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Everything posted by Circa

  1. It was probably his monitor. Most monitors have an auto adjustment feature.
  2. Do you have any other mod that changes Luke's appearance? It sounds like something is interfering. Does the lightsaber hilt that comes with it work? Type in saber luke_rotj and see if it's the more accurate hilt instead of the blocky one that is already ingame.
  3. That's looking pretty great! Keep it up!
  4. Yeah, try that and report back. Maybe the file itself is incorrect. That happens sometimes.
  5. Toshi's Luke: it has to be an issue with the file structure. Any HS Anakin model reskin: You have to remove the * from the r_hand tag in the skin files. It's from a modeling error I believe.
  6. Single Player mods. As in new levels and missions.
  7. I'm not surprised. Things like this happened before Disney took over. I didn't think Club Penguin was all that popular anyway...
  8. It's here on JKHub. You should look before posting. https://jkhub.org/files/file/777-new-force-lightning-pack-2/
  9. I can try to from the Void, as I used to have a profile there when it was flourishing with life. I'll post here if he gets back to me.
  10. I'm so glad they didn't use this concept for Vader. :wacko:
  11. Here's Toshi's Luke from ROTJ. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1006-toshi39s-rotj-luke-skywalker/ It doesn't really have what you want though. It's a simple concept for a skilled modeler, which I am not. Darth Shiftee is known for combining models, especially with robes. He's the one to ask, although I have given him a couple requests and he hasn't told me he's done anything with them so he's probably too busy. You could still ask though.
  12. Ah yes. I forgot about that. I didn't even know he finished it. Apparently he submitted it to MBII as well, but it's not in it. Have you tried emailing him?
  13. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/23pioqfkqudftaq/jedi_costumization_plusfd.zip?dl=1
  14. I wasn't going to correct you, but since you typed it twice: It's spelled "bored", as in feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity. A "board" is a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes. Just helping you out. As far as my ideas, it's kind of what eezstreet was saying from a coding perspective, except mine is just a modding perspective. I play the game (usually SP) and think "Wouldn't this be a cool feature?" or "The game would look better with this", etc.
  15. The Mac Game Store site is having a sale, including JO, JA, TFU, and KOTOR for very cheap! http://www.macgamestore.com/listing/Specials/

    1. Monkee


      I doubt I would buy from the App Store seeing as how Mac ports have so many issues. More likely, I would buy from Steam, where I have the option of the PC platform; therefor I mitigate any loss by games that fail on Mac.

    2. Circa


      It's not the App Store, it's a site called Mac Game Store that sells digital downloads. Also, I've never really had issues with Mac games compared to PC games.

  16. Does nobody else think this guy is a bit creepy?
  17. My eyes literally hurt after attempting to read that. What's the point?
  18. As far as the Aurebesh/English arguement goes: You could have the main important things in Aurebesh and then the English translation below them. That would look pretty cool.
  19. Eh. The default looks better in my opinion.
  20. Me either. Or I didn't think it worked anyway.
  21. @@Inyri knows more about modding KOTOR than anyone here, but what you'll need is the KOTOR Tool. It's hard to find to download because many of the sites that hosted it are down. So I uploaded it for you. KOTOR Tool You can look up how to do that stuff elsewhere and maybe make a thread here if you are wanting to do it for JA, but not this thread.
  22. If an iPad port of JA is possible, Aspyr is the one to do it. The KOTOR one looks great. I'm definitely going to buy it unless I can get one of the free codes they're giving away each day this weekend.
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