put this command in the console: cg_trueinvertsaber 1 I have no idea why the command is called that but it should do what you want, just with a slight stutter between switching from a weapon to the saber.
  16. Movie Battles II and most conversion mods with their own clients have their own folder that sits alongside the base folder. So pk3's would go in that. As far as tutorials for modding it goes, they only have a couple differences, otherwise it's the same. Not a lot is discussed about MBII here, you are better off heading over to their forum if you have questions about their mod. https://community.moviebattles.org/
  17. This is what it should look like. It makes the glow bigger and more full.
  18. According to your screenshot, dynamic glow is disabled in the settings. It says so in the console. Keep in mind older integrated graphics don't support dynamic glow.
  19. The first save of that mission. If none of those solutions work, I'm not sure what else to do to help. It worked for me. Sorry. Maybe someone else will know more.
  20. So I had this problem on OpenJK, not JAEnhanced. I have no idea what causes it but my fix was start a new config. Go to Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced/jaenhanced/ and open jaenhanced_sp.cfg with Notepad. Scroll down past the lines that start with bind (these are your control key binds) and find the lines that start with seta. Delete every line that starts with seta. Save the file and launch the game. Downside is your graphics settings will be reset but this method you won't lose your binds. If that still doesn't work, you can try renaming it the file so it creates a whole new one. I recommend starting the mission over from the beginning when trying again. You will know it worked when you see this in the first main big room (NOT after you already went through and broke the things in your screenshot above): Instead of this:
  21. Most people complain about these games being too easy, so this is kind of a rare request. If you're playing on Jedi Knight difficulty and wanting it easier, no shame in lowering that. No mods do what you want that I know of. Part of the charm of these games is the older gun play, so nobody has really looked into changing it, at least not for the base game. Gunslinger's Academy changed a lot of gun mechanics, and I believe JKGalaxies does as well but those are for Academy and are conversion mods so don't really apply here.
  22. This isn’t a JAEnhanced exclusive bug, it happens in base JKA as well. The only solution is to restart the mission, don’t load a checkpoint or a quick save, start the first vjun2 save in your list. You could try using the command cam_disable and cam_enable but I doubt that will work.
  23. After a lot of requests from the community since v1.1 came out last year, I went through and did my best to make more things optional, so if you want a more vanilla experience with some of the core improvements JAEnhanced has like widescreen, RGB SFX sabers, bug fixes, etc., you can now do that. All optional PK3's have been moved to an "Optional" folder which you can pick and choose which ones you want or don't want. By default they are all in that folder so they are disabled. List of optional features: New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ New lightsaber hilts from around the Star Wars universe, even the Expanded Universe and new canon, all thanks to Plasma’s lightsaber pack. Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful A small change was also made to the Minimal dismemberment setting to be g_dismemberment 0 rather than 2. Keep in mind you MUST have zZZ_jaenhanced.pk3, that one is not optional. 1.2 is a small update but hopefully this makes some players happy that didn't want too much of the bloat that we added as part of this project but like the core features. Please let me know if you run into any issues after this update. I tested some key things but not everything.
  24. After a lot of requests from the community since v1.1 came out last year, I went through and did my best to make more things optional, so if you want a more vanilla experience with some of the core improvements JAEnhanced has like widescreen, RGB SFX sabers, bug fixes, etc., you can now do that. All optional PK3's have been moved to an "Optional" folder which you can pick and choose which ones you want or don't want. By default they are all in that folder so they are disabled. List of optional features: New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ New lightsaber hilts from around the Star Wars universe, even the Expanded Universe and new canon, all thanks to Plasma’s lightsaber pack. Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful A small change was also made to the Minimal dismemberment setting to be g_dismemberment 0 rather than 2. Keep in mind you MUST have zZZ_jaenhanced.pk3, that one is not optional. 1.2 is a small update but hopefully this makes some players happy that didn't want too much of the bloat that we added as part of this project but like the core features. Please let me know if you run into any issues after this update. I tested some key things but not everything. Download Jedi Academy: Enhanced
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